Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 216 Aliens and Robotic Hands

TBBT Apartments.

Rooftop terrace.

After wearing goggles and observing the laser signal reflected from the moon on the computer, when Zach asked an even stupider question again, Penny couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Zach away.

Everyone put away the instruments and put them back in the apartment. Leonard lay on the sofa glumly. Howard and Rajesh complained for a while when they saw that Sheldon didn't move anything back to the bedroom.

Rajesh suddenly had an idea: "Do you know what is more interesting?"


Howard said casually.

"Find Sheldon a girlfriend on"

Rajesh grinned.

"Are you kidding me?"

Howard complained: "How is it possible for someone like Sheldon to find a matching girlfriend? Have you forgotten how we speculated on how Sheldon will reproduce in the future?"

"Are you talking about Sheldon eating too much Thai food, and one day, he suddenly had mitosis and split into two identical Sheldons?"

Rajesh smiled and said: "Although your speculation is very reasonable, we can do it as an experiment. Think about it, so many people are looking for traces of alien existence, and we only need to use Sheldon's information Upload it to True Love and you can wait and see, how interesting it is, isn’t it?”

"That's true."

Howard's eyes lit up, and the two good friends started operating on the computer.

late at night.

Boom, boom, boom.


Leonard was awakened by a knock on the door. When Leonard opened the door, he saw Penny leaning on the door with drunken eyes, pointing at him and cursing: "You bastard, Zach is a very good boyfriend, and you... He’s ruined!”

"It's not my business?"

Leonard retorted.

"Because I would never have thought he was stupid before!"

Penny had a headache and said: "And now he is so stupid. He actually thinks that you will blow up the moon. Thinking of this, even if he has powerful skills, he can't make me happy."


Leonard's mouth twitched, not knowing whether to laugh or be annoyed.

"You ruined my ability to tolerate SB."

Penny started drinking like crazy and pulled Leonard towards the bedroom. When she met Sheldon who came out rubbing his eyes, she reminded her domineeringly: "Put on your noise-canceling headphones, it will be very noisy tonight." ~"

The next morning.

Penny sobered up and sneaked away.

Leonard thought they were getting back together, so he came next door and saw Penny putting on a waiter's uniform and getting ready to go to work, so he followed him downstairs and invited Penny on a date, but unfortunately, Penny rejected them.

"Listen, last night was a mistake. I drank too much. Let's just pretend nothing happened, okay?"

"not good."

Leonard pouted and said: "The whole thing has been engraved in my mind, especially the riding show part~"

"Oh, god!"

Penny hid her face in shame and ran away.

"that's all?"

Leonard yelled at Penny's leaving back: "Pull up your pants and you won't recognize anyone? You actually use me as a target to vent your anger?!"

He almost yelled when he said this.

A creak.

The door opened, and the resident downstairs came out. He looked at Leonard, who immediately silenced himself, and said with a half-smile, "Good morning, Leonard, maybe I should say 'drive'~"

At this point, it was Leonard's turn to run away in shame.

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"Good boy, I have it for you!"

Howard patted Leonard on the shoulder and said with a lewd smile: "Drive~drive~drive~"


Owen laughed and said: "I think the sound Leonard made should be 'hiss, hiss, hiss'? After all, we all know that Penny is the cowgirl from Omaha~"


Everyone laughed.

"You all know?"

Leonard said sarcastically.

"A little bird told us."

Owen gestured to Sheldon with his eyes.

Sheldon sat there in a daze, mentally exhausted. It was obvious that the noise-canceling headphones last night had little effect on the sound of horses galloping and leaping next door.

"Actually, I'm more curious about one thing."

Howard winked and said, "Sheldon, a little bird, has been listening to the plan all night, has the horse galloped and soared. Has he really always been a little bird?"

"good question!"

Rajesh also looked over with a lewd expression.

"It's actually possible."

Irving joked: "I'm not targeting everyone present. In fact, except for me, no one can gallop and gallop all night long. Therefore, in last night's incident, Leonard was more of a loser." Hold on, there must be a lot of rest time, otherwise Leonard’s small body would not be able to handle the cowgirl from Omaha~”


The corners of Leonard's and the other three's mouths twitched together, and they all looked at each other with sadness.

"I go first."

Leonard stood up and said.

"where you go?"

Howard asked curiously.

"Penny uses me as a tool to vent her anger. I can do anything she can do."

Leonard said angrily: "Anyway, it's normal to find a friend you haven't seen for a long time and clap for fun!"

"Didn't he go to see Leslie?"

Howard hesitated.

"Besides Leslie, is there anyone else? Leonard can't go to the Northern Empire of the Universe to find Joyce King, right?"

Owen smiled playfully: "But he must be asking for trouble."


Howard's mouth turned bitter, and he muttered with sadness: "This trick definitely won't work. I tried it a long time ago. Of course, I meant before getting back together with Bernadette~

It has been almost 18 months since Leonard and Leslie broke up. They have not seen each other during this period, so it is impossible for them to succeed! "

"None of that matters."

Irving said bluntly: "The important thing is that it was Leslie who dumped you, not you who dumped Leslie!"


Howard shouted in displeasure.

"So, you don't have much status in her heart."

Owen smiled and said: "If you were a man who dumped her, try it. Let's not say we haven't seen each other for 18 months, or even if we haven't seen each other for 180 months. If we meet again, as long as we are willing to work hard, we can still do scientific experiments again."


Howard was speechless and stood up and said: "I'm leaving too. The laboratory has been busy recently. The robot hand I developed will soon have a new breakthrough. When it is manufactured, I will show you what a magical robot hand is. !”

"I'm going to the office too."

Rajesh stood up immediately and muttered: "Netflix has recently been able to download movies on the client, and now I can watch some~"

When Irving heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he complained in his heart. The dignified Indian Iron Man, a young astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology, turned out to be a person who was just getting by with a salary.

During working hours, in addition to receiving and sending emails, I also update my Facebook page and make Wikipedia entries. Now it has developed to the point where I watch movies at work. This kind of discrimination has reached the level of madness...

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