Mystic Falls.

"What a little bastard!"

The Sheriff gritted his teeth and cursed.

She originally thought that Owen didn't understand the law, and as long as she threatened him a little, Owen would definitely back down, but she didn't expect that Owen would directly resort to the 'Romeo and Juliet Act' to hold her there.

You know, not everyone in the United States knows about this bill. How could a Chinese student like Irving know about it if he didn't have malicious intentions and went to learn about it?


Owen smiled and said nothing.

After all, the other party is Caroline's mother. How could she just play with her daughter and then turn around and criticize her mother? Owen is not that kind of person.

"Go back with me."

The Sheriff wanted to leave Owen alone and leave, but she knew that it was very dangerous outside and that her duties lay within her, so she had no choice but to remind him bitterly.

The next day.

Mystic Falls High School.

"Hi, Bonnie~ Hi, Elena~ Hi, Stefan~ Hi~"

Caroline walked into the campus with fluttering blond hair and a glowing face. She greeted everyone she met enthusiastically, and even saw her old rivals Elena and Stefan standing together.


Bonnie raised her hand and waved, surprised: "Caroline, what are you so happy about?"


Caroline winked mischievously.

"Definitely another successful hunt."

Elena said a little strangely.


Caroline looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, clasped her hands on her chest, and murmured with longing: "This time I became the prey, I was captured by the other party~"

"I see."

Bonnie suddenly smiled and said, "Is it Owen? Are you together?"


Caroline glanced at Elena, looked down slightly, and said with burning eyes: "Irving and I are together! Elena, how are you and Stefan?"

Elena avoided Caroline's aggressive gaze and was extremely unhappy with Caroline's behavior of declaring sovereignty. She thought to herself: "I, Elena, have never been weaker than others in my life. Owen is just a boy I don't want." , so what if I’m with you?”

With this thought in his mind, he forced a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Stefan and I are fine."

Stefan glanced at Elena in surprise. They were just in the ambiguous stage of looking at each other affectionately and had not expressed their feelings yet. He really didn't expect Elena to admit that there was an ambiguity between them.

"That's good."

Caroline made a condescending comment, then looked at Stefan from head to toe, shook her head and smiled: "Human feelings are really wonderful. Before yesterday, I always believed in love at first sight, but now I understand what love at first sight is. Everything is fake, only what suits you is real~"

After saying that, he walked away with his head held high and a smile on his face.

"What does she mean?"

Bonnie was confused.

Elena and Stefan looked at each other, and they both saw each other's thoughts. Caroline must have been very satisfied with the game last night, so satisfied that even her thoughts about Stefan were gone. What a shame. The impact...

Jingle Bell.

School is over below.

Caroline walked out of the classroom excitedly and was about to go find Owen. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of her, startling her. When she looked up, she saw a handsome white guy looking at her with a smirk on his face. .

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Damon stared at Caroline, activated his vampire hypnosis, and said with an evil smile: "You just need to know how to obey me. Let's go, I will take you to play something fun, more fun than what you and Owen played~"

“Are you crazy?!”

Caroline was stunned, because the feeling Owen brought to her was so strong that she, who had always been a nymphomaniac, could no longer resist handsome guys like Stefan and Damon. When Damon said this, she backed away. After a few steps, he frowned and shouted.


Damon chuckled and said in surprise: "You won't listen to me?"

"Why should I listen to you? Who are you?"

Caroline looked at Damon warily: "I have a boyfriend!"

"I know, Owen Lee."

Damon said casually, looking at Caroline thoughtfully: "Did Owen give you something to drink..."

Caroline was startled when she heard this, then thought of something, her face turned crimson, but the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

"It seems he really gave you that drink."

Damon narrowed his eyes, thinking he knew the truth, and said coldly: "So what if you don't listen to me, it might be more interesting this way~"

As he spoke, he flashed his body and teleported to Caroline. He was about to catch her, but at that moment, a sense of crisis hit his heart. His vampire instinct made him teleport far away. Yuan dodged, and a section of steel pipe passed by his heart, and was heavily inserted into the tree in the distance, penetrating deep into the wood.


Caroline couldn't figure out the current situation, but after seeing Owen, she ran over in surprise.

"Damon Salvador."

Owen sneered: "Who do you think you are? The ancestor of vampires? Let me tell you, even if the ancestors of vampires anger me, I can still destroy them."

"He's a vampire? Are there really vampires?"

Caroline grabbed Owen's arm with a look of horror, then reacted and exclaimed: "Salvador? What is his relationship with Stefan?"


Owen patted Caroline's hand and said with a smile: "They are all vampires who have lived for more than a hundred years and make a living by sucking human blood. It was this guy who bit Wei Ji last night."

"You know a lot."

Damon narrowed his eyes and said, "Telling her this gives me another reason to torture and kill her, but before that, I will definitely play with her."

"Like you did with Catherine?"

Owen scoffed.

"You even know about Catherine?"

Damon was shocked.


Owen said calmly: "I not only know Catherine, but I also know that if you die now, you will definitely die with your eyes open. After all, this is the closest you have been to Catherine in more than a hundred years~"


Damon opened his mouth, revealing two fangs, roared and teleported to Owen, trying to catch Owen. Unfortunately, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than Owen's spider sense.

Time slowed down infinitely at this moment. Facing Damon, who was charging towards her with a grin on his face, Owen hugged Caroline and avoided it. Damon did not give up, roared and teleported to charge again.


But this time, Owen stood motionless with Caroline in his arms, playing with an antique ring in his hand, looking at Damon with a half-smile. As soon as Damon's fear rose, he felt the sun began to burn him. His skin was almost scorched, and he endured the pain and rushed into the classroom and disappeared.

"What's this?"

Caroline looked at the antique ring in Owen's hand curiously: "Stefan seems to have one on his hand too."


Owen handed the ring to Caroline to play with and explained with a smile: "This is a ring cast by a witch. It can protect vampires from being burned to death by the sun. Without it, vampires cannot appear in the sun."

"So that's it."

Caroline was stunned, then looked at Owen and said excitedly: "Then who are you? A vampire hunter?"

"of course not."

Owen shook his head and smiled: "I'm not that boring. I'm just an ordinary person with special abilities who happens to know some secrets outside the ordinary world."

"You lied to me~"

Caroline rolled her eyes and said coquettishly: "You are definitely not an ordinary person. How can ordinary people be as powerful as you? Did you cast any magic last night? Yes! That must be the case! Only magic can explain everything..."

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