Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 233 Just a slap in the face

Mystic Falls.

Early in the morning.


Owen let out a long sigh, turned over and lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, feeling bored for a while.

"What's wrong?"

Caroline opened her eyes and looked over in confusion.


Owen said melancholy: "I just suddenly thought of something and felt a little emotional."

"Can you tell me what it is?"

Caroline leaned into Owen's arms, blinked, and asked a little nervously.

"Just thinking about the future of some friends."

Owen said casually.

"Friends' future?"

Caroline was stunned and said with admiration: "Owen, can you predict the future?"

Owen said noncommittally: "In some ways, it's not wrong to say that."

"Then can you see my future..."

Caroline opened and closed her mouth and spoke excitedly, but the voice in Owen's ears became lower and lower, and her movements became slower and slower. In the end, Owen even forgot the existence of Caroline.

At this moment, he felt inexplicably boring.

On the contrary, in the positive universe, the figures of Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and others kept flashing in Irving's mind, making him miss them particularly.

"It's incredible!"

Owen exclaimed in his heart: "Who would have thought that I, Owen Qiu, the god of mountain racing... Li, would one day feel boring about applause...

This is not okay! It is necessary to adjust as soon as possible. The person who untied the bell must also tie the bell. Since this emotion was caused by thinking of Sheldon and Leonard, it would be better to go back and see them to eliminate this sudden emotion.

kindness! Such a happy decision! "

Thinking of this, Owen's mind sank into consciousness, communicated with the American drama system, and directly issued the order to return to the positive universe. Not to mention that he could travel again at any time, even if he could not locate and travel again, with the endless number of negative universes, Owen could not Care about the world of The Vampire Diaries.

It’s not that one or the other is indispensable, but having clear thoughts is the most important thing!

Positive universe.


TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"What the hole?!"

Leonard and Owen pushed the door open and came in. When they saw Sheldon sitting on the sofa, holding a cat in his hands, and surrounded by more than a dozen cats, Leonard suddenly howled.

"Hi Leonard, Irving."

Sheldon pointed to each cat with a smile and said: "You have already met Dr. Oppenheimer, this is Dr. Frisch, Dr. Panofsky, Dr. Feynman, Dr. Weiskov... …”

"ok, ok!"

Leonard interrupted: "We all know that you invited all the members of the Manhattan Project."

The names Sheldon named were all researchers who developed the atomic bomb in the United States, code-named the Manhattan Project. All of them were famous scientific giants.

"Not entirely."

Sheldon raised the cat in his hand and said with a strange smile: "I named this one Brother Sharp. Don't you think it is very sharp?"


Leonard was speechless.


"Oh, my god!"

With a crisp slap, the scene suddenly became quiet. After a few seconds, Leonard came back to his senses and exclaimed: "Irving, what are you doing?"

"I made the wish you have been thinking about for many years in advance."

Owen raised the slap that had just slapped Sheldon, shook it and said with a smile, "Don't tell me, you haven't thought of doing this!"


Leonard was stagnant and couldn't say anything to retort. He caught a glimpse of Sheldon still standing there, with the corners of his eyes and mouth twitching at the same time, as if he was about to burst into tears. He asked in confusion: "Why did you suddenly say thank you?" Dayton?"

"I had a dream last night that Sheldon won the Nobel Prize~"

Owen looked at Sheldon scrutinizingly and sighed: "Now Sheldon has become a cat man again. I just want to make sure if I am still dreaming? This is all a bit unreal."

"Did you dream that I won the Nobel Prize?"

The twitching at the corners of Sheldon's eyes and mouth disappeared, and he exclaimed with a look of surprise.


Owen nodded and said, "Not only did I dream that you won the Nobel Prize, but I also dreamed of many things. Do you want to know?"

"Think, think!"

Sheldon said happily.

The Nobel Prize is the highest award in the scientific community. Although it is not as professional as Owen's Fields Medal in Mathematics, it is well-deserved and the highest scientific honor in terms of popularity. This has also been Sheldon's dream since he was a child.

Now I suddenly hear someone saying that he will win the Nobel Prize, or Irving, the "Earthling" whom he identifies with, this excitement is so strong, what does it mean to be slapped by Irving?

"very good."

Owen smiled and said: "This dream is very real and very interesting. It is a pity to say it casually. So, tonight I will entertain you all on the Eternal Gun yacht, and then I will tell you everything I dreamed about you." How about I tell you?"


When Leonard heard about the yacht Eternal Gun, his eyes lit up and he responded loudly.


Sheldon pursed his lips and sighed. He really wanted to know immediately, but under Owen's eyes, he nodded in agreement.

"No cats allowed!"

Owen added.


Sheldon whined again.

"Since you are the one who is dreaming, if you want to confirm whether you are dreaming or not, you should hit yourself. Why hit Sheldon?"

After Sheldon returned to the bedroom, Leonard suddenly thought of something and looked at Owen with strange eyes.


The corner of Owen's mouth curled up slightly: "In the dream, you slapped Sheldon and stole everyone's opportunity. Now that I have the chance, I naturally want to try it first."


Leonard was inexplicably surprised. He raised his right hand and looked at it again and again. He laughed and slapped Sheldon in the face. This scene sounded exciting. Even if it was Owen's dream, it would be very satisfying.

At night.

On the yacht Eternal Gun.

"Wow! What a beautiful yacht!"

It was the first time for the three girls to come here, and they had no resistance to this kind of super yacht. Under the leadership of Penny, the three of them looked around.

"Why did you let her come?"

Sheldon looked at Amy's back and asked unhappily.

"She is also the one who appeared in the dream, so she naturally wants to come over."

Owen smiled and said: "And you can fool yourself, but you can't fool all of us. Your feelings for Amy are extraordinary, otherwise you wouldn't be like the lovelorn Leonard, who used cats to numb himself."

"Why take me as an example..."

Leonard's mouth twitched and he groaned in displeasure.

He was dumped by Petunia before, and he did have a cat. During that time, he was immersed in the emotion that he would be alone forever and only have a cat as a companion. Now that he came out and thought about it, it was really embarrassing.

"Did you really hit him?"

Howard leaned into Irving's ear and asked secretly. After Irving nodded, he said with admiration: "That's awesome. Why didn't I think of this way earlier? Otherwise, I would be the first person to slap Sheldon. Yes, it’s exciting just thinking about it~”

Bang bang bang!

"Guys, guys!"

Owen clapped his hands and shouted: "Let's take a seat and let's enjoy the wine and food while chatting."


No one refused this arrangement.

On the top of the yacht, the luxurious dining table was filled with fine wines and delicacies. After the waiter arranged the arrangements for everyone, he retreated. Everyone sat around the dining table, holding up goblets and smelling the mellow aroma of the top-notch wines in the glasses. The wine smells good, and when you raise your head slightly, you can see the bright starry sky, and you can't even think about it in a bad mood.



At Owen's signal, everyone raised their glasses and drank together.

"Can we talk now?"

Sheldon, who was the only one drinking Coke, was as unworldly as ever. Under the unhappy looks of Penny and others, he interrupted the atmosphere of the gathering and said straightforwardly: "You said I won the Nobel Prize, didn't you? Have I made a breakthrough in string theory?"

"I do not know about this."

Owen glanced at Amy, who was expressionless and kept away from strangers, and said with a meaningful smile: "But I know who won this Nobel Prize with you~"


Penny, who has the highest emotional intelligence, understood instantly, covered her mouth and exclaimed.


Sheldon said cutely.

"Could it be me?"

Amy was surprised: "I am a neurobiologist, but my colleagues and I are studying mapping neural substrates to facilitate global information processing. This kind of research requires serious reasoning, including various scientific experiments. In theory, , our higher-level research can indeed win the Nobel Prize in Physics."

"You! Take this back!"

When Sheldon heard this again, he was as excited as ever: "Unified field theory explains everything to a certain extent, and can naturally explain neurobiology. What you said is that I calculated the unified field theory by drawing and reproducing it." The process of processing and incorporating my conclusions into your equation is simply a despicable mind game."

"It seems we are still at an impasse."

Amy looked at Owen expressionlessly: "The dream you had was indeed just a dream."


Owen smiled and said, "In the dream, that's not what Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper and Dr. Amy Fowler said~"


Everyone screamed.

"You're not joking, are you?"

After a while, Leonard said in disbelief: "In your dream, they got married?"

"It's not just them."

Owen looked around and said, "Howard and Bernadette, you and Penny, are all married."

"what about me?"

Rajesh couldn't help but ask.


Owen tilted his head and thought for a while, then said seriously: "You have Xiao Guizi."

Rajesh's face stiffened and he shouted unhappily: "Come on! They are all married, how come I only have Xiao Guizi? Don't I even have a girlfriend?"

"You're a foreigner, and having Xiao Guizi by your side is already pretty good. What else do you want?"

Owen complained.


Rajesh was speechless, a teardrop flashed in the corner of his eye, but in America, these can only be tears of happiness...

"Ahem, that's enough."

When Owen saw Howard and Bernadette kissing slowly over there, he couldn't help coughing and said, "There are such good wines and delicacies here, so don't force-feed us dog food."

"Feel sorry."

Howard said with a playful smile: "We just got engaged, we can't help it, you know~"

"Penny and I are also married?"

Leonard tried his best to suppress the smile on his lips, but his eyes showed extreme satisfaction with Owen's dream.

Some time ago, he had a relationship with Rajesh's Indian girl. In the end, the Indian girl returned to India. Leonard couldn't accept the long-distance relationship artifact provided by Howard, and was eventually cheated on.

Fortunately, he had been mentally prepared, and he did not suffer a big blow. However, as a single man, when faced with Penny, whom he often met, he naturally became interested in pursuing her again.

"How is this possible~"

Penny avoided Leonard's burning eyes and muttered insincerely.

Some time ago, Leonard fell in love with an Indian girl, which made her realize that she had worked hard for several years to cultivate Leonard into an excellent boyfriend, but she had completely taken advantage of others, just because she had committed suicide before. , gave up voluntarily.

After being reminded by Bernadette and Amy, she was horrified to discover that what if Leonard was her true love? So when Leonard had sex with an Indian girl, she regretted it very much.

Now when she heard Irving say that she and Leonard were married, even if it was just a dream, she felt happy in her heart. Especially the burning eyes that Leonard projected towards her suddenly made her feel confident. Leonard was still that extreme person. Being a nerd obsessed with her, this felt great.

"How is it impossible?"

Owen smiled playfully: "After he plants a seed in your belly, can you still fly?"


Leonard couldn't close his mouth at all. This is really a good idea. Maybe I should try it...

"Holy shit!"

Penny cursed secretly, caught a glimpse of Leonard's eager eyes, and said warily in her heart: "You must be on guard against this trick, in case you really get pregnant, and at the wedding, you face the priest and ask, 'Are you willing to marry?'" Give it to him?’, I have a big belly, so I can’t even think about not agreeing!”

"Sorry, everyone, everyone!"

Sheldon looked left and right, and seeing that everyone's attention was completely distracted, he shouted dissatisfied: "What we want to focus on now is my Nobel Prize!"

"come on!"

Penny complained: "We are all more interested in you and Amy getting married, don't you think so?"


Everyone echoed loudly.


Amy said expressionlessly: "Howard and Bernadette got married, Leonard got pregnant with Penny, and Rajesh and Guizi lived together, so in terms of probability, Sheldon and I will get married. It's also possible.

Owen, tell me, will I be happy after getting married? "


Owen's mouth twitched and he coughed slightly: "Amy, what happiness do you mean?"

"Certainly in terms of applause."

Amy said very bluntly.

Penny and Bernadette looked at each other with helpless expressions.

Amy had strongly requested to attend her and Bernadette's best friend night. When they talked about each other's privacy, Amy asked about privacy. It was really a girl's privacy. At that time, Amy also had this serious expression. …

"We want to know too!"

Howard, Rajesh, and Leonard shouted in unison.

They were only slightly curious when Sheldon and Amy got married in Owen's dream, but they were extremely curious as to whether they would applaud after they got married!

They had always speculated that Sheldon would eat too much Thai food in the future and split into two Sheldons, but now the appearance of alien Amy has given them another possibility.


Owen grinned and said vaguely: "Happy, very happy~"

He said this, but he was complaining in his heart: "If you knew that you had been in love for 6 years, living together and getting married for 3 years, and only 9 years in total (12 times), would you just leave... Well! You must never say this, not even to death!"

What kind of person is Amy?

Although according to her mother's instructions, she must go on a date once a year and looks very cold, she is actually a god who volunteers to participate in scientific experiments and obtain happiness through electronic systems to stimulate the pleasure areas in the human brain!

It shows that she cares about happiness very much.


Do not make jokes!

If she learns the truth now, I'm afraid 90% of the time she will give her a slap in the face and turn away, which would be troublesome...

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