TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A, door.

"Hey, how could this happen?"

Leonard and Sheldon came back and saw that the door lock had been broken and the door was slightly open. They suddenly had an ominous premonition. When they pushed the door open, they saw that the neat apartment was in a mess.

"The TV is gone."

"And our laptops."

"Oh, god~"

Sheldon finally came to his senses. He had never believed in Christ. He shouted in shock and ran into the bedroom. A moment later, he ran out again, patted his chest, and said with a relaxed expression: "It's okay, it's okay, my The comic books are still there.”

Although many of his collector's edition comic books are locked in a bank safe, the comic book in the bedroom of his apartment is also very large and means a lot to him.

After calling the police, the police came to inventory and record the damage.

"They took our TV, two laptops, four external hard drives, our PS2 and PS3, X-BOX and X-BOX 360, the classic Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and Wii."

After Sheldon finished speaking, the police officer responsible for counting the records was dumbfounded.

Leonard somewhat knew the psychology of the police officers and smiled: "We like to play games."

"By the way, talking about games."

Sheldon didn't care so much. After talking about the game console, he started talking about the game cards again: "They also took away our Halo 2, Halo 3, Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Final Fantasy 1-9, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Dawn Princess, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Galaxy, Mario and Sonic At the Winter Olympics, there’s Ms. Pac-Man.”

The police officer was stunned for a long time and then wrote directly: "Many video games."

"When will the Criminal Investigation Department come?"

Sheldon walked over and took over a transparent bag containing a beer can and a fingerprint card. He said seriously: "There are criminal's fingerprints on it. These are my fingerprints. You can exclude me."

"what about me?"

Leonard said casually.

"Sorry, we can't rule out the possibility of an insider committing the crime yet."

Sheldon gave Leonard a careful look.

"It's not too much for me to ask him to be shot, right?"

Leonard complained to the police officer.

"This is not allowed."

The police officer smiled: "But I am happy to put him under 72 hours of psychiatric observation."

"I'm not crazy."

Sheldon said seriously: "My mother took me to check it out!"

After the burglary, Sheldon no longer felt safe. When the anti-theft device installed by Howard failed to catch the thief but electrocuted himself, he decided to leave this sinful city and find a safe city to settle down.

"Penny, you're from Nebraska, right?"

Sheldon clipped the map to the whiteboard, crossed out candidate cities one by one, and suddenly asked what came to mind.

"Native of!"

Penny said quite proudly.


Sheldon snorted and drew a big cross in Nebraska, making Penny grit her teeth.

"It won't be so troublesome."

Irving smiled and said, "Leave Leonard and you won't survive unless you return to Texas."

"How can it be!"

Sheldon retorted: "I'm not a kid, I'm a highly intelligent scientist!"


Owen smiled noncommittally.

"Is Sheldon really going to leave? What about his job?"

Petunia wondered.

“He can work remotely.”

Leonard smiled and explained: “All my colleagues at the university are looking forward to it.”

"Howard, what's wrong? You can't bear to leave Sheldon?"

Owen caught a glimpse of Howard sitting there in a low mood and couldn't help but greet him.


Sheldon looked over with a very narcissistic look: "I didn't expect that when I left, my four close friends didn't express their reluctance, but the only nodding acquaintance showed it. It's really strange."


Howard glanced at Sheldon weakly, not even having the energy to quarrel with him.

"Yeah, Howard, what's wrong with you?"

After Owen's reminder, Leonard and others also discovered Howard's anomaly.

"By the way, I haven't seen your girlfriend Bernadette recently. Is there something wrong?"

Owen thought for a moment and tentatively asked.

"we broke up."

Howard said bitterly.

"What? ×3!"

Except for Sheldon and Owen, everyone else expressed shock, but one of the voices was obviously smiling.

"Ahem, Rajesh, can you stop showing your 'sad smile'?"

Owen complained.


Rajesh tried his best to hide the joy in his heart, but he couldn't suppress the curve of the corners of his mouth, so he had to lower his head so that no one could see it.

"what happened?"

Penny said in surprise.

Although it seemed a bit unbelievable before, the fact is that Bernadette really likes this wretched man Howard. Who would have thought that a strange couple who were so passionately in love that people couldn't bear to watch would break up right away.


Howard said perfunctorily, his face was extremely unnatural, and he obviously didn't want to mention the details.

But everyone is a bad friend. The more Howard behaves like this, the more curious everyone becomes and the more they want to know the truth. Owen, who is familiar with the plot, has already guessed what happened, and said with a half-smile: "If you don't commit suicide, you won't die, Howard, you Did you do something to make Bernadette despise you?”

"No no!"

Howard's eyes flashed with panic and he waved his hands repeatedly.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me that I'm going to ask Bernadette. Then you will be even more embarrassed!"

Penny threatened.

She had always disliked Howard, so if she had the opportunity to see his jokes, she would not let him go.

"ok, ok!"

Howard couldn't take it anymore. He was already embarrassed enough, but he didn't want Penny to bother Bernadette anymore. He hesitated and said, "You all know that characters in World of Warcraft can applaud for love, right?"

"Holy shit!"

Penny and others immediately guessed most of it.

When Howard saw this, he simply broke the pot and said: "Her name is Troll Grincindy. When Bernadette came to me, we were applauding love under the Bridge of Souls. She was so angry that she even Don’t listen to my explanation.”

"Then what's your explanation?"

Penny complained.

"The troll Glyncindy is not a real person. Leonard and the others have all played this kind of game."

Howard emphasized.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Under Penny's gaze, Leonard retorted innocently.


Penny curled her lips, but had no intention of going into details.

"By the way, Howard, you said the troll you applauded for love is named Glyncindy?"

Leonard was a little panicked, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, clapped his hands and shouted.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Howard was puzzled.

"Remember Steve Paterson?"

Leonard smiled weirdly.

"That disgusting old fat man from the Facilities Management Department?"

Howard suddenly had an ominous premonition: "Why did you mention him?"

"He is the troll Glyncindy!"

After Leonard finished speaking, he laughed crazily: "I've seen him play World of Warcraft, hahaha!"

"Hahaha! ×n!"

Everyone immediately laughed like crazy.


Even someone as strong as Howard felt like vomiting, especially when he compared the disgusting fat man with the flirtatious words said by the troll Glincinder.

Sure enough, in this era where cross-dressing men are rampant, you need to be cautious when making friends online...

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