Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 244 My sister is the most annoying thing


King's Cross Station.

"Draco, when you go to Hogwarts, you will definitely be assigned to Slytherin. The headmaster of Slytherin is your godfather. You must work hard to practice. Remember, you are a pure-blooded Malfoy! "

Lucius Malfoy, who looked like an aristocrat, gave instructions before leaving.

"I know, father!"

The blond Draco smiled confidently.

"Draco, although Severus is your godfather, he is..."

Narcissa Malfoy on the side said this with concern on her face. She glanced at a lonely figure standing proudly in the distance and hesitated to speak.

"I know, Mom~"

Draco followed Narcissa's gaze and saw that she was thin and wearing a black magic robe.

At this time, the figure seemed to sense the gaze here, and slowly turned around, revealing a pair of sallow face and a pair of gloomy and cold eyes. It was the famous Potions Professor at Hogwarts, Hogwarts. The dean of Slytherin House, the four major colleges here, Severus Snape!

"Teach, godfather~"

Draco shuddered and shouted shakily.

Snape took one look and turned away, completely ignoring what Draco and his family meant.

"Draco, don't be afraid!"

Narcissa hugged Draco and whispered: "Your godfather just seems indifferent, but actually..."

Having said this, Narcissa did not dare to make Snape cold on the outside and hot on the inside, for fear that Draco would lose his awe and suffer a blow, so she could only comfort her helplessly: "As long as you are willing to work hard, with your pure-blood Malfoy's magical talent , will definitely make him look at you differently! By then, you will have a true godfather-godson relationship! Ultimately, the magical world is a world of the jungle, and with such a strong backing as your godfather, your future will definitely be much easier!"


Lucius was a little dissatisfied with Draco's cowardice.

"Mom, is the godfather more powerful than the father?"

Draco asked curiously.


Narcissa glanced apologetically at Lucius, who had an even uglier expression, and said tactfully: "Your father is better at maneuvering. In terms of magical attainments, your godfather is more focused."

"How does the Godfather compare to Dumbledore?"

Draco asked with bright eyes.

"Not comparable!"

A child is as good as a mother, so Narcissa quickly dismissed Draco's unrealistic idea of ​​pretending to be a bully. "Draco, you have to remember that although that despicable mudblood last time was arrogant and arrogant, she was right about one thing! That is Deng Xiaoping. Bullido is indeed very powerful! He is the number one person in the wizarding world! So you must not provoke him! Remember?"

"Remember, Mom!"

Draco agreed quickly.

"Your partner is calling you, go ahead!"

Narcissa touched Draco's head and smiled warmly.

"I am leaving!"

Draco ran quickly to the train, where two fat men stood waving vigorously.

"Why is Severus here?"

Looking at her son's back, and then at Snape who looked like a black shadow, Narcissa said worriedly: "Did something happen?"

This kind of job of picking up new students is not the turn of a big shot like Snape!

"have no idea."

Lucius' face was gloomy.

"Could it be..."

Narcissa hesitated to speak.


Lucius said flatly: "She is just a despicable mudblood, and she has just entered school. No matter how powerful she is, she can't attract Snape!"

"But she killed three vampires who were hundreds of years old..."

Narcissa said worriedly: "Have you seen, no, have you heard of such a thing? God knows who she is?"

Lucius was silent. He thought he had overestimated Hermione's strength. He used the power of Death Eaters to find three powerful vampires who were hundreds of years old to deal with Hermione who was only eleven years old and had not officially entered school. However, In the end, I found that he still underestimated her!

The strength of a vampire is directly proportional to its age. Even three vampires who are hundreds of years old must be on guard, and they may overturn if they are not careful!

What's more, teleportation speed is one of the standard abilities of vampires. Vampires are not beings whose glory is higher than their lives. If they can't be beaten, why can't they run away?

But the damn thing is, those three vampires disappeared from then on, as if they had never appeared.

This shocked Lucius. There were only two possibilities. One was that Hermione was protected by a strong person, and the other was that Hermione was the strong one!

Regardless of the possibility, in this era when the Dark Lord was lurking and the Death Eaters were severely injured, he could only stop and dare not provoke Hermione again!

What a shame for the arrogant pure-blood Malfoy. Fortunately, Lucius is a creature of power and quickly suppressed his extreme anger with reason!

Just ignore this mudblood, just like he has been too lazy to pay attention to Dumbledore and the others all these years, what's the problem...

In front of the wall at platform nine and three-quarters.

"it is true!"







A little boy with red hair was competing with a little girl with red hair.

"Okay, Ron, you are the brother, you have to save your sister!"

On the side, an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman couldn't help shouting: "Ginny, today is a good day for your brother Ron to enter school. Stop telling those stories!"

"Mom, those are not stories!"

The little girl named Ginny raised her beautiful brown eyes and said seriously: "Those are all true! The wizarding world has been ruled by witches from the beginning, and the truly powerful wizards are all witches!"


The red-haired boy named Ron shouted dissatisfied: "Merlin is the most powerful being in the wizarding world! He is a wizard!"

"Merlin is indeed powerful, but just because he is powerful, you cannot think that the wizard is powerful!"

Ginny retorted: "Haven't you heard that Merlin, like Dumbledore, became powerful because he favored witches?"


When the middle-aged woman heard this, she shouted with a very ugly face: "Ronald Biliers Weasley! Ginny Weasley!"


As soon as Ron heard his mother calling her full name, his neck shrank and he became frightened.


Ginny just snorted and glanced at Ron with disdain.


Ron was furious and cursed bitterly: "My sister is indeed the most annoying! And that hateful guy named Hermione actually said such words, which made Ginny completely change!" How well-behaved Ginny used to be!"

Ever since Hermione made those remarks at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley a few days ago that subverted the views of countless people, it instantly caused a sensation in the entire wizarding world!

Although there are countless scolds, there are also many supporters, and girls like Ginny account for the majority!

Ron, a somewhat macho creature who cares about orphans, is naturally one of the abusers. Just when he was expressing his views incessantly, he didn't expect that his sister Ginny, who had always been well-behaved, suddenly broke out and had a quarrel with him. It happened to be Ginny. Ni also spoke sharply, and soon he couldn't resist it, so he could only repeat his points like a repeater, which is one of the essences of human beings.

"Now, get on the train right away!"

The middle-aged woman ordered.


Ron glared at Ginny, pushed his luggage, and trotted against the wall. A ripple appeared, and Ron disappeared, as if he had been swallowed by the wall.

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