Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 194 That's my girl

Stu's villa.


Hiding in the utility cabinet, Sidri was preparing to kill Billy and the two perverts. When he heard the explosions and screams outside, he didn't know what to do for a moment.


Next to him, Sidri's father, who had been kidnapped by Billy and his two men, gagged and bound his hands and feet, looked at his daughter in a daze. He didn't know how to loosen himself for such a long time, and he whimpered anxiously.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

Xidri finally woke up and used the knife in his hand to cut the rope that tied his father. He recalled that just now, he ignored the fact that he had a good helper by his side and was filled with the idea of ​​rushing out to kill two men by himself. He couldn't help but snap. Slap yourself on the head, what a pig brain.

"The house is about to explode, let's get out quickly."

Hidri's father thought of the crux of the problem.

"But Billy and the others are still outside?"

Hidri hesitated.

"Didn't you hear the screams outside?"

Xidri's father affirmed: "It's impossible to fake such screams like killing pigs. They must be in trouble. Maybe the God of Death is really targeting them."


When Sidri heard what his father said, he thought that if the weird scene hadn't happened just now, their father and daughter would have died long ago, so he nodded in agreement.

The two of them cautiously went out and found that the neurotic Stu had been burned to death there, while Billy had his limbs spread out and was nailed to the door with five table knives. His screams gradually became weak.

"You deserve it! Damn pervert!"

Sidri cursed bitterly.

Because the police had been called and the town was not big, the police arrived quickly and sealed off the scene. After taking inventory, they found 6 students who had been killed, 1 photographer who was interviewing, and the deputy sheriff of the town. Dewey was seriously injured, Jill was slightly injured, the murderer Stu was burned to death, and Billy was seriously injured and sent to the hospital for rescue.

This is definitely a major vicious event that shocked the United States!

Jill, a strong professional woman, had just been rescued. Regardless of her pain, she pushed past the additional reporters on the stage, grabbed the other party's photographer, and started reporting on the spot.

The doctors and nurses in the ambulance looked at Jill, who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, and talked about tonight's vicious incident in front of the live broadcast camera in an emotional yet clear manner. They all had to admire each other's ruthlessness.

"...Follow-up reports will continue, I am Gilvides!"

After turning off the camera, Jill sat down on the ground.

"Bad night huh?"

The photographer stepped forward and helped Jill up.


Jill grabbed the photographer's arm and stood up, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "This is simply the best night! After tonight, I will be one of the parties involved in the serial perverted murder case. Think about how many books I can sell after I publish it." How many books! By then my reputation will be even greater, and a small place like the local station can no longer accommodate me as a star reporter!"

The photographer looked at the slightly crazy Jill and felt a chill in his heart when he thought that the photographer who had been following him had just died tragically.

police station.

"What did you say? You didn't do this to Billy?"

The town sheriff was very surprised. Then he remembered something and comforted him: "You were just acting in self-defense. It's okay!"

"It's really not us."

Sidri shook his head and said: "In fact, we don't know what happened. If you really want me to say it, I can only say that we are favored by the God of Death!"

"grim Reaper?"

The town sheriff frowned: "Why not God?"


Hidri told what happened in detail: "In this case, God is not protecting us, right?"

"Are you kidding me?"

The town sheriff was stunned and looked at the Hidris and his daughter with suspicion.

"Officer, do you think we are joking right now?"

Sidri sneered.


The town sheriff coughed lightly, said a few words of comfort, and stood up to inquire about the on-site exploration situation. It was only 2002, and it was not yet the era of monsters and ghosts in the future. Most people simply did not believe in these supernatural events.

"Where, where~"

The famous reporter Gill ended the live broadcast and came to the police station to inquire about the news. After listening to Xidri's story, his heart moved, and he quietly left the police station, returned to the finely decorated apartment, opened the surveillance video recorded by the surveillance equipment, and started Look through.

"Ha! Found it!"

With the help of Deputy Sheriff Dewey's surveillance camera in the villa, she not only captured the scene of Billy and the others committing the murder, but also recorded the strange scene of the death coming afterwards.

"Is there really a god of death~"

When Jill saw the dark figure looking at Billy in the surveillance video, she trembled, but she immediately regained her composure and muttered to herself: "Even if there is a God of Death, it has nothing to do with me."

"Quack quack~"

At this moment, the surveillance video suddenly jumped to the part where Stu and Billy heard the devil's laughter. The weird laughter echoed in the bachelor's apartment. Even if he was as strong as Jill, he couldn't help but feel scared.

What frightened her even more was that a dark wind blew in the apartment, the wind chimes hanging on the windows rang crisply, the lights flickered on and off, the speakers in the apartment automatically turned on, and a familiar and terrifying music sounded.

"There is someone walking behind you.

Turn around, look at me.

There is someone watching your footsteps.

Turn around, look at me..."


Jill was trembling all over and on the verge of collapse, but her strong heart and pursuit of fame and fortune miraculously suppressed her endless fear.

"To live or to die, that is a question worth considering!"

The TV suddenly turned on, and the theater version of Shakespeare's classic play "Hamlet" appeared in front of Jill. After watching the leading actor Hamlet read this classic monologue, Jill had a flash of inspiration and shouted: "Survival, I choose to survive!!!”

"If you're feeling me, put your five high.

That's my girl.

That's my girl..."

There was another song on the stereo, and Gil finally confirmed that a mysterious force was really targeting him. Listening to the song, he raised his hands high in the air, clapped his hands to the rhythm, and muttered words while smiling like a fool: "I am yours." Girl, I am your girl~"

"It's not over..."

The song changed again, and Jill's eyes were dazzled. Countless images flashed through her mind, and finally settled in a ward in the hospital. The perverted murderer Billy was wrapped in gauze like a mummy, but the heartbeat displayed on the monitoring equipment Still smooth and orderly, obviously rescued.


The illusion disappeared, and Jill gasped for air. Listening to the song "This is not over yet" repeated on the speaker, Jill looked at the surveillance video again, his eyes lit up, and he murmured: "Did you do this on purpose? , are you playing with him..."

"Quack quack~"

In the video, the weird laughter sounded again, as if answering Jill's question, but when it fell in Jill's ears, it was like the sound of nature, and she couldn't help but feel ecstatic. This was simply giving her first-hand information. She grabbed her clothes. and phone, Jill rushed out of the apartment and rushed to the hospital.

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