Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 186 Nothing can be done more than three times

A week later.

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Hi guys~"

Howard pushed the door open and came in, shaking his body like chicken wings, and greeted with a smug expression.

"Hi! ×n!"

"Didn't you go on a date with Bernadette tonight? Why are you back so early?"

Penny said in surprise.

"Dating is like being in the entertainment industry, which always leaves the audience unsatisfied."

Howard said funny.

"What does it mean?"

Penny wondered.

"He struck out."

Leonard hit the nail on the head.

"Owen, I have a question for you."

Howard glared at Leonard and looked at Irving.

"what is the problem?"

Owen said with a smile.

"Has three dates with a woman hit the home run mark?"

Howard remembered the question Bernadette asked him at the end of tonight's date, and asked with some excitement.

Owen shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about this."

"How can it be?"

Howard wondered: "You have dated so many goddesses..."


Rajesh took a big sip of beer and said, "Is Owen dating a goddess the same as being in love with you? He must be a home run as soon as they meet!"

"is that so?"

Howard said with envy. Even Penny and Leonard looked over, obviously wanting to hear Owen's answer.

"Of course that's not the reason."

Owen shook his head and smiled: "I've just never been in love."


Everyone was speechless.

Penny complained: "Does it make a difference?"

"Of course."

Owen smiled and said: "This is a matter of attitude. I never fall in love! I didn't before, not now, and never in the future!"

Penny said unhappily: "Tsk, tsk, those girls who hit home runs with you as soon as they meet will probably explode if they hear you say that!"

"you are wrong."

Irving retorted, "I tell every girl who's ever hit a home run and that's what I say before the game."

Penny shook her head and said, "I don't believe it!"

"Then there's no way."

Owen shrugged: "Howard, you asked the wrong person. You should ask Penny this question. She should be better able to guide you!"

"Think about it this way, Penny and I put it off for over two years, and it was really the third date that hit the home run."

Leonard spoke.


Howard looked at Penny.


Penny watched everyone's eyes fall on her and nodded reluctantly.

"another question."

Howard raised his finger and asked softly: "When a woman asks you to choose between a one-night stand and a long-term and stable relationship, there should be only one answer, right?"

"come on!"

Leonard complained: "Everyone knows how to choose a long-term and stable relationship! You wouldn't choose a one-night stand, would you?"

"Ha ha."

Owen laughed and said, "Howard must have fallen for this proposition! No matter what you think in your heart, under normal circumstances, you should choose a long-term and stable relationship, because just for a one-night stand, the other party will not mention any options at all!"


Leonard was stunned and turned to look at Penny: "Wait a minute, it seems you didn't give me these two options at the beginning?"

Penny took a bite of the steak and said calmly: "If you think about it carefully, I gave it to you!"

Leonard frowned and thought again and again, twitching the corner of his mouth and saying with a wry smile: "I remember, you told me that you have the right to substitute at any time."


Howard slapped his thigh with regret: "Why was I hesitating at that time? I said that a one-night stand can lead to a long-term and stable relationship. How stupid! Now my happiness is ruined!"

"It's too late for you to regret it now."

Penny said casually: "As long as you tell Bernadette that you choose a long-term and stable relationship."

"I can not do it."

Howard grinned.


Penny was startled: "Why? I thought you liked her!"

"I do like her."

Howard hesitated and said: "But she has to commit now, and I'm not sure she is the one for me."

"She is willing to date you for free, what else do you want?"

Petunia said with disdain.


Owen echoed: "Remember the embarrassment when you used to rent professional ladies to attend dinner parties, and you had to pay extra for every touch?"

"Ha ha!"

Rajesh and others recalled the original scene and laughed unkindly.


Howard's mouth twitched and he defended: "Bernadette is indeed very good, but I just think that when I take a relationship seriously, I hope that the other person is a special person, such as Megan Fox in Transformers..."

"Mark it."

Owen's heart moved.

“Or Katee Sackhoff in Battlestar Galactica .”

Howard continued to fantasize.

"Hey, forget it."

Owen shook his head secretly.

"Like Angelina Jolie!"

Howard said yy.


Owen couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong?"

Howard was puzzled.

"I still don't understand this!"

Penny complained: "Owen is laughing at you for being high on drugs! Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, what good things are you thinking about?"

"Actually, sometimes reality is not as beautiful as imagined."

Owen smiled meaningfully.

The big-mouthed beauty Jane in the previous Agent Universe did have her own charm, but when it comes to her attraction to Owen, Elisa Page, whose perfect face has a pair of delicate and cute dimples, is obviously better in all aspects. of……

Forget it about Katee Sackhoff in Battlestar Galactica, but Megan Fox in Transformers, if you have the chance, you can ask her to help repair the sports car. Technology aside, her standing posture is very graceful...

"Can I interject?"

Sheldon raised his hands.

"Can we stop you?"

Owen quipped.

Sheldon glared at Owen with bulging eyes. He had severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and would go crazy if interrupted: "From a biological point of view, it is completely reasonable for Howard to want to find an excellent partner to reproduce."


Howard glanced at Sheldon in surprise. This was the first time that the other party had praised him, which made him a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, Sheldon's words were not over yet.


Sheldon changed his voice and said, "If you look at this kind of reproduction from the perspective of human evolution, it is a completely different problem."


The conversation ended here, and another week passed. Howard had been struggling with the issue of commitment and never went to see Bernadette until he saw Bernadette again at the cheesecake restaurant. When Howard had sex in the bathtub at night, Bernadette When Nadette suddenly appears to replace Katee Sackhoff, he finally looks at his heart.

He is just a wretched single. If he misses Bernadette, he may never find another girl who likes him. He doesn't want to be a good friend of Rajesh for the rest of his life...

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