TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Hey Howard, what's up?"

Leonard answered the phone and asked, and then his expression suddenly became strange. He seemed to be unable to believe what he heard, and repeatedly confirmed: "What did you say that the robot hand caught you?"

After receiving the cryptic confirmation from Howard on the other end of the phone, Leonard put down the phone and said to Irving while suppressing a smile: "You will never guess what happened!"

"Is young Howard stuck by the robot hand?"

Owen hit the nail on the head.

"How did you guess that?"

Leonard was stunned.

How could anyone guess such an incredible thing?


Irving said with a meaningful smile: "What's so strange about this? Some time ago, Howard said that his robot hand had a breakthrough. I guessed that today would happen. After all, he is Howard!"


Leonard then thought about it, nodded and said with a smile: "That's true!"

Howard's previous brainstorming was all about robot women. The richness and strangeness of his ideas made people wonder. Leonard didn't think of it for a while. It was just because of the surprise when the fantasy came into reality.

Now when I was reminded by Owen, I suddenly felt that although this kind of thing was weird and unexpected, it was also reasonable!

"What are you waiting for?"

Owen stood up and said: "We should go over and take care of our friend Howard right away... Oh, wait, there is also the person he cheated on behind Bernadette's back~"


Leonard was laughing so hard.

Howard's house.

"You are finally here."

Rajesh opened the door, and Owen and the other two came to Howard's bedroom. They saw Howard sitting on the bed with a thin quilt covering his legs. Beside the bed was an upright robotic arm, and the palm of the robotic arm disappeared into the thin quilt on Howard's legs. Inside……

"Find a solution for me quickly!"

"what happened?"

Leonard asked seriously.

"come on!"

Howard shouted angrily: "Can't you see?"

"I can tell."

Owen joked: "But we all want to hear it from your own mouth, because we are afraid that we will wrongly accuse you~"

"I, I accidentally slipped and fell..."

Howard said hesitantly.


Leonard asked in a drawled voice: "Slipped and fell into the hands of the machine? Young Howard hit the ground first?"

"Yes, yes! Can you help me now?!"

Howard shouted in shame.


Leonard suppressed a smile and said: "Originally I would have suggested using lubricant, but I think you just fell into the lubricant~"


Rajesh laughed.

"That's not funny!"

Howard shouted dissatisfied.

"Young Howard is stuck in the hands of a machine. If you ask anyone, everyone will find it interesting!"

Leonard laughed and stepped forward to touch the computer with a black screen: "Okay, let's take a look."

"Don't move, the program is paused."

Howard quickly stopped him.

"Then restart."

Leonard said in surprise.

"don't want!"

Howard exclaimed in horror: "I imported the wrong program before, making it think it was holding a screwdriver in outer space. If I restart the program, it will start screwing!!!"

"I guess you should say 'her' more appropriately?"

Owen joked: "Otherwise you would just put up your pants and not recognize anyone~ Oh, no, you can't put up your pants~"


Howard and Rajesh were laughing their heads off.

"I really can't figure it out!"

Leonard complained: "If you don't have Bernadette as your girlfriend, why would you cheat on her?"

"I didn't cheat!"

Howard hurriedly argued: "I am also doing this for scientific experiments to verify the difference between robotic hands and human hands!"

"How does that feel?"

Owen asked curiously.

“There’s a lot to be done~”

Although Howard was in the current embarrassing situation, as an engineer, he still blurted out instinctively: "Think about it, once the robots continue to make breakthroughs, how many men will dream of a girlfriend with a perfect appearance who can serve them wholeheartedly!"


Rajesh said with a longing look on his face: "If only one day, there would be nothing to worry about without a girlfriend..."

"Not only that."

Owen joked: "By then there will be no boyfriends anymore! Everyone will be an independent individual, and the concept of family will collapse!"

"Howard, I made cookies for you and your friends!!!"

Just when everyone was imagining the future world, a rough voice came from downstairs.

"Great, thank you."

Howard was brought back to reality by his mother's earth-shattering scream, and he responded weakly.

"I'll serve it up, and bring some Hawaiian punch!"

Howard's mother shouted.

"Don't come up!!!"

Howard panicked and shouted quickly.

"Why? Do you look down on your mother?"

Howard's mother's dissatisfied cry was very penetrating.

"Yes! But that's not the point!"

Howard habitually retorted and said to his friends in a low voice: "Find a way quickly!"

"Owen, you know better about IT, do you have any ideas?"

Leonard looked at Irving.

Among his friends, Howard has always been the one who knows better about IT technology. After all, he is engaged in engineering technology. Sheldon's World of Warcraft account was stolen before, and Sheldon also contacted Howard immediately, preparing to release Howard, the 'giant dog of war' !

This situation has long changed. The reason is that not long ago, Sheldon and Penny had a fight and changed the wireless password, so that Penny, who had been using WiFi, could not access the Internet. Howard kindly wanted to help Penny connect directly to the Internet, but was blocked. Sheldon predicted it in advance, but not only failed, but was also severely warned by Sheldon.

Irving casually lifted Sheldon's encryption, and everyone realized that Irving's hacking skills were far superior to Howard's.

"Feel sorry."

How could Owen possibly get what he wanted? He deliberately shrugged and said, "I do have a way. I can try to hack in, but I'm not sure it will be 100% successful. What if..."


Hearing this, Howard felt a chill in his crotch and shouted horribly: "One circumcision operation is enough, I don't want to have a second one!"

He is a Jew and was about to be stabbed when he was born, but he had no memory or feeling at that time. If he were stabbed again now, it would definitely break him, because not only does he have a girlfriend, but he is also full of fantasy~

"Let's take a look first."

Owen walked over, prepared to lift the quilt, and said with a suppressed smile, "I'm just curious about one thing!"

"whats the matter?"

Leonard's witty compliments.

"It stands to reason that young Howard should be a good man, capable of both softness and toughness, both long and short!"

Irving smiled playfully: "Does this young Howard still want to pretend to be the big brother at this time?"


Howard hurriedly held down the quilt and explained hurriedly: "In the program I set, the robot hand will also change accordingly."

Bang bang!

Owen clapped his hands and praised: "You are really a genius in robotics. Considering all this, the experience must be better~"


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