Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 236 This is going to heaven

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Guys, guys!"

Howard joined hands with Bernadette, pushed the door in, and exclaimed with excitement: "This is incredible, guess what happened?"

"Let me guess first."

Rajesh raised his hand and said, "Bernadette is pregnant?"


Howard's face froze and he denied speechlessly.

“The thesis committee accepted my thesis, and I got my Ph.D.”

Bernadette said excitedly.

"Wait a minute."

Sheldon interrupted dissatisfiedly: "I haven't guessed yet. You can't reveal the answer before I tell you my guess."

"Then you can take a guess."

Howard said with disdain.

"I guess Bernadette passed her PhD and officially became one of us."

Sheldon smiled and said: "Haha~ my lowered IQ has finally risen a bit."


Penny glared at Sheldon in displeasure.

"It's not just about you."

Sheldon raised his hand and said, "And Howard!"

Howard: "..."

"You're a doctor, you're a doctor, you're a doctor... Oh my god! You're all doctors."

Penny looked around at everyone and counted on her fingers. Sure enough, except for her and Howard, the other six people were doctors: "Are doctors so worthless now?"

"of course not."

Amy explained expressionlessly: "The graduation rate for PhDs is very low, only about 60% to 70%. In some special subjects, the passing rate does not even exceed 50%. Bernadette was able to pass her doctoral thesis and obtain a PhD." The degree is definitely very powerful.”

"In comparison, you and Howard are the outliers among us."

Sheldon stabbed him bluntly.

"Wait a minute."

Seeing Penny's face turning dark, Leonard interrupted distressedly: "Didn't you discover one thing? Bernadette got a doctorate and is now Dr. Bernadette Roskowski! And she She is also engaged to Howard, and once married, she will be Dr. Bernadette Roskowski Wonowicz, which is completely consistent with Owen’s dream.”


Penny exclaimed, "When you say that, it's true! Is it really possible that Owen's dream could come true?"


Howard coughed twice, attracted everyone's attention, raised his head and smiled: "This is another incredible thing I want to say."

"Were you invited by NASA?"

Owen laughed.

"Guessed it right!"

Howard covered his hands, hunched over, and put on a modest but extremely proud look: "NASA has selected the deep space space telescope designed by our team, which will soon be used on the International Space Station. During the installation, we need to send An equipment expert goes up there, and I’m that expert!”


"Wow! Then you're no longer Mr. Howard Wonovitz, you're Astronaut Howard Wonovitz."

"Oh my God, Owen's dream has come true again!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

Bernadette passed her doctoral thesis and became a doctor. Although everyone was a little surprised, it was still acceptable. However, Howard, who had always been criticized and ridiculed by everyone, turned out to be an astronaut. What a blessing. !

Not to mention Leonard and Sheldon, even Irving was a little envious. How could the space scene seen on TV compare with seeing it in person?

It's a pity that even though he knew that Howard's flight to heaven was safe this time, Owen didn't dare to go with him to experience it. You must know that the spaceship on which God was riding was actually a super explosive barrel. Considering that Owen's body is still in the mortal realm, Once the spaceship explodes, Owen has no chance of surviving.

However, the chance of launch failure is not small. Every time he goes to space is actually a gamble of life and death. Owen will not put himself in such a dangerous situation just to enjoy the scenery.


Sheldon raised his head and said thoughtfully: "So, I'm going to win the Nobel Prize soon~ Oh yeah! I'm going to win the Nobel Prize! Oh yeah!"

Leonard and Penny looked at each other, with a spark in their eyes. According to Owen's dream, they eventually got married and were pregnant with children.


When everyone was in a good mood, suddenly there was a burst of crying. Looking up, they saw Rajesh sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes.

"Leave him alone, these are happy tears."

Owen quipped.


Howard laughed unkindly.

"Rajesh, what's wrong?"

Bernadette asked kindly.

"Everything in Owen's dream came true for you."

Rajesh said sadly: "That means I will most likely be alone for the rest of my life, wuwuwu~"

"What do I mean?"

Howard suppressed a smile and said, "Didn't Owen say that you still have Xiao Guizi?"


When Rajesh heard this, he cried even more sadly.

The dignified Indian Iron Man ended up with a dog as a companion, which was slightly better than a cat. At least if he died alone, the chance of a dog nibbling him was smaller than the chance of a cat nibbling him...

"Owen, do you have any suggestions?"

Bernadette looked at Owen and said, "Help Rajesh, he is such a pitiful little man."

"This is it."

Owen mused: "There is no way."

"any solution?"

Rajesh stopped crying immediately and looked at Owen pitifully.

"It's very simple. The method has been used by Rajesh before."

Owen smiled playfully and said, "Look for a little dragon girl."

"Do not make jokes."

Bernadette frowned.

"No kidding."

Owen said seriously: "I really don't know what Rajesh has to cry about. What's wrong with being single? In the dream, I was also single. And didn't I tell you that although Rajesh is single, he will attend the Nobel Prize... During the award ceremony, there was a big star beside him."


Rajesh immediately held back his tears and shouted in surprise: "Big star? Which big star?"

"Boxing champion Tyson."

Owen said holding back a laugh.


Rajesh was startled, and then tears flowed out. He couldn't stop them, and murmured softly: "I'm out of the closet, I'm really out of the closet~"

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he does have a serious tendency to come out. It is not without reason that others have always thought that he and Howard are a couple.

Now when I heard Owen talking about him sitting next to boxing champion Tyson, I instinctively thought that he had come out as gay, which was still a minor shock. Although this shocked him, deep down in his heart, he felt that it was expected...


Owen saw Rajesh's complex expression, which was both shocked and relieved. He didn't want to tease him anymore, lest he really go away and never come back. "The girl sitting next to you is the daughter of Buffy the Vampire Slayer." main character."


everyone shouted in unison.

Although Owen has never heard of this TV series, as pure American people, Leonard and the others are fans of this show.

Rajesh, who is obsessed with American culture, also likes this show very much. When Irving said that he was sitting with the goddess, he was immediately overjoyed. The corners of his mouth were raised high. All the previous sadness disappeared, and there was a faint feeling in his eyes as he scanned the crowd. There is a posture of looking down, as if to say: "Look at you, what's so good about getting married? It's better to be single. Only when you're single can you fuck the goddess."

"Owen, tell us all, how did I get close to Buffy?"

"It's very simple."

Owen sneered: "You just happened to be sitting next to her, and then you took the opportunity to grab her hand and didn't let go. In the end, you were drunk off. But after all, it was an intimate contact between you and her."

Rajesh: "..."

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