Aboard the Eternal Gun.

"Let me think about it..."

Owen closed his eyes, enjoyed Karen's massage, and began to think.

In his eyes, Karen Smith was a little different from others. Ever since she and Irving met in a North Shore High School playthrough, they had maintained a close relationship for more than a decade.

Karen Smith has blond hair, a childlike face, a broad mind, and an unusually charming personality. She has a special affection for Owen because of his skills, and she always likes to find Owen no matter what.

While the others in the Twelve Golden Hairpins of Eternity were enjoying the wanton life after becoming famous, they changed from following Regina's wanderings before meeting Owen, and became very attached to Owen, which really made Regina and others look at her.

As a prodigal son, Owen would naturally not put all his thoughts on her. He had tried to persuade her several times, but there were still no scandals about her. Owen didn't say it, but deep down, he still liked her very much. Make things happen.

Therefore, among Owen's many female friends, Karen Smith, Teacher Mika, and Bianca seem to be better than others.

Now that the Eternal Gun has been officially disbanded, with the wealth Karen Smith has accumulated over the years, there will naturally be no place to go, but she still found her and continued to let Owen arrange it. Of course, Owen would not just deal with it casually.

Falling in love over time is always a two-way street. Owen is just unaffectionate, but he is definitely not completely heartless!

"From now on, you can be my agent and help me attend some company board meetings."

Owen pondered for a long time.


Karen Smith looked up, smiled charmingly, and agreed.

This agent is actually more of a symbol, representing Irving's willingness to accept Kellen Smith.

He has been playing the game for so many years, and after half a million kills, there is only one woman like Karen Smith who does not ask for anything in return and wants to follow him wholeheartedly. No matter how much Irving plays his heart, there is no need to live up to this relationship.

After confirming his thoughts, Owen went to look at Karen Smith who was burying his head, and suddenly felt something different in his heart.

"Maybe this is the intention of the gun..."

Owen muttered.

In the past, his eternal interference gun only had domineering strength and skills. Although it swept through thousands of armies and was invincible, it was always lacking in realm. Now he has realized that ruthlessness may not necessarily lead to true heroism. After choosing to accept this feeling from the heart, , suddenly the Eternal Interference Gun was entangled with a mysterious artistic conception.

This is the will attached to the eternal interference gun, a manifestation of Owen's enlightenment!

New York.

Renaissance Fund.

"I heard that Owen Lee's superyacht has arrived. Wow, this young man is so arrogant. With a fortune of more than one billion, he dared to buy a superyacht costing 230 million US dollars."

"Not only that, according to our investigation, he also bought 5 luxury homes including the One57 penthouse apartment, with a total cost of no less than US$300 million."

"There is also a private jet worth more than 60 million yuan, plus other expenses. In the past few years since he left Wall Street, he has spent a total of no less than 800 million U.S. dollars. This is all real cash.

The wealth he earned on Wall Street was between US$1.1 billion and US$1.3 billion. After deducting the US$800 million in expenses, he bought high-tech stocks including Apple.

Based on his current living standard, if he wants to maintain it, he will need to spend at least about 50 million US dollars per year. Although his high-tech stocks, including Apple, are rising in value, he still wants to cash in on daily consumption of up to 50 million US dollars. , that is also impossible. "

"So, what do you want to say?"

"I think he will take action again. Only in the financial markets can he easily earn so much wealth."

"Do you want to take a ride on him and make a fortune? Don't forget that he has repeatedly rejected our invitations. With his ability and character, he will definitely choose to act alone."

"I know that simple good intentions can no longer achieve our goals. We need more aggressive actions, don't we?"

"Aggressive behavior? Tell me!"

"We can design a situation to make Owen Li's wealth shrink significantly, and even owe huge debts. When the time comes, he will see how powerful we are and can only choose to cooperate with us and become our tool to make huge profits."

"Scoff! Did I hear you right? You want to design Owen Lee? You also want him to owe huge debts? The idea is good, but how to operate it? If we have this ability, why do we need to design Owen Lee? Just end it Just search for wealth.”

"It was impossible before, but now there is great hope. At the very least, it can cause Owen Lee to suffer a big setback in the financial market and cut off his cash flow."

"How does it work?"

"Have you not discovered that since the scandal between Owen Lee and the Eternal Gun Choir became known to the world, there has been a force hostile to Owen Lee secretly moving?"

“You’re talking about the alliance of white supremacists!”

"Yes! It was them! If the storm of public opinion that swept the world at that time had not been broken by Owen Lee's unbelievable behavior, God knows what Owen Lee would have ended up with in the end. There was a Michael Jackson among black people, and there was a Michael Jackson among yellow people. What’s so weird about an Owen Lee.”

"Well, if they have this idea, if we cooperate, we have a very good chance of causing Owen and Lee to suffer a big loss. After all, they control more than half of the banks and financial institutions in the United States.

No matter how strong Owen Lee is, he can only operate through them. They can track Owen Lee's every move and contact the banker when the time comes, abandoning conventional operations. Owen Lee's financial mathematical model is just a joke!

The question is are they willing to do it? "

"Of course I am willing! In fact, I have already communicated with some of them, and it was with their approval that I initiated this meeting."

"Very good, now we can discuss a specific plan of action..."

The two weekend days passed quickly.

"Owen, these people are incredible."

Leonard said excitedly.

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable now?"

Owen quipped.

"of course not!"

The corners of Leonard's mouth turned up high.

Who is Penny compared to the long-legged alien girl who chats with him about science, plays games, and finally hits base successfully?

"If one day there is a breakthrough development in robots, I will customize a dozen of these women!"

Howard still had more to say.

"Although I don't want to say it..."

Leonard responded: "But this time, I agree with Howard!"

"it's actually really easy."

Owen snapped his fingers: "You don't have to wait until the day when the robots break through. As long as you have money, prepare 5,000 US dollars every day, and the alien girl will take you home!"


When the three Leonards heard the price, they were stunned on the spot.

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