TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Everyone is so happy today, why don't we go out for a meal together?"

Penny suggested.

"Okay, I'll pay for it."

Bernadette smiled.


Howard was stunned and looked at Bernadette in confusion.

We usually have dinner together, which is basically AA. Occasionally Irving will invite him. Rajesh, a rich man who has been squeezed into a corner, will pay once or twice, but there is no precedent for anyone else to pay.

Except for Owen and Rajesh, everyone else's financial conditions are average, and Bernadette is no exception. You must know that she has been working part-time as a waitress in a cheesecake shop for more than five years in order to study for a Ph.D., and she is a quasi-doctorate. Working like a scumbag Penny shows her embarrassment.

"Bernadette, you don't have to do this. Please invite Owen and Rajesh. They are both super rich anyway."

Penny said thoughtfully.


Leonard and others all agreed.

"it does not matter."

Bernadette suppressed her inner joy and smiled confidently: "I have been valued by a large pharmaceutical company, and they are going to provide me with a huge salary."


The smile on Howard's face froze, and his heart felt inexplicably.


Penny exclaimed, "A huge salary? How much is that?"

"Annual salary is 600,000."

Bernadette said happily: "This is the basic salary for joining the company. In the future, after the drugs I develop are launched, there will be additional sales share bonuses."


Penny, a scumbag, took a breath and stammered: "Annual salary is 60,000 US dollars? I'm getting the minimum wage now, 3,000 US dollars a month. How much is that in a year~"


Sheldon naturally took over the topic and said, "Not counting future bonuses, one year of Bernadette's work is equivalent to your 16 years and eight months. Although the value of money does not completely represent personal value, it must not Needless to say, for you, the value of money is completely in line with your and Bernadette’s positioning.”


Penny paused, her good mood gone. She rolled her eyes and ignored Sheldon. She knew in her heart that Sheldon's words were rude. She thought that they were colleagues and had the same dreams, but now they are the same. She realized her dream and became a female doctor with both fame and fortune. However, she still saw no hope in her dream of becoming a star. She couldn't help but murmured: "Female doctors in pharmaceutical companies are really making money. If I had known, I would have worked hard before." Just study~”

Why do you dream of becoming a female star?

Wouldn’t it be possible to become rich overnight, gain both fame and wealth, and enjoy unlimited glory one day?

And female stars look glamorous, and the annual income of top-tier female stars is calculated in tens of millions of dollars. However, there are countless dream chasers from all over the world gathered around Los Angeles and Hollywood, and only a few of them have become famous. And these few female stars who have become famous, How many of them have reached the top level?

This probability is really terrifyingly low!

Even though Penny is a scumbag and full of fantasies about the future, deep down in her heart, her position is just to be famous. She strives to become a third-tier female star and strive to reach the second-tier. This is her plan. The top-tier one It's just an unattainable dream.

The income of second-tier female celebrities is only in the millions. Bernadette's basic annual salary reaches 600,000. If a new drug is developed in the future, the sales share bonus will definitely be a truly huge salary. It is really not inferior to second-tier females. How many stars.


When Sheldon heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong?!"

Penny looked at Sheldon hatefully, feeling that Sheldon's smile was particularly annoying at this moment.


Seeing that Sheldon was being upright again, Owen couldn't help but interrupt: "The protagonists tonight are Bernadette and Howard. Let's go out for dinner together."


Leonard nodded in agreement.

Everyone set off in batches, with Leonard driving and taking Sheldon, Penny, and Amy, and Howard driving and taking Owen, Bernadette, and Rajesh toward the restaurant.

in the car.

"Owen, why don't you drive your luxury car?"

Howard muttered as he drove.

"Stop doing."

Owen smiled lightly: "Didn't you notice that I walk to work recently?"


Howard was shocked and shouted in disbelief: "Are you kidding?"


Owen smiled lightly.

Howard tilted his head and thought about it, and realized that he had indeed not seen Irving driving recently, and couldn't help but ask, "Why?"


Owen sighed: "No matter how luxurious the car is, no matter how awesome the technology is, what's the point if no one wants to appreciate it? If I didn't travel with everyone, I wouldn't have enough time, and I wouldn't even sit in the car now."


Bernadette and Rajesh shouted in unison.


Owen opened the car window, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and said sadly: "It's not enough to suspect a car without evidence..."

"This is nothing."

Howard complained: "Just because of this, you don't even touch the car?"

"Did something happen?"

Bernadette said softly: "Emotionally? I haven't seen you with a female companion lately?"


Howard said in surprise: "That's true! Owen, what's wrong with you? In the past, you didn't say you had one female friend every week, but at least one every month.

Now think about it, it has been several months. Not only have there been no new female friends around you, but even the ones you used to have frequently disappeared. This is so strange. People who don’t know think you and Rajesh are the same person. Right. "

As he said this, he held back a smile and glanced at Rajesh and Owen in the back row in the rearview mirror.

"Ha ha!"

Rajesh smirked a few times and complained unhappily: "Now that you are proud, don't forget that others thought we were a couple before~"

"He was joking."

Howard was made uncomfortable by Rajesh's tone and eyes. He didn't dare to joke anymore, and whispered to Bernadette who was looking askance at her from the passenger seat.

"Speaking of which~"

Rajesh glanced at Howard sadly, calmed down, and looked sideways at Owen: "I found that not only do you have no female friends around you, but there is also something wrong with the way you look at other people."

"what is the problem?"

Howard asked curiously.

"Didn't you notice?"

Rajesh frowned and said, "In recent times, Owen's eyes on Penny and Bernadette have been fixed on his face..."


Howard interrupted speechlessly: "If his eyes weren't on their faces, where else could he put them? Where could you put your eyes on them?!"

"come on!"

Rajesh shouted: "What I mean is that when a normal man looks at a woman, or in other words, when a normal person looks at a person, no matter whether the other person is a man or a woman, his eyes will always scan the other person's body. After all, some curves are very attractive... "

"Tell the important point!"

Howard shouted with a dark face.

With a smile on her lips, Bernadette raised her head unconsciously and straightened her body against the car seat.

The two of them looked at each other in the rearview mirror. They had been good friends for so many years. After checking their eyes, they understood each other's thoughts. It was obvious that Howard thought of the poem written by Rajeshyy Bernadette before. Although Rajesh always insisted that it was a beautiful masterpiece, but it was indeed obscene.

"ok, ok."

Rajesh felt guilty, looked away, and said coquettishly: "When we talked about Owen, his eyes were always on Penny and Bernadette's faces. Please note, it was all the time, from beginning to end!"

"When you say that, it's true!"

Howard suddenly said: "I said I always feel weird about Owen recently. It turns out that this is the case. Such deliberate actions give people an unnatural feeling. Owen, what's wrong with you?"

"The most important thing when looking at a person is to look at a person's soul, everything else is illusory."

Owen smiled bitterly and said: "The eyes are the windows to the soul, and the area above the neck is the real essence of human beings, so I have been trying to block others recently and watch other people's souls through the window."

"what the hole!"

Howard exclaimed.

"What theory is this?"

Bernadette frowned and said: "Although a person's soul is very important, other things are equally important. If we only look at the soul represented by the neck and above, then are humans still divided into men and women?"


Rajesh echoed, thoughtfully: "And I have a question, you specifically try to only look at the area above the neck, but if a person, let's say Bernadette, is hung upside down, then what? Calculate?"

"Oh, no~"

They are all Ph.D.-level geniuses. Everyone understood the meaning of Rajesh’s words instantly. Bernadette’s face turned red and she said, “Rajesh, what are you talking about~”


Howard roared angrily.


Rajesh said weakly: "I'm just curious, Owen, what do you think?"

Owen was stunned and speechless...

PS: Thanks to Sword Hengkong 2, kk7444, and the brave ones for the rewards! Writing is not easy, my subscriptions have collapsed, and I can barely make enough to add a few buns for breakfast. The environment is like this, so just do it and cherish it.

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