Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 195 Always happy and always happy

In the hospital.

"Do you know who's inside?"


"Perverted murderer! He killed eight people in a row, and I asked you if you are afraid?"

"No, it can't be."

"Why not? Didn't you see that everything is going crazy now?"

"Yes, but I need to go in and check on his condition~"

"Don't be afraid, we are here and we will definitely protect you!"


Outside the ward, two policemen were bragging and teasing the pretty little nurse, but they didn't know that in the ward across the window, Billy, who was wrapped as a mummy, suddenly opened his eyes.

The exhaust hole on the wall closed automatically with a snap, and the locked wheels under the hospital bed began to twist and shake, along with other instruments and equipment, which kept tugging at the oxygen tube inserted into his nostrils. In Billy's horrified eyes , the piston of the suction aid suddenly stopped, but the plug was forcibly pulled off by the shaking equipment.

When Jill arrived, she immediately took the picture of Billy dying of fear and despair. With her daring and courageous character to pursue fame and wealth, she sorted out all the materials overnight, and under the hint of the shadow of death, After editing the video, it was titled "The God of Death is Coming", instantly detonating public opinion across the United States.

"Owen, Owen, what are you thinking about?"

In an American country house, a beautiful girl dressed in cool clothes lay on Owen's chest, opening and closing her mouth, saying something, but Owen was lost in thought and seemed to have no reaction, which made the beautiful girl push Owen in dissatisfaction.

"I was thinking that your parents took your brother out to play. They shouldn't be back today, right?"

Owen's consciousness returned from the shadow of death, and while recalling the magical experience of being a clone, he responded to the girl casually.

"Yeah, what do you want to do?"

The pretty girl hummed slightly provocatively.

"What do you think?"

Owen was still dealing with the girl nonchalantly while recalling the feeling of being a clone of the shadow of death.

When he locked onto Billy and Stu, he spent 0.2 existence points. The fragments of the Death Godhead in his consciousness shook and differentiated into a humanoid black shadow that seemed to be covered by a black cloak. It turned into a dark wind and instantly came to Billy and Stu. Stu's side.

Owen felt that at this moment, he was somewhere between reality and reality, manifesting at will. The automatic abilities of the black shadow of death were reflected in his consciousness one by one, as if it had become instinct. As soon as his mind moved, the door was closed. The lights, sound, TV, etc. were all under his control. At that moment, he seemed to have become the real Grim Reaper.

The flame was controlled by him and ignited Stu.

The impact of the explosion was completely ineffective on him, and following his thoughts, the impact caused the props on the floor to fly up at an incredible angle, accurately pinning Billy to the door.

What made him even more delighted was that although his consciousness was possessed by the shadow of death, his real body had no influence at all and he still warmly comforted the lonely beautiful girl.

But when he was a little lost in this powerful feeling and tried to control others, he found that his divine power had disappeared.

After asking the system, Owen learned that with his current ability, he could only control everything around the target locked by spending presence points, and the more control and interference he had, the more presence points he consumed.

At this moment, Irving immediately calmed down, blocking out the false omnipotence.


The beautiful girl climbed up, looked down at Owen, and hummed: "You are capable and worthy of your name. Wait for me and I will give you a reward!"

As he said that, he walked to the closet, squatted down, rummaged around, and took out a large smoking gun.


Owen watched her skillfully playing with the smoking gun, lighting the candle on the bedside table, and when he was about to put it in her mouth, he pulled her sharply.

"I'll go first and give it to you later."

The pretty girl pushed Owen dissatisfied.

"Are you Jessica Campbell?"

Owen looked at her and said in surprise.

"What's the meaning?"

Jessica Campbell frowned: "I'm not me, who else could I be?"

"Who knows, maybe Jane Margulies."

Owen complained: "Where did you get these things from? Isn't it a little fan who gave them to you?"

"Jane Margulies, little fan?"

Jessica looked confused and said: "Owen, what are you talking about? You won't get high in advance, right? Of course I bought these things. If you are interested, I can introduce the seller to you. Jesse can Got a lot of good stuff.”

"It's better not to touch this kind of thing!"

Owen took the smoking gun from Jessica's hand and advised.


Jessica's expression suddenly changed. She reached out to grab the smoking gun and cursed at Owen: "Who do you think you are! Give it back to me, and then get out of here, this is my home!"

Owen was not surprised. After seeing the other party's skillful movements, he already knew that the other party was no longer a novice, but a veteran who was always having fun and would do anything for a while.

"let me help you!"

Owen exerted a little force and easily suppressed Jessica. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Actually, this doesn't mean anything. I have a better choice for you..."

The next day.

Three poles in the sun.

"how do you feel?"

"Awesome! I can't believe it! You're right, that one is not as interesting as this one! Is there anything else?"

"You are a little greedy. This is not over yet."

"No, I want more!"

"Okay! Let me download a mobile app for you. There are tons of novels to read endlessly."

"Great, these novels are so wonderful. How did they come up with those plots?"

"Because they have no time to do it. They don't have girlfriends to get high and they don't have money to go out to get high. They can only get high in their minds."

"I really hope they never have money or girlfriends, then we can see more exciting novel plots."

"……Depend on!!!"

With a strong strangeness, Owen suddenly woke up and realized that it was just a dream. This dream was so real and cruel that it made Owen feel deeply uncomfortable.

"Good morning, Owen~"


Owen looked down and saw Jessica smiling and saying good morning to him, and he immediately understood that the strangeness in the dream was not groundless...

"how do you feel?"

Owen caught a glimpse of the untouched smoking gun on the bedside table. He smiled with satisfaction, closed his eyes and joked, "Are you high or not?"

"You are poisonous! You are even more poisonous!"

Jessica responded vaguely.


Owen smiled slightly and stopped talking.

In my previous life, I had read reports that a certain novel was even more exciting. Irving was determined to try it, but obviously not everyone would like it. Fortunately, Irving has the skills to systematically redeem it. Compared with novels, he has more popular and more popular skills. An effective approach, and the results are obviously very good...

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