TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"How about it, my goofball friends."

Howard held Bernadette's hand, pushed the door open and came in. He was arrogant, used a weird accent, and greeted with a smug look: "Rajesh, Sheldon, come meet my girlfriend, Uncle." Nadette~"


"Penny, Leonard, do you know my girlfriend Bernadette?"

Howard looked at Penny and the others again, repeating the same words, emphasizing the word girlfriend again and again.

"Hi! ×2!"


"Okay, I know, this is your girlfriend Bernadette, Hi Bernadette, I'm Owen Lee."

Irving interrupted Howard and introduced himself.

"Hi Owen, I know you."

Bernadette glanced at Owen a little shyly: "You are really a genius! Your analysis of the Millennium Mathematical Puzzle is so shocking."


Owen glanced at Howard and saw him looking at him in panic. He smiled slightly and had no intention of saying anything more.


Howard secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After he figured it out, he wrote, directed and acted a romantic apology, which successfully won back Bernadette's heart. He didn't want Bernadette to fall into Owen's eyes. He quickly changed the subject and said, "Bernadette, you have met these idiot friends of mine."

"I can't say that."

Bernadette shook her head and explained to everyone: "I don't have the street gangster style of Howard!"

"Come and sit."

Penny greeted.


Bernadette walked over and was about to sit on Sheldon's throne when everyone stopped her.

"What's wrong?"

Bernadette was startled.

"You can't sit here."

Penny blurted out a series of explanations: "This seat is Sheldon's special seat. You see, in the winter, this seat is far enough from the radiator to keep him warm, but not too close to make him sweat.

In the summer, this position is right between the breeze caused by the convection between this window and that window. The angle here is not directly facing the TV, so he can talk to everyone without being too distracted. It will cause the picture to be distorted! "


Not to mention Bernadette, even Leonard and others were dumbfounded. Who would have thought that Penny, a scumbag who has always been criticized by Sheldon, would one day be able to tell Sheldon all about the benefits of special seats? .

"Very loving, isn't it?"

Owen said softly.

"Children can be taught."

Sheldon looked at Penny in surprise, took the candy box, picked out a piece of chocolate, and handed it to Penny: "Want a piece of chocolate?"


Penny took the chocolate and ate it in one bite, smiling like a fool.

In the heart of every bad student, there is a heart that is recognized by the genius!

"Uh~ There's no love now."

Owen grinned, watching Sheldon treat Penny with rewards like teaching a gorilla to learn words, and immediately gave Penny a sympathetic look.

She didn't know that in Sheldon's eyes, she was still the clumsy blonde female monkey...

"Leonard, Howard said you are conducting some quantum mechanics tests."

When everyone sat down again and chatted while eating, Bernadette spoke.

Leonard was surprised: "Yes, are you interested in physics?"


Bernadette nodded: "I find it very fascinating. If I had not chosen microbiology, I might have chosen physics."


Leonard became interested: "In fact, my quantum interference experiments with Akhalenov-Boehm have reached a very interesting stage, and now we are testing phase shifts based on electric potential."

"It's amazing."

Bernadette pressed, "Would you use tunneling bonding to set the voltage?"


Leonard was extremely surprised and said excitedly: "Do you want to see the simulation on my laptop?"


Bernadette got up, walked to the work table with Leonard, and began a heated discussion about physics experiments, leaving Howard with an unhappy expression... and Penny!

That's right, Penny, who had always looked down at the dog-licking Leonard from the perspective of a goddess, saw her otaku backup boyfriend chatting with another woman so congenially about something she didn't understand at all, and looked at Leonard's With his energetic expression, a certain string in his heart was struck hard.

The next day.

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"Hi guys, this is my girlfriend Bernadette!"

"My girlfriend Bernadette!"

"Who are these people?"

Seeing Howard introducing himself to everyone, Bernadette asked curiously.

"I don't know him at all."

Howard laughed.

"Hi! Isn't this Howard and his girlfriend Bernadette?"

Leonard quipped.

"Leonard, how's your experiment going?"

Bernadette asked after sitting down.

She was really interested in physics.

"It's going very well. We are preparing the electron accelerator. Do you want to take a look?"

Leonard invited.

"Really, that's great."

Bernadette said happily.


Howard forced a smile, and when Bernadette left temporarily, he immediately shouted to Leonard: "Tell me, what are you planning?"


Leonard was puzzled.

"Invite my girlfriend to see your electron accelerator..."


Owen coughed lightly. He didn't know why, but hearing these words felt a bit dirty in his ears!

"so what?"

Leonard spread his hands.

"Wow! You really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve."

Howard stared at Leonard, his face turned red with anger, and he taunted: "You've got the prom queen, you're not satisfied yet, and you want to take away the top spot as a foil?!!!"

"what are you saying?"

Leonard looked confused.

"Don't pretend to be innocent for me!"

Howard sneered: "I invented this trick of using magical experimental equipment to seduce women!"

"Don't get excited."

Leonard advised: "I'm not interested in your girlfriend."

"Oh, is it so?"

Howard didn't agree with this: "What about Stephanie?!"

"Stephanie was never your girlfriend, okay."

Leonard said helplessly: "Besides, I already have a girlfriend."

"It'd better be this way, you wouldn't want to go against me."

Howard nodded slightly, then grabbed both sides of the dining table with both hands, put his face in front of Leonard, stared at Leonard with wide eyes, and shouted in a weird tone: "I am a madman!!!"

"I trust you!"

Leonard said speechlessly.

"OK OK."

Owen smoothed things over and said, "From my perspective, Bernadette only likes you. Don't worry, as long as you don't seek death, she won't leave you."


Howard still believed in the professional vision, and his expression softened a lot: "I will definitely not seek death and let others take advantage of it."

"Haha, you can't say that~"

Owen thought of something, and the corners of his mouth curled up more and more...

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