Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 200 Others laugh at me because I am too crazy

Umbrella Corporation Headquarters Building.


After one day and one night.

"Is this newcomer so attractive to you?"

Monica was notified and came over at the right time. From the whispers of the company's administrative staff downstairs, she learned that Owen's interview with assistant Natasha had just ended. She couldn't help but smacked her tongue and said, "Do you need preparation from the company's legal department?" one time?"

"what to prepare?"

Owen had just taken a shower and was sitting behind his desk, typing on the keyboard with his hands as fast as lightning. He was surprised when he heard this.

"I remember I left yesterday, until now~"

Monica said this, paused, looked at her watch, and said playfully: "Exactly 24 hours! With your beast-like physique, you won't be able to spoil this new assistant, right?"

Although it seemed like a joke, it was still mixed with worry and a bit of jealousy. After all, she knew Owen's background very well.

If it really takes one day and one night, the chances of being spoiled are very high.

"You underestimate Natalie."

Owen shook his head and said with a smile: "Actually, we are just meeting an opponent and a good talent."

"How can it be?!"

Monica said in shock.

"Everything is possible!"

Owen sighed.

Owen knew the reason for Monica's shock.

In fact, although Natalie's driving skills are indeed unparalleled in the world and she can be called the strongest female driver, the real reason that made Owen try the car for a day and a night was because of his curiosity.

After recognizing Natalie's identity, he had an idea. He wanted to use his eternal interference gun and lv3 enhanced endurance to make the famous bus driver Ji Black Widow kneel down and sing conquest.

But in the end, he even used the lv3- ultimate strength and lv3- ultimate speed, but still failed to achieve the set goal.

This is incredible!

Leonard's original confusion about Penny's healing method reappeared in Owen at this moment!

"Perhaps the law of physics that friction creates fire does not hold true in the Marvel integrated universe!"

Irving sighed while running at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

You are still too young. When I watched someone survive in the wilderness, the other person held a wooden stick between his hands and quickly rubbed the fire starter underneath. The speed definitely did not exceed 0.1m/s. If you were lucky, you could successfully start a fire in less than a minute. .

And now he has been traveling at a speed of 13.9m/s for several hours, but there is no reaction at all. This is absolutely unscientific!

Afterwards, he realized that he had gotten into trouble!

Even if you have speed and endurance, if you want to make a fire by friction in the vast sea, it is not a fantasy!

If ordinary women are compared to water, some are streams, some are wells, and some are lakes. Irving believes that strong power can produce miracles. All this water may be evaporated, but if it were replaced by the sea, Irving could only look at the ocean and sigh. .

The super agent Black Widow, who has been specially trained by Su Honghong's house, has definitely been strengthened in all aspects by the special strengthening serum, and the female talent, coupled with the extreme training of Bus Si Ji the day after tomorrow, on the battlefield between men and women, Owen did not achieve an overwhelming victory for the first time. The victory of sex is a matter of course.

"It seems that I hired the right female assistant."

Monica sneered: "If there are a few more, you may not be able to bear it. Look at you, you are still so extravagant!"

"Hey, you don't understand, actually I don't want this either!"

Owen shook his head and sighed.

"Ha, man!"

Monica glanced sideways at Owen, with a look of disdain on her face.

"Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others because they can't see through it."

Seeing Monica's expression, Owen knew that Monica didn't understand him, so he couldn't help but read a poem.

Is he showing off?

totally not!

He has his own reasons!

In this negative universe where demons and monsters are rampant, there are life and death crises at every turn. If you are targeted by dangerous organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, you may even have to live or die!

The last person who didn't disguise his abilities should have been dissected alive and only a piece of skin was left. Although because of his special ability, he should have been sewn up and brought back to life, but that kind of extreme It was painful, and Owen didn't want to try it.

Before you become the true god of death in the multiverse, don’t waste your development, this is the basic operation!

Therefore, he set himself up as a playboy!

The purpose is to hide oneself!

In his previous life, he was very impressed by a joke. It was about how many people complained that who else but Bruce Wayne could afford the high-tech equipment used by Batman? Why couldn't the American people see such a big flaw?

One of the replies was very classic: To put it into perspective, when there is a dark city like Gotham City on the other side, can you imagine that the person who fights evil and saves the world in the dark is that small target?

As soon as this reply came out, the world suddenly became quiet and the complaints completely disappeared. This is the most convincing explanation!

It’s not that the American people are too stupid, but that playboys and billionaires like Bruce Wayne are too cunning!

Owen would naturally not give up such an effective method, but for this reason, he could not tell outsiders, even close confidants like Monica.

Well, who can understand his difficulties?

"Richard and the others have tried their best to speed up the progress, but if they want to complete the goal you set on time, they still need manpower, a lot of manpower!"

Monica's expression became serious and she began to report on the company's situation.

"Just let him recruit people."

Irving waved his hand and said: "The Red Queen project is our core business. The company's resources will be tilted towards them as much as possible. All they have to do is continue to improve the functions!"

A super artificial intelligence program contains hundreds of millions of codes. It is impossible for an individual to write such a huge code alone. However, there are countless digital farmers in the IT world. Their role is like ants. Although each one has a small role , but when the magnitude increases, it can miraculously build complex and huge ant nests.

The core program of Red Queen was naturally written by Owen, but a large number of complicated peripheral programs can directly use the results of the Red Umbrella department of the umbrella company, greatly reducing the time of the Red Queen project.

The New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Secret base.

Black Widow Natasha Romanov came here after making sure that no one was monitoring her. She entered the base laboratory. Under the surprised eyes of the researchers, she took a transparent collection bottle, calmly opened the bottle cap, and put Under the skirt.

"Test it!"


The researcher in a white coat took the full collection bottle and stared at the rich white color inside. Thinking of the other person's name, they all shuddered.

Legend has it that there is a female spider that will eat the male after coitus. This spider is called the black widow...

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