The Eternal Gun.

"I can't imagine what Sheldon will be like after winning the Nobel Prize~"

Howard sighed.


Rajesh echoed: "Without the Nobel Prize, he treats everyone as stupid earthlings. If he really wins the Nobel Prize, then what are we in his eyes? Monkeys?"

"Don't say that."

Sheldon said seriously: "When I won the Nobel Prize, although I couldn't mention you in my speech, and certainly not in my autobiography, when my autobiography is released, I will give it to each of you." An autographed copy.”

"Thank you very much~"

Howard mocked: "I'm so touched when you say that. If one day, a reporter comes to interview us, we will definitely tell the truth~!"


When Owen heard Howard gritting his teeth and saying 'tell the truth', he smiled inexplicably: "Howard, if that day comes, you will never tell the truth. On the contrary, you will say that you are Sheldon's best friend. "

"That's possible."

Howard categorically denied: "Leonard is lucky enough to be the best friend of genius Nobel Prize winner Sheldon Lee Cooper. I, Howard Wonovitz, would never say that!"


Owen smiled and said nothing.

This is like setting a flag and shouting that it smells so good~

In the original time and space, nine years later, when Sheldon and Amy won the Nobel Prize in Physics, reporters came to interview them. Sheldon had liked stability and disliked change since he was a child, so he declined all interviews.

Howard took the initiative to break the news and replaced Leonard. As Sheldon's best friend, he went on a TV interview and talked about his friendship with Sheldon. He seemed to have forgotten that the two had been fighting each other every now and then for more than ten years. fact.

For this reason, Howard's wife Bernadette despised Howard fiercely, but then she was moved by Howard's words. Instead of Penny, as Amy's best friend, she and Howard , appeared in many TV interviews with great glory...

"Tell me the speech, Sheldon."

Penny asked curiously: "You are not going to write Leonard and the others in, then who are you going to thank?"

“Why should we thank others?”

Sheldon frowned.

"Because this is humility and gratitude..."

Penny was speechless.

In most award ceremonies, the winner will first thank the vote.


Sheldon shook his head and sneered: "Penny, please! This is the Nobel Prize in Physics!"


Penny looked confused.

"The Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to true geniuses, like me."

Sheldon patiently explained: "For geniuses like us, humility is not necessary, because that is a fact, and no matter how great the glory is, we deserve it.

Humility is reserved for those who win literary prizes, such as the Economics Prize, the Peace Prize, etc. Those are the awards that only fools get, and they need to be modest. "

"Do you think that if Sheldon said these words in his speech, would he be beaten to death?"

Howard said with longing.

"One hundred percent!"

Rajesh affirmed.

"Then what are you going to say?"

Amy asked curiously: "Nobel Prize winners' speeches can last up to 90 minutes. On such a glorious stage, you wouldn't want to go up and say a few words and then come down, would you?"

"of course not!"

Sheldon tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "When I win the Nobel Prize in Physics in the future, I will prepare a long speech. I even doubt whether 90 minutes is enough for me to finish the speech. Maybe I need to speed it up." Just speak fast.

First of all, I would like to thank my mother and my grandmother.

Hum~ Okay, I also want to thank my dad. I remember when I was listening to the Nobel Prize award ceremony in 1990, he helped me install the antenna on the roof. At that time, I promised him that if I won the Nobel Prize in the future, Will thank him.

My brother George Jr., too. My dad was too fat to climb onto the roof. It was George Jr. who installed the antenna.

Missy, forget it, add it too, otherwise she will know that she is the only one in the whole family who is not included..."

Having said this, Sheldon reflexively arched his body and covered his crotch. Growing up, due to his weird temperament, he was often bullied by his twin sister Missy. What he was most afraid of was monkeys stealing peaches. Or it might be more appropriate to say that a monkey kicks a peach.


Petunia was moved again and said: "Isn't this great? What else is there?"

"Let me guess."

Leonard is the person who knows Sheldon best besides Irving. He suddenly said: "Sheldon must want to 'specially thank' those people on the blacklist, right?"


Amy was stunned.


Owen smiled and explained: "Sheldon has a blacklist, listing all the enemies he has encountered since childhood, such as his science teacher Hubert Givens in high school. Although Sheldon was a genius at the time, But Mr. Givens still doesn’t think Sheldon will win the Nobel Prize in the future.”

"How could he say that?"

Penny shouted: "He is a science teacher. When meeting a scientific genius like Sheldon, shouldn't he try his best to encourage Sheldon to win the Nobel Prize?"


Owen shook his head and smiled: "Penny, you and Sheldon have been together for more than three years. You should be very familiar with Sheldon's tendency to use 'truths and facts' to refute people. Think about it, if you were his scientific Teacher, would you encourage a genius who likes to be more serious but doesn't know how to show respect to the teacher?"


Penny was startled, thinking of Sheldon's daily stabs at everyone in the past three years. Although she chose to forgive Sheldon every time because of some special feeling, she was really angry every time~!


Owen smiled slightly: "There are many such people, far more than people like Penny and Leonard, so Sheldon's blacklist is very long, very long. If it were written down, there would be at least several. Paper, think about it, how long it takes just to recite the names of these people, 90 minutes is really not that long!”


Leonard tilted his head and thought for a while, then murmured: "They can give speeches by Nobel Prize winners, but we can't. So instead of learning from them, what if we have to endure Sheldon?"

"Because you're so mean."

Owen complained in his heart, but said: "You also know that Sheldon's daily stabbings that hurt people are all intentional and unintentional. They can't understand, or they are too lazy to understand, but we can understand, and I think this is what everyone can Is that the only reason to put up with Sheldon?"


"That's it!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words and agreed one after another.

"Do you want to know Sheldon's speech in my dream?"

Owen laughed.

"Of course I do!"

"Say it!"


Owen thought about it and imitated Sheldon's tone and said: "First of all, I want to thank my mother, father, grandmother, brothers and sisters, and my other family members. I am very happy to be with them. I have always been There is nothing more false than the misconception that my achievements are mine alone.

I've been encouraged, supported, inspired, and tolerated, not just by my wife, but by an amazing group of friends, and I want to ask them all to stand up.

Dr. Rajesh Kuthapalli!

Dr. Bernadette Roskowski Wonowicz!

Astronaut Howard Wonovitz!

Professor Owen Lee!

And two of my dearest friends in the world.

Penny Hofstadter!

Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!

I was there the day Leonard and Penny met. Leonard told me that their children would be smart and beautiful. I said that if they had children in the future, they would have very rich imaginations.

Now that their child is about to be born, I say without hesitation that their child will be smart, beautiful and have a genius imagination.

Howard, Bernadette, Owen, Rajesh, Penny, Leonard, I'm sorry if I'm not the friend you hoped I would be, but I want you to know that I always love you in my own way. Everyone! Thanks! "


Penny was as emotional as ever, and she was in tears now: "It's so touching!"

"Haha! No! No! No!"

Sheldon shook his head and smiled: "This can never be my speech!"


Penny shouted dissatisfied.

"Let's not talk about anything else."

Sheldon sneered: "Astronaut Howard Wonovitz? Do you think Howard can become an astronaut? And even if he does, do you think I would call him that?"

Howard: "..."

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