Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 199 To comply or not to comply?

Umbrella Corporation Headquarters Building.


"Our business is life itself..."

Gwen listened to Owen say the slogan of the Umbrella Company, and looked at the slightly mysterious smile on Owen's mouth, and she always felt that something was wrong.

"In a way, the Nakachu series belongs to the category of killing lives, right?"

Gwen is a female top student after all. After thinking about it for a while, she understood why it felt weird: "Well, it should be regarded as life, right?"

"Everything needs to be viewed dialectically."

Owen smiled and said: "What you said does make sense, but from the perspective of existing life, the Zhongchu series completely serves life itself and allows life to survive better.

Think about it, there are tens of millions of real lives that have to be killed due to accidents every year around the world. If it can be avoided because of the Umbrella Company's Nakamoto series, what a merit it is!

Without existence, there is no killing! "

He said this, but there was something unsaid in his heart: "Among these tens of millions of people, there are always people who make other choices. If they are all wiped out because of the Zhongchu series, what kind of killing would it be!

Not to mention the countless billions of ghosts who strived for the upper reaches but were short-lived before they became real beings! "

Killing is synonymous with the God of Death. The more killings, the more people fear the God of Death. Owen and the God of Death are one. If countless lives are lost because of Owen, these endless killings can naturally be attributed to the God of Death.

Boundless killing represents boundless power, which is very beneficial to restoring the god of death!

But pure killing cannot repair the god of death!

Because the God of Death is not simply the God of killing, killing and death are just the appearance of the God of Death. Its true origin should be balance. Once everything destroys the balance of the universe, the God of Death will represent the avenue of the universe and erase the other party's existence.

In the future, the cosmologist, the leader of the life committee, and Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half of all life in the universe. The reason was that there were too many lives and it had affected the operation of the universe. In the comics, it was to please the goddess of death.

If Death is really just endless killing, why doesn't Thanos kill all life with a snap of his fingers?

Death = god of balance!

There is a god of death in every universe, and the more powerful the god of death, the closer he should be to the ruthless state of the road, because when the god of death has emotions, it will more or less destroy the balance in the universe.

Just like Owen, because he knew that there was an eternal existence in the world, he did not dare to perform his duties as the God of Death. He treated good and evil equally. He could only find the most vicious criminals to kill and spread the name of the God of Death.

Fortunately, this is a negative universe filled with evil, and such killing is an act to maintain balance.

Good people don't live long, but disasters last for thousands of years!

In the positive universe, there are many more good people than bad people, and the destructive power of the bad people is very limited. The positive universe is relatively balanced. Killing bad people arbitrarily is also an act that destroys the balance.

In the negative universe, the proportion of bad guys is much larger, and because of advanced technology, the destructive power caused by a single body can even destroy the planet and the universe. At this time, the God of Death represented by Owen specializes in killing bad guys, which is in line with the God of Balance, the God of Death. ’s job.

The same is true for killing bad guys, and the same is true for the research series!

Every time due to maintaining balance, the greater the movement and the greater the impact, the more the Death Godhead in Owen's consciousness is restored.

To sum up in one sentence, it’s crazy to do things!

Owen is even considering whether to grab the Infinity Gauntlet when he has enough ability in the future, and replace Thanos as the cosmic plan, life committee leader, and Ren. I believe that by then, Owen's Death Godhead should be able to be completely restored with a snap of his fingers. .

"Collect samples for testing!"

Deeper considerations about the Zhongchu series flashed through Owen's mind. Under the reminder of the staff, he saw that the experimental subject had completed the stage of the experiment, so he ordered: "Replace the experimental subject and repeat the test!"

After saying that, he smiled at Gwen, whose face was a little red: "A new round is about to begin again, shall we leave first?"


Gwen is the top female student in high school. Although she is not a young girl, she cannot withstand such a violent and dirty experiment.

a week later.

"Boss, this is your new assistant, Natalie Roschman."

Under the leadership of Monica, a familiar face appeared in front of Owen.

"Natalie Roschmann?"

Owen looked at the familiar face that was much younger than he remembered, and smiled meaningfully.

When this smile fell in Monica's eyes, it completely changed. She rolled her eyes and complained: "Boss, if you have any chores in the future, you can ask Natalie to do it. I am the CEO you hired. , not your assistant, I think you should be very satisfied with the assistant I hired for you!"

After saying that, without waiting for Owen to speak, he turned around and left. Although they were different from top to bottom, they were not so strictly divided. This kind of behavior of no superiors and no subordinates would definitely not be possible if it were replaced by other bosses and employees, but Monica knew Owen won't mind...

"So, Natalie? What do you know?"

Natalie looked directly at Owen: "I am proficient in various languages ​​and worked as a model in Rejing."

"Any more?"

Owen asked casually while thinking about the reason why Natasha appeared so quickly.

The appearance of SHIELD's model agent Phil Coulson naturally couldn't be hidden from him. He believed that he had no flaws and that logically he shouldn't be the one to find him.

"I will try my best to complete whatever the boss asks~"

While Owen was pondering, Natalie was also observing Owen. Seeing that Owen didn't seem to pay much attention to her intentions, she immediately put away the pre-planned 'ambiguous' route and chose a simple and crude mode.

Watching people play is a basic quality of Natasha who goes by the pseudonym Natalie. Before coming here, she naturally studied Owen's information in detail and knew that Owen was an extremely romantic playboy.

Although she is young and beautiful and is extremely beautiful due to special training, it is simply a joke to say that her appearance and temperament alone can make Owen, who has seen all the beauties, fall in love with her!

Apart from anything else, Monica, who just went out, is not inferior to her in figure and appearance. She believes Owen must be very aware of this...

In this case, of course, you need to get in the car first, and only after a test drive can you know the performance and driving experience of a good car that truly outperforms other cars, so that the buyer can be willing to pay for it!


Owen was stunned and looked over subconsciously.


Natalie had already twisted her body and walked over seductively.

It's time to show off your real skills!


Owen couldn't help but gasp.

What's happening here?

In the movie, doesn’t Black Widow have all the information she can get with her eyes and mouth? Why is it so simple and crude when it comes to him?

Now how to do?

To comply or not to comply?

Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

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