California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"Rajesh, I have good news to announce."

Howard pulled Bernadette and walked over with a happy face.

"what news?"

Rajesh asked.

“Israel’s Weizmann Institute just informed me that they are offering me an academic scholarship and inviting me to come there.”

"The only problem is I'm going to be gone for two years," Howard enthused.

"I will miss you~"

Rajesh sighed, turned to look at Bernadette, and said pointedly: "Are you going too?"


Bernadette shook her head and said, "I still want to stay here and continue my doctoral studies."

Howard hugged Bernadette and said helplessly: "We came to you just for this matter. You know, Bernadette also has needs~"

"What needs?"

Rajesh shrugged.

"Applause demand."

Seeing that Rajesh knew what he was asking, Howard took a deep breath and told Rajesh what he wanted.

“Most of it is pretty ordinary.”

Bernadette added: “But it’s also wild sometimes.”

Howard continued with a look of helplessness: "So, when I'm not around, it's up to you to satisfy her. What do you say?"

Rajesh couldn't pretend any longer and said with a lewd smile: "I'm very happy!"

"What are you thinking about, so entranced?"

Howard's voice interrupted Rajesh's reverie.

"I was just thinking that I'm definitely not gay!"

Rajesh came back from his fantasy and said with great certainty.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Owen was familiar with the plot. Just by looking at Rajesh's expression, he knew that Rajesh was in love. He couldn't help but joked: "Did you do something gay?"

"Oh oh oh!"

Howard leaned back quickly. The accident that happened last night was on Howard's mind at the moment. When Irving said this, he shouted guiltily: "This has nothing to do with me. Why did you say 'you'?"


Rajesh looked at Howard displeased, his eyes filled with sadness and vindictive pleasure, which really made Owen laugh wildly in his heart, thinking to himself: "Rajesh is indeed the king of porn. If he writes novels, both It is capable of both corruption and yin, and it will definitely sweep through both male and female channels!"


TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

When everyone was watching a movie together, Owen paid special attention to Rajesh. Seeing that his eyes were distracted again, he thought to himself: "This is probably into porn again."

This is indeed the case...

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.


Leonard answered the phone, then his face changed drastically and he shouted: "Oh my God, is he okay?"

Rajesh seemed to have had a premonition and asked loudly: "What happened? Is it Howard?"

Leonard hung up the phone and said in shock: "Howard was hit by a truck while riding a motorcycle. He is in danger now!"

"Oh, no~"

Rajesh said this, but his expression betrayed him. He had known it for a long time. Not only that, he also turned to look at the door, as if waiting for something...

"Did you hear that?"

As Rajesh expected, Bernadette opened the door and came in crying: "This is absolutely terrible."

"Did you see him?"

"No, they won't let me in."

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay~"

Here, Rajesh's acting skills are insufficient to comfort Bernadette, who came here instead of going to the hospital. Over there, the phone rang as promised, and Rajesh skillfully clicked on the video. In the video, she was wrapped like a mummy. Howard showed up.

"Hey Howard, how are you?"

"Rajesh, listen, I can't survive. Time is running out. Listen to me carefully. My last wish is that you take good care of Bernadette."

Howard said weakly.

"Of course, of course."

Rajesh responded in a pretentious manner, then looked up and down at the ferocious Bernadette next to him, swallowing his saliva and asked: "But what do you mean by 'care'?"


Bernadette had the answer.

"I'm sorry, Bernadette, but I have to hear it from him."

Rajesh said seriously.

Even in YY's dream, Howard was shocked by Rajesh's shamelessness. He twitched his lips and said what Rajesh wanted to hear: "Applause."

"Okay, I understand, please take care of yourself."

After receiving the confirmation, Rajesh stopped paying attention to his dying good friend, hung up the phone directly, and said with a lewd smile: "It seems that I have no choice but to do it again and again for the rest of my life without any sense of guilt. Enjoy your sweet applause~”

"That's what I heard with my own ears."

Bernadette was so sad that she hugged Rajesh's head and started chewing it.

In reality, Rajesh trembled all over, glanced at everyone, arched his body unconsciously, watched TV for a while, paused, and fell into lust again. This time, he and Bernadette danced to their heart's content …

After a period of time, Rajesh was madly making love to Bernadette, and he became very poetic about it: "Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet~"

Therefore, when there were rumors that Bernadette was dumping Howard, and Howard not only didn't know about it, but was also planning to propose, Rajesh couldn't control it anymore and showed a look of joy.

Owen smiled playfully: "Rajesh, why are you laughing?"


Rajesh was surprised and covered it up: "In India, smiles have different meanings, such as happy tears and sad smiles. We are a stupid place there."

"Are you smiling sadly?"

Owen smiled half-heartedly and said, "I really want to see what tears of joy look like~"

Howard didn't know why, and shared his excitement with everyone with a surprised look on his face: "I asked my cousin to buy me a diamond ring. Although it was only half a carat, but as you know, Bernadette's hands are very small, so it looks... Everything is big, and that’s one of the reasons I love her.”

"We all understand~"

Owen shook his head and smiled: "You don't need to explain!"

At this time, the girls pushed the door open and walked in. Howard winked at everyone, then knelt in front of Bernadette, took out the diamond ring box, and said affectionately: "Bernadette Marianne Rosenkowski , I know our love is not perfect, but I have to say that from the moment I saw you..."

"Howard, don't say anything yet."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bernadette, and Rajesh muttered happily: "The show is about to begin!"

"I agreed."

But to the surprise of Rajesh and others, Bernadette gave a positive answer. She was very willing to marry Howard.

"would you like?"

"would you like?!"

The former question was Howard's surprise confirmation, and the latter question was Rajesh's disbelief.

"I do."

Bernadette confirmed: "Of course I do!"

"Congratulations! ×n!"

Everyone gathered around to congratulate him.


Only Rajesh slumped there, shedding tears of joy in Indian legend...

PS: Thanks to kk7444 for the tip!

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