At night.

Stu's villa.

High school students in twos and threes drove here and entered the villa shouting.

Outside the villa, a police car was parked there. Dewey, the young deputy sheriff of the town, was sitting in the driver's seat. He watched his sister Tatum pull Xidri in. He got out of the car and reminded: "Don't play too crazy."


Tatum said perfunctorily without looking back.

Dewey shook his head helplessly, looked around, his eyes narrowed, and he walked towards the back of the car. He saw an interview van parked there.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Hi, officer, we meet again."

A beautiful woman in professional attire opened the car door and greeted with a smile.

"Miss Vaders..."

"Call me Jill."

Gilvides said in a close tone.

Dewey looked at the other party's beautiful and friendly face, and all he could think of was Jill's beautiful figure on TV, with her mouth open, not knowing what to say.

Jill looked at each other and smiled proudly. The celebrity effect was particularly effective in front of a fledgling like Dewey. She was already confident of controlling the situation tonight.

Sure enough, after Jill deliberately showed her kindness, Dewey led her into the villa in a daze. Jill quietly placed the camera in the corner, then returned to the interview car to monitor the activities in the villa.

She is a famous journalist and part-time writer. She has become famous since she published a book about the tragic death of Sidri's mother last year. Having tasted the taste of fame and fortune, after hearing the news about the perverted murderer, she chased him after him.

Once she obtains first-hand information and publishes a book based on it, her career and wealth will reach a higher level!

The party came to an end in a hilarity. Under the suggestion of her boyfriend Billy, Sidri volunteered for the first time out of guilt that had caused him to almost go to jail.

Afterwards, what was waiting for him was not Billy's tenderness, but Billy's twisted and weird face, and his sinister words. After a fight, Sidri discovered that everyone including his best friend Tatum Some of her classmates were killed by Billy and Stu, and her missing father was also tied there by them.

"Why are you doing this?"

Sidri shouted with blood on his face.


Billy smiled strangely: "There must be a reason for killing. Look at why Hannibal's elegant cannibalism is so terrifying. It's because he has no reason at all, he just wants to kill and eat people.

But if you insist on finding a reason, I can give you one. Your slutty mother messed with my father and forced my mother to leave me. Children who have lost their mother's love are the most likely to become psychopaths in the movie. Hahaha. "


Stu stood aside with a gun and said with a nervous smile: "There is absolutely no reason why the God of Death is targeting you! In those movies, only virgins can survive to the end, but you gave up voluntarily, so you Dead!"

"You two perverts, you've gone crazy watching horror movies!"

Hidri cursed.


Billy gestured with the dagger next to Xidri's neck and murmured: "It's just a pity that you and Tatum, two women and dogs, can't attract that bastard Owen. If he can be killed tonight, then it will be a pity." That’s perfect!”


Stu echoed: "If the boys in the school know that we killed Owen, then we will not be perverted murderers, but heroes!"

"There's a chance~"

Billy murmured: "As long as we wait patiently, like the God of Death, keeping an eye on him, there will always be a chance to kill this bastard!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the door slammed shut!


"No one, it's the wind!"

"Shit! Scared me!"

Stu held the pistol to observe and smiled nervously.

"It's time to end this."

Billy suddenly had an ominous premonition and had no intention of continuing to play or mess around, so he greeted.

"! What's going on!"

Before Stu finished speaking, he saw that the lights in the villa began to flicker on and off, the filaments of the light bulbs made a buzzing sound, the TV that had been on suddenly jumped to the next channel, and a slightly weird song clearly reached everyone's ears. middle.

"There is someone walking behind you.

Turn around, look at me.

There is someone watching your footsteps.

Turn around, look at me..."

"Who is there?!"

While the two were looking around, Stu suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow printed on the wall. In panic, he shot directly at the wall.

Bang bang bang!


Billy shouted: "That's just a fan projection!"


Although the doors and windows were all closed, a sound of wind lingered in the room. The pages of a book were blown up, and one word came into their eyes so clearly: "Devil!"

"Billy, something's not right~"

Stu said shakily.

"Shut up! Calm down!"

Billy swallowed and drank calmly.

Sidri was also frightened by this weird atmosphere, but when he saw the trembling bodies of Stu and Billy, all the fear seemed to disappear at once, and a trace of relief flashed in his eyes.


When the two of them carefully observed their surroundings, Billy pushed Stu away violently and shouted.

"Holy shit!"

Stu was pushed away. When he reacted, he saw where he was originally. The kitchen props suddenly fell down. The knives inserted in the props all fell down and were heavily inserted into the floor where Stu was supposed to be standing. superior.

"Quack quack~"

The music on the other side of the TV stopped for a moment, and the familiar weird laughter from horror movies sounded. Combined with the flickering lights, it seemed like the devil was laughing.

"Who's there! Who's there!!!"

Stu was shaking all over, waving the pistol in his hand and pointing around wildly.

"There is someone walking behind you.

Turn around, look at me..."

The weird laughter disappeared, and the very appropriate music "Turn Around, look at me" played again.

"Calm down, calm down! Let's kill Sidri and leave here immediately."

Billy grabbed Stu and yelled.

"Shit! Where are the people?"

After Stu calmed down a little, the two of them turned around and saw that Hidri and the tied Hidri's father had disappeared.

Jingle Bell!

Just then, the phone suddenly rang.

Billy and Stu looked at each other and could see the fear in each other's eyes, because teasing each other on the phone was their classic routine.

"Don't answer, she must be hiding in the house, turn on the gas, and we will set them on fire!"

Billy ordered calmly.

"set fire?!"

Stu resisted instinctively: "This is my parents' house..."

"Shut up!"

Billy shouted: "Do you want to die?"

"ok, ok!"

Stu reluctantly turned on the gas switch in the kitchen. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through. After the light bulb above burst, a spark fell down, igniting the gas.


A flame burst out from the gas stove, went straight to Stu, and set his clothes on fire. He was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly, but accidentally broke a bottle of wine. The bottle broke, and the alcohol spilled all over Stu's body. Suddenly, flames shot into the sky, and Stu Tu screamed and turned into a man on fire.

"Quack quack~"

On the other end of the TV, it was as if the devil's laughter was ringing again. Billy couldn't hold it in any longer. Regardless, he rushed out crazily. He just wanted to get out of this hellish place!


The fire in the kitchen exploded, and the things in the kitchen were scattered in all directions under the impact of the explosion.

Swish, swish, swish!

The knife stuck on the floor flew over incredibly and hit Billy, pinning him to the door. He couldn't move except for screaming.

In the firelight, a human-shaped black shadow was projected on the door, reflecting in Billy's eyes, as if the devil was looking at him face to face...

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