Chapter 175 Karen Smith

On the Pacific Ocean.

The 120-meter-long Eternal Gun lights up the sea like a castle on the sea.


"¥% # %%#@¥......"

"Incredible. They actually understand Klingon~"

After the three Leonards talked in pure Klingon with several long-legged aliens who gathered around them, they finally confirmed that the other party really understood Klingon.

Klingon is a language that was specially created for the movies. It has been incorporated into the formal language system. It has strict pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. It cannot be solved by talking in a casual way.

When they played Scrabble in Klingon before, Leonard hid it in every possible way, not wanting Petunia to know about it, because he knew that if Petunia knew, she would definitely laugh at them.

Klingon is not popular among girls!

In other words, Klingon is not popular among ordinary people!

But who would have thought that when Leonard was most frustrated, Irving would bring them to such a place, surrounded by countless "familiar" characters wearing the uniforms and costumes of the movies and TV series they were obsessed with.

You should know that none of the three of them have a few cosplay costumes and costumes from Star Trek and other film and television dramas in their wardrobe. These costumes are even divided into regular uniforms and combat uniforms.

When applauding for love with their girlfriends, they both proposed to let each other put on the uniforms of their favorite female characters in these movies and TV series, but some succeeded and some failed.

But it is undeniable that these uniforms are tempting to them, not to mention that the other party can now talk to them in the purest Klingon language. For Leonard, the three geniuses with strong imagination ability, this is simply disappointing. They were completely integrated into the plot, and it was still the Fernand Valley version...

"Sorry, wait a moment."

Each of the three is accompanied by an alien girl, who not only speaks Klingon, but also talks to them about comics, movies, games, and even science. Although they don't seem to know as much as they do, this stimulates their desire for expression even more.

In addition, while the other party showed admiration for their 'eruditeness', they also took the initiative to count the coins in their pockets with their toes. If the three of them had gone through such a battle, it would really cost them their lives.

If there weren't countless girls watching quietly around them, their blood would have been boiling. However, they are genius scientists after all. At this point, there is still a trace of clarity in their minds. They called a timeout and walked aside to discuss.

"is this real?"

Rajesh took a big sip of the champagne handed to him by Long Legs and murmured: "Rich people can still play like this. My old days really live on Xiao Guizi."

"of course it's true."

Howard was the most obscene and most sober at the moment. Hearing this, he said disdainfully: "I'm sure this is the paradise that Irving spent money to specially prepare for us. If we had as much money as him, we would be able to play like this!"

Rajesh took another sip of champagne and hung his head in shame.

Howard and the others knew that Rajesh's family was quite wealthy because Rajesh's father was a gynecologist and drove a Bentley, but they never imagined how rich Rajesh's family was.

Among everyone, only Irving and Sheldon know it best.

Owen is familiar with the plot, and Sheldon helped Rajesh do justice and has a very clear understanding of the wealth of the Rajesh family.

According to Sheldon, although the wealth of the Rajesh family cannot reach the level of Iron Man, it is definitely not too different. It is a proper billionaire and one of the top ten richest families in the world. .

Although Rajesh does not control the family wealth, he can't even think of playing this game like Owen until now, which has to be said to be an extreme irony.

I can't even talk to women without drinking. No matter how rich I am, I worry about being expelled from the United States. When I hear the name FBI, I am so scared that I almost urinate. I have to say that the deep malice from the United States has turned a truly proud man into a Became a ridiculous wretch.

"What do we do now?"

Leonard took out his asthma inhaler and took a few puffs, then glanced at the heaven over there and murmured.

"If you ask me, Irving must have paid. Let's each take our own alien girls to play."

Howard rubbed his hands.


Rajesh nodded heavily.


Leonard had not gone through this kind of battle and worried: "What if we are wrong? Irving just paid them to chat with us? Should we go and ask Irving?"

"I want to ask you, at this time, do you think he has time to answer the phone?"

Howard retorted.

"makes sense."

Leonard nodded and said in confusion: "How about we take another look, and if they take more initiative, we will take action?"

Howard stared at Leonard for a long time, not feeling very sure in his heart, so he nodded and said, "Okay, but I must say something first. If I get interested later, I won't care whether you succeed or not."


Leonard glanced at Howard sideways and responded with a hint of mockery.

After going to the bar and witnessing Howard's real skills in picking up girls, Leonard no longer believed in Howard's tricks!

When the three of them were discussing, the professional organizer who organized this special party at Owen's request was also paying attention to the movements of the three. Seeing this, he thought something went wrong and called Owen for instructions.

"That's it."

Irving pondered for a moment and guessed most of the three people's intentions. He raised the corner of his mouth and ordered: "You should have professionals. Let them focus on my friends and them, and use plots from movies and TV series to get high." Get up, don’t be too proactive.”

"What about the arrangement you mentioned before to make them happy?"

The host secretly asked.

"It's up to them."

Owen smiled playfully: "If they are immersed in the game and can't help themselves, then don't worry about them. If they have the courage to prefer private games, then satisfy them. In short, let them choose freely and ensure that they have a happy time! "


The host behind the scenes was also a human being, and he immediately knew what to do.

"Are they your scientist friends?"

A charming voice came from the floor.

Irving lowered his head slightly and smiled at Karen Smith: "Yes, they are all my good friends and your fans. I will introduce you to them if I have the opportunity."


Karen never had any objection to Owen's words and nodded seriously.

"The Eternal Spear has been disbanded now, what are your plans?"

Owen asked casually as he lay there with his eyes closed.

"I do not know."

Karen paused, tilted her head and said: "The impact of the last scandal was too great. Even if you conquered everyone with your genius performance, our Eternal Gun Choir is still in ruins. Due to the disaster, all domestic activities have been cancelled.

Later, everyone discussed it and simply disbanded completely. They do business, go home and inherit the family property, and enjoy life. I don’t have any ideas, so I just came to you and listened to your arrangements. "


Owen snorted softly and began to think about Karen Smith...

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