New York.

Midtown High School.

"That's Gwen Stacy, my God, she's so beautiful~"

"Yeah, but it's a pity that she is a real top student. Except for bastards like Owen Lee who are also top students, no one else has a chance."

"Maybe we can do something?"

"No! Gwen's father is the chief of the New York Police Department. The risk of naming her as a target is too high! And with a background like her, she is generally more alert and may even have practiced fighting skills. If she really fights, it won't be possible. He’ll be as easy to bully as those scared little chicks!”

"Isn't it more exciting this way~"

"Let's talk about it later. Once Gwen is touched, it will be too difficult to escape. Her father and the New York Police Department will definitely pursue every detail. The possibility of exposure is too great. Are you ready to give up on Sidri?"

"Of course I won't give up! She is my girlfriend. After we tortured and killed her mother last year, she has been refusing to have further contact with me. She is too soft, so I have no choice but to be hard!"

“I’m really looking forward to it~”

"Don't worry, we are brothers and we will enjoy the blessings together, just like last year!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"Fk! That bastard Owen is teasing Gwen again. Look at Gwen smiling like that! Let me tell you, although we can't touch Gwen for the time being, we can include Owen in the murder plan. This can be regarded as a heroic act on our part. ah!"

"No! The risk is too great! This bastard Owen is from the other side and knows Kungfu from the other side. He has beaten back so many people who have made trouble for him. Even if we take the plot by surprise, the risk of failure is still very high!"

"It's easy! We can drug him! No matter how powerful he is, what can he do?"

"You mean to invite him to the party? But we have never interacted with him, so why would you invite him?"

"If we make a scene again, the school will definitely be suspended. Then we hold a party at your house, and you ask your slutty girlfriend Tatum to invite him!"

"You want my girlfriend to seduce and seduce this bastard Owen?"

"Any questions?"

"No problem at all! Hehe! Anyway, I plan to kill Tatum too. This arrangement is really exciting~"

"That's it! Let's go and kill Sidri first tonight!"


In a corner of the campus, two boys who looked sunny but were very perverted inside were following the backs of Owen and Gwen with their eyes, talking about a murder plan.

In this Marvel integrated universe, Owen returns to school and once again spreads the title of King of School Gossip and Public Enemy of Boys throughout Midtown High School.

This is not a positive universe like The Big Bang Theory. Faced with a hateful and extremely romantic person like Owen, the choice for people in the negative universe is to just do it!

Not only have the fights become more violent, but now even the perverted murderer has set his sights on Owen, who is not innocent at all and is chosen as the target of torture...

The next day.

"Have you heard? Sidri was almost tortured and killed last night! Fortunately, the police arrived in time and the murderer turned out to be her boyfriend Billy!"

"Oh my God, no?"

"Your message is out of date. Billy has been released. He is not the murderer at all!"

"Then why was he arrested at the scene last night?"

"He is Sidri's boyfriend, why do you think he is?"

In the classroom corridor, students were talking a lot.


At this moment, a student wearing a ghost mask costume imitated a perverted murderer and ran up and down the corridor screaming. Everyone else was watching the fun, but the person involved, Sidri, was completely different. .

She almost died under this ghost face mask last night!

"Why do they do this?!!!"

"Are you kidding? Look around, it looks like a Christmas party!"

A tall white young man hugged Hidri's best friend Tatum and smiled meaningfully.


Another student wearing a ghost mask costume ran past with a scream. When he passed by Owen and Gwen, he waved his hands and bumped into them in a scary manner.

Gwen took a few steps back unconsciously.

Owen narrowed his eyes, pulled Gwen, turned around slightly, and avoided the collision. When the other party rushed over, he stretched out his hand and pulled off the whole ghost face mask hoodie on the other party, revealing a slightly stunned look inside. The boy fell heavily to the ground.

"Hahaha! ×n!"

The melon-eating students in the corridor burst into laughter.

"Stu, what's wrong with you?"

Hidri's best friend Tatum felt her boyfriend tremble all over and looked over in surprise.

"it's okay no problem."

Stu laughed covertly and said, "I just think it's funny! Hahaha!"

"Sidri, I think you can definitely invite Owen to protect you."

Tatum looked at Owen, bit his lip, and said strangely: "I believe that with his personal protection, even the perverted murderer will not dare to approach you! He is really powerful and makes you feel safe~"

"Do not make jokes."

A trace of hope flashed in Xidri's eyes, but he still shook his head rationally: "I'm not Gwen!"

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Tatum encouraged.


Stu echoed: "I will hold a party at my house tonight to celebrate the school closure. Let's go and have fun together. Tatum, you take Sidri and invite Owen together."


Tatum said in disbelief.

"Of course, for Sidri's safety."

Stu covered it up.


Although Tatum felt something was wrong, the hormones exploding in her body made her selectively block out such doubts, and pulled Sidri towards Owen.

There is no excuse to get close to Owen. As a classic American campus girl, she has been famous for the famous Owen for a long time...

The boy pretending to be a perverted murderer stood up and ran away in a hurry, but Owen ignored him. He just looked at the ghost face mask costume in his hand, thoughtfully.

On the front is a grimace with a gaping mouth, and on the back is written 'ather death', which means death.

Didi didi!

At this moment, the American drama system in Owen's consciousness sounded a horn.

"Master, pirated items of the God of Death were detected, triggering skill 6: God of Death ('The God of Death' version of the God of Death fragment, repairable, possessing the black shadow of the God of Death (following him like a shadow, like fog, rain and wind), the God of Death's mantra (The King of Hell lets you Die in the third watch, who dares to keep people until the fifth watch), other abilities are unknown, each use requires existence points, the consumption depends on the strength of the target's life source), it requires 5 driver cards, and 200 existence points, whether exchange?"

"After restoration, will I become a true immortal Shinigami?"

Irving did not rush to redeem, but asked key questions.

The ability of the God of Death seems to be very powerful, especially the God of Death's Mantra, which is obviously a very buggy ability to follow the words and attack according to the law of cause and effect.

But on the contrary, it will definitely need to consume a lot of existence points. His existence points are limited. If you consume limited existence points just for the sake of temporary pleasure, it is not worth it!

PS: Thanks to Guest Officer 01 for the tip!

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