Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 234: Focusing on Solitary Neutrinos

The Eternal Gun.


Hearing Owen and Amy talking seriously about Sheldon applauding, even though they knew it might just be a dream, Penny and others were still stunned.

"They actually clapped?"

Rajesh clicked his tongue: "How is this possible? Does Sheldon know what that is?"


Leonard echoed: "It's unimaginable~"

"What are they talking about?"

Amy asked confused.


Penny hesitated and said: "Sheldon doesn't like others touching him~"

"excuse me."

Sheldon bulged his eyes and raised his hands dissatisfied: "I know everything, including the way of human reproduction. I don't think I would choose that dirty and unhygienic way, because I have been doing this with you for more than three years. My neighbors have heard too many unnecessary and loud calls.”

"Oh, god!"

Penny slapped her forehead in shame.


Sheldon pointed out bluntly: "That's it!"


Petunia could only cover her mouth and was speechless. This was indeed her usual way of calling...


Amy became interested, temporarily put aside her demands for applause, and became interested in the better reproduction method Sheldon said. After all, she was a neurobiologist.

"We all possess the best genes. If we choose to combine, our genes will have the opportunity to create unprecedented geniuses with superior intelligence, kindness and kindness, and lead mankind to a bright future."


Sheldon's eyes lit up and he said with excitement: "For the future of mankind, we should hire the most professional fertility experts to fertilize in laboratory dishes, ha! This reminds me~"

Having said this, Sheldon looked at Penny, looked around, and said seriously: "Penny, not only do you have prominent curves, you are also simple-minded and energetic. Can your uterus be used as a surrogate?"


Penny's face was extremely ugly. Although she had thought about making money through surrogacy when she was frantically shopping for goods and had no money to pay the bill, it was just a thought. Now that Sheldon brought it up, she still thought of her cruelty. This is simply an insult because of the lack of brains.

"Although I have played the role of a murderous female gorilla, I am not!"

"If so, then Sheldon will be in trouble."

Rajesh suppressed a laugh.

"It's better for him to be miserable than for humans."

Howard said seriously: "If future historians know that we had the opportunity to kill Sheldon now but didn't do it, they will definitely condemn us!"


Sheldon glared at Howard, raised his hands and said, "Let's stop this topic here. I still want to know how Owen predicted that I would win the Nobel Prize. Owen, please surprise everyone!"


Owen nodded and smiled: "In my dream, after you won the Nobel Prize, you were ecstatic, but everything that happened afterwards made you unhappy."


Leonard exclaimed in confusion: "This is the Nobel Prize in Physics!"


Sheldon nodded and said: "Owen, do you still remember the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1990? At that time, I invited everyone to come to my house to listen to the award ceremony of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, but not only others did not come, but also you and Tan It’s too much to not even come.”

"come on!"

Owen spread his hands and said: "It was December 10th, 5 o'clock in the morning in the middle of winter. Do you want me to get up at 4 o'clock in the middle of winter and run over just to listen with you? Just to listen to a result that won't change anything." , can you know the announcement process of the answer at any time?”

"why not?"

Sheldon frowned and said, "That's the Nobel Prize in Physics. You are my good friend. Shouldn't you accompany me?"

Owen's mouth twitched, and he complained in his heart: "At that time, my American drama system didn't have any prompts about 'good friends'. We were just friends at most..."


Penny's mother looked at Sheldon with pity and said softly: "You must have been lonely at that time, right?"


Sheldon's high-definition graphic memory can even recall everything since weaning. Naturally, he will never forget the scene when he was 10 years old alone in his warehouse and listened to the King of Sweden announce the Nobel Prize in Physics. Watch Looking at the empty warehouse, he felt lonely for the first time.

That's really lonely!

His mother Mary used to think that he was lonely, but at that time, he didn't feel lonely at all. When he sat alone, the stars and the sea flashed in his eyes.

“And what makes me even more sad is that the Nobel Prize in Physics that year was awarded to the quark model of Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall, and Richard Thaler, instead of what I think it should be. Prize-winning Frederic Reines’ neutrino research, at that moment I felt like I was a neutrino and destined to die alone.”

"I think it was just a moment of loss."

Owen smiled and said: "In 1995, Frederic Reines still won the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering neutrinos."


Sheldon frowned and said: "But it has been five years. Although it has proved my vision, it is just an example. There are too many contenders for the Nobel Prize in Physics, and there are still too many outstanding scientists and them. of research missed out on this honor.”

"Oh, my god!"

Leonard's eyes widened and he said in shock: "You may not believe it, but at 5 o'clock in the morning on December 10, 1990, I was also listening to the award ceremony of the Royal Swedish Scientists."


Penny exclaimed, "Then you and Sheldon are really destined. Maybe you were destined to become best friends when you grew up."


Irving suggested: "Maybe we can all imagine what we were doing at 5 a.m. on December 10, 1990. Let's start with me. I was sleeping at that time."


Amy said expressionlessly: "Is it December 10, 1990? Let me think about it, I should be lying on the bed at that time, reading a fairy tale book with a flashlight."

"I must have been sleeping."

Penny sneered.

"Me too."

Bernadette complained: "It's 5 o'clock in the morning. Why don't you sleep at this time?"

"I'm studying."

Rajesh answered.

"Despise you."

Howard looked at Rajesh sideways: "Don't think we don't know that your family is a rich man in India. Were you so diligent when you were a child? I guess you, like me, stayed up late playing games!"


Owen looked at Sheldon and smiled: "Do you still think you will be alone all your life?"

Sheldon bulged his eyes, glanced at everyone, and said softly: "Obviously, I was wrong~"

"Oh, god~"

Penny covered her mouth and shouted with red eyes: "I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly want to cry~"

"Don't get excited."

Irving joked: "Sheldon just said that I have been hearing your calls for three years, and you are exclaiming like this again, and you also say you want to cry. People who don't know, what do you think Sheldon is doing?" Are you here~"


PS: Thank you for the tip that I am your destined husband!

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