New York.

"Why mosaic? Come on! Jill, I know you want to make big news, and I do too, but the pictures and videos you chose are too bloody. Our station is not HBO. We will be sued if we do this!"

"How can these pictures and videos be considered bloody? I didn't include the more bloody and terrifying ones at all, okay? I think this scale is still acceptable, and it can also impress those who have watched it, and understand how to fear death!

Also, today's young people are so crazy. This vicious incident was completely caused by their boredom. It is not on a large scale. How can we shock those young people who have no awe at all? "

Gilvides tried his best to retort.

In fact, she would never have done this in the past, because whether the picture is bloody or not, it doesn't really have any impact on her, as long as she gets enough attention.

On the contrary, if the pictures and videos are too gory, they will reduce the public's good impression of her. After all, the United States should not have too many "saints" and organizations that shout for peace. If she is targeted by them, she will lose her skin even if she does not die.

But there is no way, she also has a boss now, and she doesn't have the guts to refuse what the boss tells her...

Both parties had concerns and persistence, and when the argument continued, Jill decisively chose to change jobs. There is no shortage of new jobs for a famous reporter like her now.

In order to better complete the boss's promotional tasks, she accepted the invitation of HBO limited television network.

There is a saying that can vividly describe HBO: "This is not a 'love' movie, this is HBO!"

The pictures and videos that Jill wants to post are just routine operations for HBO, which is very yellow and violent.

This TV platform, headquartered in New York, occupies 90% of the market share of pay TV channels in the United States, has tens of millions of subscribers, and reaches hundreds of millions of people, is Gill's best choice.

"Ms. Vaders, Phil Coulson, FBI, this is my colleague Melinda May, can we talk?"

Just when Jill was in high spirits, a short, middle-aged man in a suit with a receding hairline came over and took out his FBI ID with a gentle smile on his face.

Standing next to her was an Asian woman in black tights with a cold face, which fit people's impression of an agent.


Jill's eyelids twitched, but she regained her composure instantly and responded with a smile.

Being interviewed by the FBI is not a good thing, but with her current reputation, even the FBI has to be polite, and she has nothing to worry about. As long as she doesn't speak, no matter how powerful the FBI is, they can still find her. Is her relationship with the God of Death bad?

Even if she was found out, it would be useless and she could not be prosecuted at all, but she could backhandedly smear the other party. Anyway, in the American media industry, slandering one's own government is completely politically correct!

Among them, secret agencies such as the FBI and CIA have countless black spots. They have been completely hacked in various reports and Hollywood blockbusters.

The worst thing is the FBI, because whether it is the CIA, the military, or other secret agencies, when they go out to do things, they all use the FBI's banner. Once something goes wrong, they evacuate secretly, leaving all the mess behind. The FBI is a federal law enforcement agency in the United States.

Half an hour later.

Jill left with a relaxed expression.

"Mei, what do you think?"

Phil Coulson looked at Jill's back and asked.

"There's something wrong with her."

Melinda said succinctly.


Coulson nodded slightly, squinting his eyes and said: "Experts in the bureau have studied the video she shot and the hospital's surveillance, and confirmed the authenticity of the video. In other words, a supernatural phenomenon really happened here, and this Vader Although Miss Si tried her best to hide it, she must know something. Do you think the God of Death really exists?"

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't."

Melinda said indifferently: "But I can be sure that the supernatural events here are not caused by the God of Death! They are probably rare superpowers!"


Coulson agreed: "The God of Death has no distinction between good and evil. He will not just stare at two criminals, let alone play with criminals. There are only good and evil people. It seems that the list of anomalies in the Bureau will be increased. New guy."

Melinda suggested: "We should make two preparations. On the one hand, we should closely monitor Gilvides, and on the other hand, we should use Midtown High School as the center to investigate all abnormal phenomena.

There must be a reason why the other party chose this case! It is very possible that you have just awakened and met the person involved in the incident. As long as you are patient, there will definitely be a flaw. "

"Well, I'll report to Fury first."

Coulson picked up the encrypted phone and dialed a number. After asking for instructions, he smiled at Melinda and said: "Fury is very interested in this 'Death'. Let us find out the other party's identity as soon as possible. May, you Are you responsible for monitoring Miss Widers?"


Melinda agreed.

A week later.

The aftermath of the incident has gradually subsided, and Midtown High School has reopened.

A black SUV was parked on the street opposite the school gate.

inside the car.

"It seems that our newcomer is very cautious."

Colson sighed: "We didn't find any flaws at all."

Melinda frowned and said: "If this is the case, our colleagues in the New York branch can only observe it for a long time. We don't have that much time to spend here."

They are affiliated with the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau, which will be the famous S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future. The two are senior agents and confidants of Nick Fury, who is still the deputy director.

This agency, which aspires to become the world's largest intelligence agent organization, is now actively expanding its global business. Naturally, it cannot let the two elite agents Coulson and Melinda waste their time here without results, even if there are supernatural powers here!

You must know that although ordinary people and even most high-level officials are not aware of it, supernatural forces and supernatural events have never been interrupted in this world. It is not uncommon for them who are specially responsible for handling such things.

The bureau's top-secret files and anomaly directory contain supernatural events and supernatural humans.

"It can only be the."

Coulson nodded and smiled: "But it's not completely fruitless. At least I discovered a super genius, and Fury should be interested."

"Super genius?"

Melinda looked over in surprise.

"Let's see."

Coulson handed Melinda a document.

"Owen Lee..."

Melinda took it and saw that Owen was Asian like her, and she frowned unconsciously.

Although she is still yellow on the outside, she has completely become a real American on the inside. When she sees her compatriots of the same species being so outstanding, her first reaction is not joy, but instinctive suspicion and criticality.

This is one of the reasons why she can become Nick Fury's absolute confidant.

Because no matter how much the future S.H.I.E.L.D. advertises itself as a global organization under the supervision of the United Nations, in the final analysis, it will still be more of a special department of the United States, and only Americans can be at the top.

Among the senior agents, apart from Melinda, there was almost no Asian. No matter how hard Melinda worked and how she risked herself for America's global cause, she could only become Coulson's deputy in the end.

You know, at that time, Coulson died once and was injected with Kree blood. It was very unstable and was not suitable to control SHIELD at all.

It can be seen that the ceiling of skin color cannot be eliminated by crazy expressions of loyalty...

PS: There are too few people in the QQ group, and no one is chatting. It is almost like a dead group, and there are still people driving. The author will not delete it, so he simply disbands it. If you have any questions, you can leave a message in this chapter.

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