California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"ok, ok."

Seeing Howard's face turn red, Rajesh raised his hand and said, "You have the final say in your affairs, our future Mr. Astronaut!"

"Stop talking about these unhappy things."

Howard took a few deep breaths, suppressed the discomfort of the prenuptial agreement, took out a letter from his pocket, waved it to everyone, and said with a proud smile: "Guess what this is?"

"Notification from NASA."

Owen saw the NASA logo on the letter and said clearly.


Howard said excitedly.

"Let me see."

Rajesh took the letter, opened it and read: "The accompanying expert Howard Wonovitz was ordered to go to the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, to receive special astronaut training at eight o'clock on Sunday morning."

"This is a letter from NASA."

Howard reminded proudly: "The time should be pronounced according to military format, so it is 0800!"

Rajesh said sarcastically: "But it says eight o'clock in the morning, without the O!"

"Do you know where the O is?"

Howard mocked unhappily: "Oh, my god! I am an astronaut now, so you can be envious and jealous."

"Johnson Sky Center, Sheldon, remember when we went there together before?"

Owen said casually.


Sheldon used a knife and fork to skewer on the dinner plate, and raised his head and said: "It was 1989, when I first entered high school, and my science teacher invited his former colleague, Dr. Ronaldo Hodges of NASA, to give We talk about the space program.

At that time, I was wondering why one of the two used to be colleagues and roommates, and one became a scientist at NASA, while the other became a science teacher in a public high school. "


Howard became interested.

"It's very simple."

Owen smiled playfully: "According to Dr. Hodges' introduction, while Dr. Hodges was studying hard, Sheldon's science teacher was busy picking up high school girls.

Of course, Sheldon's science teacher strongly emphasized that those high school girls are all over 18. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway. "

"and after?"

Leonard was speechless.

"At that time, Dr. Hodges said that each launch of a manned spacecraft costs hundreds of millions of dollars, which seriously restricts the implementation of the space program. I raised my hand and pointed out that if you want to save money, you can land the booster rocket on the sea. Recycle."

Sheldon recalled.

"Oh, my god!"

Howard exclaimed: "Sheldon, the real-life Iron Man Elon Musk's Space Exploration Company is developing the Falcon launch vehicle. Its design concept is to recycle the booster rocket and reduce launch costs. Don't tell me that you were Did you think of it in 1989?!"

"It's not just a thought."

Owen smiled and said: "This concept has actually been proposed earlier, but they all regarded it as science fiction. What Sheldon was better than them was that he used mathematics to calculate the detailed recycling theory at that time."


Sheldon complained: "Dr. Hodges said that this calculation was very complicated. He didn't want to say more to me. He actually wanted to send me away with a NASA post. I made up my mind at that time to complete this calculation."

"So, you did it, right?"

Howard said with some amazement.

"Of course."

Sheldon gave Howard a strange look: "When has a problem ever stumped me? Although the conditions at the time were limited, I still used my genius mind and an old computer to successfully solve this mathematical model and wrote it Paper, mailed to Dr. Hodges.”

"He must be very impressed."

Leonard murmured with some longing.

This kind of show-off and slap-in-the-face plot is something that is rare for scientific otakus like them. It is simply too satisfying and immersive.

"However, it didn't."

Irving continued: "Dr. Hodges still didn't take Sheldon's paper seriously. He didn't even bother to reply. He kept Sheldon waiting for several weeks and even got a stomach ulcer from waiting."

"Are you kidding me?"

Rajesh questioned: "In 1989, Sheldon was only 9 years old at that time, right? How could he get gastric ulcer at such a young age?"

"In fact, he really got it."

Owen explained clearly: "The doctor said it might be caused by excessive stress, which shows how much resentment Sheldon was holding back at the time."

"What happened next? What happened next?"

Leonard couldn't wait to know the result.

"Irving suggested that we take a bus to Houston together."

Sheldon smiled: "We were not old enough to get a driver's license at the time. Owen's sister Elizabeth drove us there. When we got there, I introduced my calculations to him in detail..."

"He must be very shocked~"

Leonard raised the corners of his mouth and said with a sense of fantasy.


Sheldon nodded, then frowned: "But he didn't realize the real problem! He didn't apologize to me, and pointed out that although my calculation was correct, they didn't have the technology to realize it. My intelligence was obviously beyond That era has passed, so I asked him to wait until the technology can be realized to notify me, but 24 years later, he still has not contacted me.”

“Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Company already has a hint of being at the forefront of space technology, and one of their research directions is the recycling of booster rockets.”

Irving smiled meaningfully and said: "Maybe your papers from back then are now in the drawer of Elon Musk's desk.

As you all know, he likes to have fun and accept interviews with the media, but he doesn’t know much about advanced technology. The title of the real-life Iron Man is very watery. At most, he is just the playboy version of Tony Stark.

Once the Falcon launch vehicle is successfully developed, he will be interviewed. In order to show his professionalism, he will definitely talk about some related technical issues. How can he do it without making up for the lessons. "

"Holy shit!"

Howard exclaimed: "You said it, it's really possible! Sheldon is really delayed by reality. If he were born in the Marvel universe, he might really be able to become a super man with both technology and magic like Doctor Doom. The villain, Doctor Most Proud!”

"What you said was said 24 years ago."

Owen laughed: "At that time, Sheldon was holding back his energy to slap Dr. Hodges in the face and make Dr. Hodges surrender in front of his genius mind. In order to complete the calculation, he even chose to skip class. Tan said that sometimes Sheldon Talking like an evil devil.”

"It's all the world's fault."

Sheldon said regretfully: "If real-world technology can really support my genius mind, I can indeed surpass Iron Man and transform into Dr. Supreme. When the time comes, I will deal with anyone who makes me angry."


Owen joked: "When I think about it, you are no longer Dr. Pride, but Dr. KFC, because the people who offend you the most are the roosters chasing you. You wave your hand and shout: Look at my fried chicken magic." !”


Everyone burst into laughter.

PS: Thanks to book friends 20180427220858769, Mu Xiaoxiao, and guest officer 01 for their rewards!

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