Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 190 Midtown High School

Time passes easily when you are idle.

Suddenly it’s New Year again.

When the New Year's bell rang, time froze and Owen's figure disappeared from the positive universe again.

Marvel integrated universe.

year 2002.

New York.

Midtown High School.

"What happened? Why are there so many police cars parked?"

"Don't you know? Kathy Becker and Steve Erth were brutally murdered last night!"

"No way?"

"It's true, and it's not an ordinary murder, it's a bloody massacre, cut open from head to toe, the kind in horror movies, very bloody and terrifying! Eh~"

"Do you know who the murderer is?"

"I don't know. Didn't you see that the school is surrounded by police cars? The police are looking for everyone to question."

"Do they think it was someone from the school who did it?"

"Who knows, for such a vicious murder, either there is a grudge or there is a perverted murderer near us. I would rather it was Casey and the others who offended someone, otherwise it would be too scary!"

A black Rolls-Royce drove over.

"Can we go around the corner over there?"

In the back seat, a handsome blond boy suggested.


Next to the boy, a middle-aged man in a suit looked at his son in confusion: "The entrance is right here. Hey, what's going on today, Dawn, go down and ask!"

"Yes, boss."

The driver Dawn responded respectfully.

"I go first."

The young man said impatiently.

"Harry, wait!"

The middle-aged man grabbed his son and frowned: "Let's check the situation first! I don't object to you going to a public high school. That's because you are always kicked out of private high schools, but you are my Norman Osborne's son. , is the future of the Osborne family, and security issues must be taken seriously."

"Boss, let me ask you clearly, last night..."

Driver Dawn came over soon to report.

"This happened!"

Norman Osborne frowned and ordered: "Drive, let's go back!"

"Dad, I still have to go to school!"

Harry Osborn shouted dissatisfied.

"No, it's too dangerous here. I'll find another school for you!"

Norman Osborne shook his head.

"No! I want to go to school here!"

Harry Osborn was also a stubborn person, and because he was young and energetic, he would not be afraid at all until danger came. He caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye, opened the door and walked out: "Peter!"

"Hi, Harry!"

A handsome white boy wearing glasses turned around and responded with a smile.

"Harry, don't you want your schoolbag?"

Norman Osborne sighed at his son's back, picked up Harry's dropped schoolbag, got out of the car and chased after him.

"Uh, Peter, this is my dad, Norman Osborn, dad, this is Peter Parker!"

Harry Osborne pondered for a while and formally introduced both parties.

"Mr. Osborne, it's an honor to meet you."

"Harry has told me about you a long time ago. I heard that you are very knowledgeable in science. You can be said to be the most scientifically talented student in Midtown High School. You know, I am actually a scientist."

Norman had obviously paid attention to his son's rare good friend and had a good impression of him. Even though his status was very different, he still greeted Peter Parker warmly.

"Thank you, sir. The most scientifically gifted student at Midtown High School is Owen Lee!"

Peter Parker said modestly: "Of course you are a scientist. I have read your research report on nanoscience. It is really great!"

"Can you understand?"

Norman said in surprise.

He disagreed with the scientific genius Owen Lee described by Peter Parker. Although Midtown High School was the top public high school, it was not as good as the top private high schools, and he was still a high school student. How could a genius be so talented?

You know, Osborn Industries, which he founded, is one of the top technology groups along with Stark Industries, Hammer Industries, Pym Technology, etc., and countless talented scientists work for him. These talented scientists have gone through A true genius who survived the waves of high school, college, and work!

The fundamental reason why he looked at Peter Parker differently was because Peter was Harry's most mentioned good friend, and his scientific talent only further deepened this good impression.

"Of course, I also wrote a report."

Peter said.

"That's great. Your parents must be very proud."

Norman praised.

"Okay, they're calling us over there, Peter, let's go."

Harry urged impatiently.

As the son of Norman Osborn, he actually admires his self-made father very much, but at the same time he feels inferior to himself because he is not good enough. At this moment, when he sees his father admiring his good friend who is a top student, he feels sour in his heart.



Norman looked at the two people leaving, and his smile suddenly faded. He returned to the Rolls-Royce and ordered with a cold face: "Notify the security department to raise Harry's security level. I don't want anyone to have any trouble." Any surprises!”

"Yes, boss!"

As the only son of the boss of Osborne Industries, how could there be no security personnel around Harry Osborne? It was just that these security personnel were hidden in order to allow Harry to have 'freedom'.

"Hi Peter, Harry!"

When Peter and Harry walked into the campus arm-in-arm, a gentle greeting came from the side. When they looked sideways, they saw a handsome Asian boy and a beautiful blond girl walking side by side from the treeline next to them. Xiaodao came over and greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Hi Owen, Gwen."


Peter responded with a smile, and Harry was a little perfunctory.

"I do not like him!"

When Owen and Gwen passed by, Harry spoke.

"What's wrong?"

Peter was surprised and said: "Owen people are very nice!"

"you do not understand!"

Harry glanced at Peter, who was so innocent that he exuded the aura of a little bit, and had no intention of explaining.

As a super-rich second generation, he has lived in the shadow of his great father as long as he can remember. After going to school, he was hit by other people's children and suffered from low self-esteem.

That kid from someone else's family is called Tony Stark!

Tony Stark is also the second generation of super rich people. He has a brilliant life. He is a super genius and extremely romantic. Eight years ago, the prodigal son returned and took over his father's industry. Not only did he maintain it, he also repeatedly introduced new things, pushing Stark Industry to its peak. , so bright that it almost suffocated Harry Osborne, who was born in the same family!

In this case, it would be damned if Harry had a good impression of Tony Stark, and Owen Lee, a recognized super genius at Midtown High School, except that he does not have a super rich second-generation status, is not lacking in genius + romance, and he is Super genius + super romantic, he looks like another Tony Stark!

Therefore, almost all the boys in Midtown High School, including him, are very hostile to Owen. Only the ignorant good old Peter and those girls with no taste will think that Owen is a good person...

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