TBBT Apartments.

Leonard's car.

Sheldon sat in the passenger seat as he should, glanced sideways at Leonard who was driving, and then turned to look at Penny and Amy sitting in the back seat.

"What's wrong?"

Leonard asked sideways.


Sheldon pouted and said, "I have to say, I am very surprised that Bernadette was able to get a PHD."

"It's truly admirable."

Amy agreed: "But she only does microbiology."

Sheldon nodded slightly, then shook his head and said, "Your PhD is in neurobiology. I don't see any difference."

For him, except for theoretical physics, all other subjects are scum!

"Let me tell you this."

As a woman who once so fascinated Sheldon that she took the initiative to give in, Amy said arrogantly: "I study the brain, which is the organ that allowed Beethoven to write the Symphony of Destiny, and Bernadette studies the brain. Yeast, the organism used to make beer.”

"That's true."

Sheldon narrowed his eyes in agreement.


Penny couldn't help shouting: "Bernadette is our good friend, how can you say that about her?! Besides, this ferment that Bernadette is studying is used to make beer. All Everybody likes beer, right?”


Sheldon sneered: "Of course you like it, even though you can't even spell the name of yeast~"


Penny was very depressed by Sheldon's laughter, but she had no way to refute it. Who told her that she really couldn't spell the professional word yeast? She couldn't help but look at the silent Lai in the driver's seat for help. Nader: "Leonard, say something~"

"Ignore them."

Leonard curled his lips and analyzed calmly: "In their eyes, except for their major, other sciences are second-rate. You can't defeat them."

"Ignore them?"

Penny shouted dissatisfied: "If Bernadette hears this, will we still be friends?"

"If you don't tell us, if we don't tell you, how will she know?"

Amy wondered.


Penny was speechless and covered her mouth with her hands, feeling extremely depressed. Everyone had a tendency to gossip, but she was especially strong. It was too difficult for her to keep the secret.

The next day.

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"Is this all you want to eat?"

Leonard looked at Howard's dinner plate with a surprised look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Howard was startled: "I've always eaten like this."

"That was before."

Leonard joked: "Now that you have a very rich fiancée with a doctorate, your living standard will naturally be improved. At the very least, you should add a can of Red Bull to refresh yourself, so as to please Bernadette."

"Ha ha."

Owen and Rajesh laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

Sheldon looked at the crowd for a while. After everyone's laughter stopped, he remembered to laugh, and he laughed very strangely. While laughing, he explained seriously: "Howard, this is so interesting. Leonard said three things. The jokes are, one is to mock you for not being a doctor, the second is to mock that your income is not as good as Bernadette, and the third is to mock that you are not in good health, hahaha, it’s so funny.”


Everyone looked at Sheldon who was overjoyed and were speechless.


Howard faked a few smiles: "I'm in good health and don't need to drink Red Bull."

"how do you feel?"

Owen asked casually while eating. He would not imitate Sheldon and the others, who would stop eating as soon as they chatted, and would only use his fork to skewer on the plate.


Howard frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Except for being teased by you guys one after another, everything else is fine."


Rajesh inserted his knife and said, "I went to your house last night, and that's not what your mother said, hehe."

Everyone was a doctor, but Howard was the only one with a master's degree. Not only did Sheldon and the others attack him from time to time, but even Howard's mother couldn't help but say something that broke Howard's heart after hearing that her daughter-in-law-to-be, Bernadette, had become a doctor: "My daughter-in-law-to-be is a doctor, Leonard is a doctor, that tall and lanky guy is a doctor... but you are not a doctor."

"I don't care."

Howard shrugged and said: "I'm used to being ridiculed by you. Besides, Bernadette makes so much money, I will have more money to buy collections in the future, hehe."

"You lucky dog!"

Leonard was startled when he heard this, and then said with envy.

Everyone is a nerd, and most of their money is usually spent on movies, comics, games and other entertainment and various peripherals. In the United States, because copyright protection is better, these expenses are expensive. Although they are scientists, But the income is not very high, so I usually buy these peripherals within my ability and cannot enjoy myself.

"You think too much."

Owen put down his knife and fork, shook his head and smiled: "In my opinion, your collecting journey will not expand in the future, but will shrink on the contrary."


Howard wondered.

"It's very simple."

Owen hit the nail on the head: "It is Bernadette who is extremely rich, not you! Although you are engaged and will get married soon, do you think Bernadette likes your expensive collections?"

"She doesn't know how to appreciate it."

Howard muttered unhappily: "Forget it, the worst thing is not to expand the collection."


Owen smiled and said: "You are too naive. Do you think that after getting married, all the expenses will be counted on Bernadette's head?"

"I don't have this idea~"

Howard said weakly: "But after getting married, she is richer than me, so the bulk of the consumption will naturally depend on her."


Owen nodded and said: "But once this situation continues, do you think you still have the confidence to say that you want to spend so much money to buy what Bernadette sees as rubbish? If I remember correctly, although Bernadette is petite, she is The voice is very penetrating, no less than Mrs. Wonowitz in some respects, right?"

"It's really like that."

Leonard and others heard this and nodded in agreement.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Howard trembled all over and asked with a depressed look on his face.


Owen looked at Howard with pity and reminded: "I just want you to be mentally prepared. In America, when a rich man marries a poor man, no matter how good the relationship is, there will be a knife."

"You mean a prenuptial agreement?"

Leonard suddenly said: "That's not true, is it?"

"Why not?"

Owen asked: "Isn't this an American custom?"

"It's a habit."

Leonard frowned and said: "But that's just the custom of the rich. For ordinary people, as long as the two parties are not too different, they will not mention signing a prenuptial agreement. You also said that this is a handful. knife."

"I won't sign it."

Howard said with some embarrassment.

Leonard and others wisely did not interrupt. It is not easy for outsiders to talk about this kind of thing. Irving also had no intention of persuading, because he knew that Howard was very determined now, but soon he would definitely shout: "It smells so good! "

PS: Thanks for the tip without a nickname!

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