
Mystic Falls.

Mystic Falls Middle School.

The new semester has begun, and students who have experienced a long summer vacation are beginning to return to school, and the deserted campus suddenly becomes excited.

The boys discussed various contests, games, and pretty girls, while the girls talked about fashion, gossip, and of course handsome guys.

"There are too few high-quality boys nowadays."

In the corridor of the classroom, a mixed-race girl with brown skin and black hair was leaning against the locker, looking at the boys passing by, and complained.


Next to him, a white girl with delicate features and long hair shawl opened the locker, took out the books, and responded without interest.


Seeing this, the mixed-race girl asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"I am fine."

The white girl Elena forced a smile and gave the same answer as always: "Bonnie, don't worry about me, it's been so long, we always have to look forward, right?"


Bonnie, a mixed-race girl, sighed in her heart, but nodded heavily and said with a smile: "That's right to think so. You also know that I always have very accurate premonitions. It's like a psychic. I have a premonition that you will be very good this year." wonderful."

"I trust you."

Feeling the sincere concern of her best friend, the smile on Elena's face became much more natural.


Bonnie sighed in her heart, she knew that Elena could not be very good now, because four months ago, Elena's parents died in a car accident, and four months was only enough time for Elena to smooth out her appearance. Just sadness.


At this time, a tall blond girl walked over quickly, hugged Elena, and shouted very grandly: "Oh, my god! Are you okay? I'm so happy to see you!"

Then he let go of Elena and looked at Bonnie: "How is she? Is she okay?"

"Caroline, I'm standing right here."

Elena's mouth twitched and she reminded aloud: "And I'm fine, thank you."


Caroline lowered her head slightly and looked down at Elena. The smile on her face remained unchanged, but a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes: "Are you sure?"

"Much better, thank you."

Elena's melancholy and sadness were washed away by Caroline, and they immediately dissipated, and a reserved and exaggerated smile like 'Caroline' appeared on her face.

"All right."

Caroline frowned and raised her head: "Poor little boy, I'll leave first."


Elena twitched the corner of her mouth and shrugged at Bonnie who was suppressing a smile: "Caroline, she really hasn't changed at all!"


Bonnie smiled and said: "I want to compete with you all the time, this is Caroline!"

"I didn't even think about comparing myself to her."

Elena emphasized.

"I know."

Bonnie naturally stood by Elena's side and echoed: "You don't need to compete with her at all, because you have always beaten her since you were a child. If not..."

He paused here.

"it does not matter."

Elena knew what Bonnie meant and shrugged: "She is a cheerleader now. I am very happy for her."

On American campuses, the football captain and cheerleader have always been the most influential figures among boys and girls. The football captain is okay because he relies on his strength and there are no conflicts.

The title of cheerleader for girls changes every year or even every semester, and there are all kinds of battles going on all the time. Some candidates are able to do all kinds of incredible things in order to get the upper hand.

Beauty traps, hidden knives in smiles, killing people with borrowed knives, fishing in troubled waters... Thirty-six strategies were masterfully played by this group of girls.

Previously, Elena had always been the school beauty with her beautiful face and white lotus-like character. As a cheerleader, she also fell in love with her childhood sweetheart, the football captain Matt, which Caroline bit into pieces. Got silver teeth.

So when Elena had an accident and was not in the mood to be a cheerleader, Caroline, who had good conditions and had been fighting Elena for so many years, succeeded in taking over.

When Caroline came over just now, it was not so much to care about her friends as to declare her sovereignty. This campus has entered her Caroline era.

"Oh, god! What a handsome back~"

Bonnie caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of her eye and cried out like a nymphomaniac: "It must be a handsome guy, ah, he is about to turn around, ah~!!!"


Elena followed Bonnie's gaze, her eyes were blank, she breathed heavily, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously. At this moment, the sadness of her parents' passing was completely suppressed by Ben and Neng coming from deep inside her body. , subconsciously showing a smile as beautiful and clean as a white lotus.

What came into view was a handsome white young man, wearing sunglasses. He seemed to have a handsome and charming voice when he walked around. Not only did he stunned the best friends Elena and Bonnie, he was also surrounded by girls from a distance. Caroline in the middle looked over, and her eyes suddenly flickered.


Elena was watching and walking when she suddenly felt something hit her. When she looked up, she saw a tall Asian young man standing in front of her. She was startled, covering her chest and exclaimed.


The two apologized almost simultaneously.

Bonnie pulled Elena, and Elena took a closer look and realized that this Asian young man was also quite handsome.

"Hi, hello, I'm Owen Lee."

"Hi, my name is Elena and this is my good friend Bonnie."

"I know."

Owen glanced at the handsome guy who was parked not far away, his ears twitching slightly, staring at Elena's beautiful face like a white lotus, and smiled brightly.

"you know me?"

Elena said in surprise.

"Although I just transferred here, I still know the flower of Mystic Falls."

Owen's eyes flashed with 'admiration', causing Elena to lower her head. Bonnie and Elena looked at each other and smiled at each other.

The admiration of a handsome guy always makes a woman happy!

The three of them were chatting happily here, but the handsome young man not far away kept twitching his ears and frowning. He planned to rely on his super hearing to have a chance encounter, but he didn't expect that someone would cut off his beard.

He was in a irritable mood, with thick dark circles appearing in his eyes, surrounded by black threads, which was very strange. Fortunately, he was wearing sunglasses, so no one would notice.

The handsome young man took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and thought to himself: "Don't worry, I have plenty of time..."

Thinking like this, the black silk in his eyes faded away and he regained his composure, but he also gave up the idea of ​​going to the toilet to meet Elena.

In history class.

"Our home state of Virginia joined the Confederacy in 1861, which caused great tensions at the state level..."

The history teacher talked endlessly about history on the stage, while the students below had different moods.

"Elena, these two handsome guys are looking at you~"

The cell phone in her jeans vibrated against her plump thighs. Elena took it out secretly and saw that it was a text message sent to her by Bonnie who was sitting in the back. She clicked on it and her heart started to beat fast. She pretended to be natural and said to her. After a quick glance, she saw that the two handsome guys were actually smiling at her. She couldn't hold it anymore and quickly looked away, but she couldn't hide the curve of her mouth.

Owen glanced sideways at the football captain who was wearing a student uniform, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, and with his eyesight, he could clearly see the reflection in Elena's eyes.

The three of them were in the same position, but when Elena glanced back, the reflection in her eyes did not see this childhood sweetheart ex-boyfriend at all. It seemed that the other person was an invisible person, or that he had a background similar to Lin...

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