Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 188 The sinful salted fish

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Hey white people, good news, I rented a four-hour special edition of Watchmen..."

Rajesh walked in excitedly holding a disc, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I have it."

"seen it already."

"My detailed analysis has been posted online."

Rajesh was startled, frowned and said, "Then what are we doing tonight?"

"Uh, sorry, Rajesh."

Leonard apologized: "Howard and I are going on a foursome date with Penny and Bernadette for dinner."

"Yeah, Leonard and I say goodbye to our carefree single life."

Howard said humbly: "Our two wild horses are officially out of the police, woo woo hoo, let's drive~"


Rajesh watched the two people leaving and stood there sadly for a long time. He was very unhappy with the behavior of his good gay friend who was always inseparable, focusing on sex over friendship, especially when Howard got an advantage and acted like a good boy. In front of a sad person like him Showing off like this is intolerable.

The next day.

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"You hang up first, no, you hang up first, no, you hang up first..."

Howard held his cell phone and had dinner with his girlfriend Bernadette, who he was passionately in love with, while chatting on the phone. When it was about to end, he had been arguing sweetly for almost ten minutes over who should hang up the phone. He kept saying the same sentence over and over again, which really made Raj sick. Varied.

Rajesh rolled his eyes and stood up quietly. After a while, he came over with a new dinner plate, placed the plate heavily in front of Howard's eyes, crossed his arms with a strange smile on his face .

"what the fk!"

When Howard saw the pickled herring on the dinner plate, his whole body was shaken and he couldn't help shouting.

"You tell me."

Rajesh said with a proud smile.

"Baby, I'm not scolding you."

Howard glared at Rajesh fiercely, glanced at the pickled herring, breathed a lot heavier, and briefly explained a few words to Bernadette on the other end of the phone. Then he stopped worrying about who hung up the phone first and took the initiative. Hang up the phone.

"What are you doing?! Take it away! Take it away!"

"I'll help you out."

Rajesh mocked: "Aren't you and your girlfriend Bernadette in love? With your favorite pickled herring, isn't it just right?"


Owen and Leonard knew the connotation of Rajesh's words and couldn't help laughing.

"That's not funny!"

Howard stood up suddenly and wanted to leave, but found that now was not the best time to get up, so he sat down again, hunched over and growled.

"No, that's very funny!"

When Rajesh saw the respected Howard, he smiled even more happily, and the sullenness he had been feeling these days was relieved.

"Yeah, I guess your mom's Camry must smell like pickled herrings!"

Leonard laughed.

Last time, Bernadette and Howard talked about their first time in front of him and Penny. They were not embarrassed, but it made Leonard very embarrassed. Now that Rajesh mentioned this, he suddenly remembered something. thing.

Last time, they went to camp on the top of the mountain to watch the Leonid meteor shower. They lay there and chatted together. The other topics were relatively normal. For example, Leonard complained that his name meant idiot, and Rajesh fantasized about being a cruel rabbit. King, and Howard told the story of his first time.

It was at Uncle Howard's funeral. He and his distant cousin Jenny were in the kitchen. Across the shelf of pickled herrings, their eyes met, and the heat of youth suddenly burned brightly.

To this day, Howard gets guilty and embarrassed whenever he sees or smells pickled herring...

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have said so much to you!!!"

Howard didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave. Although he looked away and tried not to look at the pickled herring in front of him, the strong smell of salted fish still floated into his nose. This smell was unforgettable to him. Instantly pulling him back to the shameful past...

"It doesn't matter, no one has a past."

Owen suppressed a smile and said, "Besides, I'm just a distant cousin, nothing like that. In America, there's not much excitement compared to you."

"What do you mean?"

Leonard and others were startled.

"Have you seen Forrest Gump?"

Owen smiled playfully and said: "In the heroine's experience as a child, wouldn't you, like Forrest Gump, think that her father was particularly nice to her?"


Everyone was speechless.

This is a heavy and sinful topic, especially in the United States. The proportion is not small. It has been mentioned implicitly in many American film and television works.

Because the Bible does not oppose this kind of evil, it is still called a good person, but now that we are in a civilized society, the Bible has been reinterpreted again and again, so it has become the deepest secret of many American families.

Those American civilians who have gone through the happy education method and played so crazy before college that they are the envy of countless people on the other side are the main force in this regard.

Because they lived a very carefree and unrestrained life in the first half of their lives, but were miserable in the second half of their lives. Alcoholism and violence were the norm. In addition, they developed bad habits of indulgence in the first half of their lives. When there was no way to regain their carefree and unrestrained life, once they lost their minds due to alcoholism, they would Extending sinful hands to those close to you is the cheapest and risk-free way of indulgence.

In addition to this deep-seated reason, there are many incentives.

American girls mature early. In junior high school and high school, they grow up to be the same as adults. In addition, the atmosphere is relatively open, and most of them dress to highlight their figures.

Human nature cannot stand the test, especially those Americans who have experienced happiness education and are miserable for the rest of their lives!

In this regard, Bian'an has done a good job. No matter how close they are, when the girl gets a little older, she will naturally start to distance herself from her father.

On the other side, people basically live together, but the United States is a vast country with sparsely populated areas, and many people live separately. In many cases, no matter how loud the noise is, it cannot spread at all, which further aggravates this phenomenon.

Don’t those deformed murderers in horror movies like The Turn also contain this kind of evil?

American dramas and European and American blockbusters are very exciting. In addition to special effects, the storylines are also completely different from those romantic dramas on the other side. Because these wonderful plots are not just the fantasy of the screenwriters, many of them have real prototypes.

In American TV series, many people who should be sentenced to death are often just imprisoned in heavy-duty prisons, which may not mean that waste is reused.

Many famous psychiatrists like to go to prisons, interview famous criminals, try to figure out their psychology, and then publish popular books based on their deeds and psychology.

Hollywood buys the film and television rights of these best-selling books and processes and adapts them. The story has a skeleton and flesh and blood. After careful adaptation, coupled with special effects, it is naturally exciting and shocking. It is not one of those bloody romance dramas that can be used as background music. comparable!

PS: Thanks to Baiqi Dalishu for the reward!

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