Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 225 The most humble person is invincible


TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

After Matthew and Lily's wedding, Owen was invited by the bankrupt sisters to play for a while. On Kai Ruolin's horse named "Li Bao", Owen tried riding for the first time, which really left a deep impression on him. memory.

Of course, just like a snack from the other side, you can try it occasionally, but it is not suitable as a staple food. After Irving was curious, he left New York and returned to the group of otakus.

"Do you know who is the most talented in the comic world?"

Rajesh said with great imagination: "He can do bikini waxing for She-Hulk!"

"The best way to speak."

Howard answered: "It should be Captain America's gardener who smuggled himself over from Mexico."

"You are all wrong."

Sheldon's daily retort: ​​"The most knowledgeable person in the comic book world is the doctor who examined Wolverine's prostate and glands!"

Howard often criticized Sheldon: "What about the guy who had his prostate checked by Wolverine?"

"Leonard, you are in good spirits."

Irving looked at Leonard, who was wearing a formal suit and smiling at the corner of his mouth, and joked: "Looks like you walked out again."

"It's all up to me!"

Before Leonard could speak, Howard jumped in and said, "I helped him find a new girlfriend. He is so happy tonight~"

"Don't forget Bernadette!"

Leonard rolled his eyes and pouted: "I helped you first."

"ok, ok."

Rajesh complained bitterly: "I know you have an agreement to help friends, can you please stop showing it off in front of me?"

"It's still a bit uncomfortable to go to a wedding after we've only met once."

Leonard pulled the tie around his neck and muttered nervously: "If I had known better, I shouldn't have agreed."

"forget it."

Howard said: "At that time, you were still being pretentious, saying that you didn't want to have any more contact because you were not suitable, but when Bernadette's friends suggested that you would drink a lot of wine at the wedding, and then you could have sex after drinking, you He immediately changed his words and said, 'I'm looking forward to it'. Why are you pretending to be reserved now~"


Leonard was exposed by Howard, and he immediately lowered his head in embarrassment. He did indeed do this, but it's not his fault. Although Bernadette's friend is not good-looking and tough, a proper tomboy, but a tomboy She's also a woman, isn't she?


The image of Leonard accepting the invitation suddenly appeared in Irving's mind, and he sighed in his heart: "The most humble person is invincible!"

"what about you?"

"Bernadette and I originally had a date tonight."

Howard glanced at Rajesh and pursed his lips: "But Rajesh said that we haven't hung out together for a long time, so tonight Bernadette and I will listen to Rajesh's arrangements."

"Yeah yeah."

Rajesh muttered dissatisfied: "I want you to accompany me, but you still hold Bernadette~"


These words, coupled with Rajesh's sad expression, were so erotic that Howard's eyes suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Sheldon, what about you?"

Owen looked at Sheldon, who was sitting on the throne and texting on his cell phone, and joked: "Semi, won't you have any activities tonight?"

"Hey hey hey."

Hearing the name Xie Mi, Leonard and others burst into laughter.


Sheldon raised his head and repeated what he said seriously: "I know what you are laughing at. There is no Semiy at all. Amy is just a female friend, not my girlfriend at all. Please don't put our names together again." said."

"I go first."

As Leonard walked out, he complained: "Sheldon thinks that communication through text messages can achieve sufficient intimacy. He is such an innocent child~"

"Isn't it possible?"

Sheldon wondered.

"Of course not!"

Howard smiled evilly and said: "Technology has not developed to that level yet. My sexy robot has not yet succeeded, let alone your sexy remote sensing text message~"


Sheldon frowned: "It seems that the phone company has been deceiving me all along. No, I'm going to file a complaint!"

California Institute of Technology.

Observatory Communications Room.

"Is this an astronomical telescope?"

Accompanied by Howard and Rajesh, Bernadette walked into the communication room. There were various display screens everywhere, and there was no trace of any telescope. She couldn't help but be surprised.


Howard explained: "The astronomical telescope is on the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. This is the communication room, which can remotely control the observatory telescope over there."


Rajesh skillfully took out a bottle of wine, took a big gulp, and suddenly switched to the state of windy and sexy Rajesh. The soul of dancing came over, his neck swayed unconsciously, he sat down on the chair, and picked up the communication device.

"Hello Hawaii, I am Dr. Kusapali from Pasadena, and I would like to ask you to change the position of the telescope. Please point it at Scarlett Johansson's home, hahaha!"

"We really shouldn't have let him drink."

Howard whispered to Bernadette.

"It's not your fault!"

Bernadette rolled her eyes and said, "Tonight was supposed to be our date."

"do you know?"

Rajesh opened another bottle of wine, sat down next to Bernadette, and said nonstop: "I haven't kissed a girl in more than a year~"

"I remember Xiao Guizi is a bitch, right?"

Howard said subconsciously.

"Hua Zai~"

Bernadette shouted angrily.

"Feel sorry."

Howard grinned and said, "Not to mention Xiao Guizi, didn't you tell us last time that you and Stuart both picked up girls at Comic-Con?"

"That's a lie to you!"

Rajesh complained plaintively: "It's just to cooperate with you in teasing Leonard. How can any girl like me~"

"here you go!"

Howard smiled in surprise: "We didn't notice it at all. It's really interesting to think about Leonard's face at that time."

Not long ago, Leonard was dumped by Penny again, and Howard had just returned to love with Bernadette and kept showing off his affection in front of Leonard.

Sheldon and alien Amy exchange text messages constantly, Rajesh, who cannot talk to women, also tells Leonard that he has found a deaf girl as his girlfriend, and Stu, who has completely changed from an artist to a wretched otaku, I also made a girlfriend at Comic-Con.

Stewart's girlfriend is terrifying;

Leonard asked rudely: "Since she is so terrible, why don't you break up with her?"

Stewart shook his head and said, "I can't do it."


"Because once we break up, I will be alone like you~"

This critical blow completely destroyed Leonard's remaining modesty, causing him to approach Howard and ask Howard to fulfill the terms of mutual aid between friends. This led to Leonard's date tonight.

"That's true."

Rajesh smiled, then cried with a sad face: "We are talking about my sad things now!"

"Poor little thing."

Bernadette comforted: "Rajesh, you have to know that you are great and there will be many girls willing to kiss you."


"You need to find it."

Rajesh listened to Bernadette's comfort and encouragement, looked into Bernadette's eyes, and smelled the fragrance from Bernadette's body. His hormones exploded, and male narcissism filled his mind, overwhelming all rationality. He instinctively thought that the female in front of him had a crush on him, so he closed his eyes and moved his mouth towards her without hesitation.


Bernadette was shocked and immediately moved away, but with the three of them crowded on the sofa, she could only avoid her head. If she followed the movement of Rajesh's lips, she still couldn't avoid them.

Fortunately, in desperation, Howard on the other side reacted in time, put his head directly in front of Bernadette, and faced Rajesh...

"Oh, now it's fun~"

Bernadette, who dodged the attack, saw Rajesh holding Howard's head with his eyes closed and chewing hard for several seconds. Howard just opened his eyes wide but did not push Rajesh away, and couldn't help but complain. stand up.

PS: Thanks to Guest Officer 01 for the tip!

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