Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 218 If you reach out, you will be caught



Irving and Leonard took the lead and walked into the nurse's station, followed by Rajesh holding the robot hand, and finally Howard, who was walking like a limp duck.

"It hurts, it hurts, slow down, you've grabbed me!"

With a look of pain on his face, Howard shouted to his good friend Rajesh, who was indirectly holding his hand.

"Don't yell at me, or I won't get it for you next time!"

Rajesh replied with some dissatisfaction.


Even as miserable as it is now, Howard was still made uncomfortable by Rajesh's doubtful and 'imaginative' basic language.

"Excuse me, can you help us?"

Owen smiled and said to the nurse at the nursing station.

"Oh, my God, my God~"

The female nurse on duty put down her reading glasses, exclaimed repeatedly, and asked, "What's going on?"

"I slipped!"

Before Irving and others could answer, Howard spoke up.

"We encounter this all the time."

The female nurse responded noncommittally, walked to Howard, slightly opened the thin quilt that Howard was holding, and took a look inside. She was well-informed and had already guessed the truth of the matter, but she was just looking at the robot hand curiously: " What's this?"

"The robot hand I made."

Howard replied uncomfortably.

"What about the other parts?"

The female nurse said casually.

"I only built robot arms."

Howard said weakly.

"Because that's all you need, right?"

The female nurse smiled knowingly.

"Can you help me solve this problem first?"

Howard shouted in shame and anger.

"Ok, ok, stay calm for a moment."

As the female nurse spoke, she walked to the nurse's station, picked up the intercom, and said calmly: "Please send a nurse to bring a wheelchair. If anyone is stuck by the robot hand, please come for consultation."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted countless attention, because the intercom at the nurse station was amplified by loudspeakers and broadcast to the whole hospital to ensure that other medical staff could hear it. The situation mentioned by the female nurse was the headline shock of the Department of Shock. News, no matter who you are, will be shocked.

"Can't you be subtle?!"

Feeling the countless glances coming from the side, Howard growled in shame and anger.

"Feel sorry!"

The female nurse said seriously: "There is no code set for the situation where the robot hand gets stuck on the brother."

Howard was speechless.

In hospitals, most conditions are assigned specific codes to simplify the condition and protect patient privacy. However, a groundbreaking medical treatment like Howard's was a tragedy.

Of course, the female nurse could use this series of codes instead, but it's a pity that she doesn't want to do this. After all, this kind of interesting gossip should be shared with colleagues in the hospital as soon as possible, right?

"Why is it connected to the computer?"

Before the caregiver arrived, the female nurse was curious. After learning about the crash, she ignored Howard's horrified screams and pressed the reset button. As a result, the manipulator immediately let go and returned to its original state. It was not as Howard guessed. Tighten and twist like that...

After everyone sent Howard and his 'girlfriend' home, as soon as they returned to the TBBT apartment, Leonard received another distress call from Howard. Leonard complained speechlessly: "What do you mean you are stuck again?" ?”

"Howard's scientific exploration spirit is really admirable!"

Owen shook his head and smiled.

"go together?"

Leonard said helplessly.


Owen curled up his lips, walked to Leonard's desk, turned on his computer, operated for a while, pressed the final Enter key, and said with a smile: "Done and call it a day!"


Leonard looked confused.

Toot toot.

After the video communication request from Rajesh was connected, Rajesh was surprised, and Howard's excitement and horror for the rest of his life came into view.

"Leonard, Owen, the computer suddenly restarted and the robot arm returned to normal. I don't even know what happened?"

Owen smiled playfully and said, "You can try again."

"Do not make jokes!"

Howard shouted with lingering fear.

If he still had the courage to try again after the first thrilling restart, then the second time when the computer completely crashed and there was no response after restarting, he was really panicked and he didn't dare to try again.

But one can only do two, but not three. This is his brother!

"I'm not joking."

Owen joked: "I just upgraded your scientific experiment LOL program. The previous program errors will no longer appear. Just put down LOL."


Howard was startled, and then shouted: "Did you remotely control my computer just now?"

"if not?"

Owen shrugged.

"Why didn't you inform me?!"

Howard shouted fearfully: "What if I make a mistake?! This is the happiness of my life!"

"There will be no mistakes!"

Owen smiled confidently.

"But that's not what you said before..."

Howard wanted to refute, but when he said this, he paused. He has the "super power of hitting the right spot". After Irving's reminder, it would be too bad if he still can't react.


Everyone is a genius with high IQ. As soon as Irving said these meaningful words, Leonard and Rajesh laughed like crazy. They didn't need any explanation at all. They could completely understand why Irving did this.

In fact, if it were them, they think to themselves, they would make the same choice!

Just like giving birth to a child just for fun, if you don't attack or make fun of someone, then what kind of harm is it? What kind of friends can I make?

"Hey! Hey! Hey!~"

Howard's mouth twitched and he pretended to smile, but the smile was too forced: "I have a girlfriend, I don't need it anymore."

"Wait a minute."

Rajesh smiled and said thoughtfully: "Owen, are you sure you have modified the program?"


Owen said confidently: "Don't you still believe in my ability?"

"What do you want to do?"

Leonard looked askance at Rajesh.


Rajesh came back to his senses, waved his hands repeatedly, and concealed a smile: "I just think that sometimes when I am not at home, there is no one to take care of Xiao Guizi. It would be great if there was such a robot to replace me..."


Leonard curled his lips and said, "Are you sure you are talking about Xiao Guizi?"

After hanging up the video communication, Leonard complained: "The two of them are really enough. I'm sure that Rajesh will take the robot home tonight."

“That’s good validation.”

Irving walked to the computer and performed another operation. He smiled at Leonard and said, "If you reach out, you will be caught. Now I am not afraid that he will not tell the truth~"

"Hey hey hey!"

Leonard was delighted.

Jingle Bell.

At this moment, Irving's cell phone rang. After answering, he said, "Hi, Matthew, what's going on? Oh, okay, I understand, I'll be there..."

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