Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 198 It’s good for him and me

New York.

The Queen.

Umbrella Corporation Headquarters Building.

"Hello, boss. ×n!"

Walking in the spacious and bright hall, the company employees I met along the way greeted each other respectfully. Irving did not look down on him because of his youth, because Irving opened all the thorns and eyesores without hesitation.

Have money and be willful!

After pressing his fingerprints, the door of an elevator opened. He got on the special elevator and arrived at the top floor of the building. This was a large flat floor decorated very grandly and luxuriously. There was no doubt that this was Irving's lounge.


Gwen's eyes lit up and she looked at this luxurious penthouse apartment in amazement.

Although she is the daughter of the New York Police Commissioner and often works part-time as a model, so she has extraordinary experience, but she has never lived the life of a billionaire, so she is inevitably a little envious for a while.


"Come in!"


As soon as Irving finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and a tall beauty with long blond hair and wearing OL came in and reminded: "The experiment has been arranged."

"Monica, you are here. Let me introduce you to Gwen. This is Monica Hall, the CEO of Umbrella Company."

Irving introduced both parties: "Monica, this is my classmate Gwen Stacy, a genius academic, part-time model, and a flower in the future science world."



Monica looked at Gwen and smiled: "Since we are the boss's classmate, he should be graduating soon. Have you chosen a school and major?"


Gwen responded uncomfortably: "Empire State University, biology major."

Although she is also very beautiful, she is still a high school student, and her aura is nowhere comparable to that of the mature Monica. This feeling of being suppressed is not a good one.

"Wow! Empire State University is the top university. Professor Kurt Connors from their Department of Biology is at the forefront of the world's research on biological inheritance and genes!"

Monica opened her mouth.


Gwen said in surprise: "Monica, do you know Professor Connors?"

Although Kurt Connors is very famous in the industry, most people will never know that people like him exist!


Monica smiled and said: "Some time ago, I accompanied my boss to Empire State University to meet Professor Connors. The boss wanted to invite him to work at the Umbrella Company, but unfortunately he refused."


Owen smiled self-deprecatingly: "Professor Connors's research is sponsored by Osborne Industries, and there is no shortage of funds. Naturally, he looks down on small companies like ours."

Osborne Industries is a large listed group with a market value of nearly 10 billion. The New York biotechnology company Irving acquired was bankrupted by the other party's expansion. Irving's current financial resources are not enough to compete with Osborne Industries.

"Boss, I believe that once our flagship product is successfully launched, it will definitely drive everyone crazy. By then, it will be inevitable to surpass Osborne Industries!"

Monica said excitedly.

"A hit product?"

Gwen asked curiously: "What is it?"

"You'll find out later."

Monica smiled mysteriously.

Owen smiled at Gwen Stacy and said, "Let's go, future female scientist."

Below the penthouse is Owen's private laboratory, and below is the company's laboratory. For a scientist engaged in scientific research, this is definitely the top treatment, but Owen is not satisfied.

In his mind, the Umbrella Company's laboratory should be deep underground, that way it would feel...

The current conditions are not enough for him to build a large-scale underground experimental base, so he can only make do with it. However, after the company's flagship product is launched, the Umbrella Company's new headquarters building will start construction.

The plans have been made, and the address is still New York, but in the Hell's Kitchen area. An abandoned factory will be bulldozed and the headquarters building will be rebuilt.

Of course, when laying the foundation, there will definitely be no shortage of the first underground hive base. At that time, a secret entrance will be built in the suburbs of New York, and a railway tunnel will be built underground to connect it to facilitate secret access.

Umbrella Corporation Labs.

"Boss! ×n!"

A dozen staff members in white coats were busy there. When they saw Irving coming, they all said hello.

"Are you ready?"

Owen glanced at it and asked.

"The experimental subjects are already in place."

the staff member replied.

"Okay! Let's begin!"

Owen ordered.


The staff responded.

"What, what is this for?"

Gwen stared dumbfoundedly at the two orangutans starting a love show in the closed experimental area. Everyone, including Monica, watched with interest. From time to time, staff members whispered to each other, talking about the time. ', 'posture' and other very shameful words.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. After the establishment of our company, under the order of the boss, the first flagship product we focused on was called 'Zhongchu No. 1'."

Monica turned back and smiled: "Although I don't know why the boss chose this name, the effect of Zhongchu No. 1 is amazing, and it is very friendly to us women. You can think of it as a male contraceptive pill."


Gwen's mouth dropped open.


Monica smiled understandingly. She had the same expression at the beginning. You must know that she originally worked hard in Silicon Valley, California, and was most exposed to computer software.

When the software company she worked for was acquired by Irving, she was promoted to CEO as an exception, and she is still a little uncomfortable with it.

“This is a series of products!”

Owen smiled and said: "In addition to Zhongchu No. 1, there is also Zhongwu No. 2! Well, you can think of Zhongwu No. 2 as a combination of Viagra, male contraceptives, and pregnancy pills! Of course, the efficacy is not comparable to other products. .I have already thought about the advertising slogan.

One pill will take effect, and you will have no worries for one night. If you love her, take Zhongchu No. 1 for her.

Women should be kinder to themselves. If you are No. 2, it will be nice to him and me! "

"Pfft! Cough cough cough!"

When Gwen heard such an explicit advertisement, she almost choked herself and kept coughing. After a while, she said with a strange look in her eyes: "Owen, why did you think of studying this?"

Owen's lips curled up: "Isn't this bad?"


Gwen said speechlessly: "But is it risky to avoid pregnancy with this kind of creature? It's hard to realize!"

"So this is the flagship product of a biotechnology company, not a thin and light series of a rubber production company!"

Owen smiled and said: "With the Zhongchu series, no matter how they pursue frivolity, it is just a joke. This is the most intimate contact!"

“Think about the size of the market for safety products and men’s gospel products!”

Monica analyzed: "As long as we occupy 10% of the share, we will be enough to become a global top 500! And the ranking will be very high!"

“Our business is life itself, isn’t it?”

Owen smiled meaningfully, and an invisible shadow behind him opened his hands...

PS: Thanks to a veteran diver with thirty years of experience for the tip!

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