Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 174 City knows how to play

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

Bang bang!

"Hey Sheldon, where's Leonard?"

Penny, who was dressed in cool clothes, opened the door and came in. She saw Sheldon sitting alone on his throne watching TV without Leonard, so she couldn't help but ask.

"He, Howard and Rajesh went to find Irving."

Sheldon said: "Do you have anything to do with him?"

Before Penny could answer, Sheldon sneered: "I'm just teasing you, I don't care at all."


The corner of Penny's mouth twitched and she muttered: "Of course you don't care. I just want to ask Leonard if he cares about me going on a date with Stuart."

"I cared about it before, but I probably don't care about it now."

Sheldon said casually.


Penny paused and asked curiously.

Sheldon shook his head, paused the TV, turned slightly sideways, and faced Penny: "Leonard was very irritable because he was worried about you and Stuart Coitus. With Howard's reminder, he was going to go to the bar to pick up girls, and get drunk to relieve all his worries. …”

"That's it."

Penny's expression was a little strange, and her eyes flashed with the goddess's unique pleasure in feeling sad for her spare tire. Then she thought of something and couldn't help but interrupt: "Hey, didn't you say they went to find Owen?"

Seeing Sheldon staring at her with bulging eyes, Penny apologized sensibly: "I'm sorry, Sheldon, you say it, you say it!"

"As I said just now, the three of them went to the bar to pick up girls. The result was that, to quote Leonard, 'I was so stupid to believe that Howard could pick up girls.' So, Leonard turned around and went to find Irving."

Sheldon said slowly: "Now, Irving took the three of them out to sea on a super yacht. I heard that this super yacht called the Eternal Gun has just arrived. Irving was planning to invite everyone to visit. Yes, it was advanced because of Leonard."


Penny was stunned, and then said after a while: "Irving's super yacht? The Eternal Gun? Are you sure?"

In her mind, Owen was indeed rich, very rich, but she was still shocked when Sheldon told her that Owen had bought a superyacht.

As someone who aspires to become a Hollywood star, Penny has a certain understanding of the luxurious life of Hollywood stars. After all, this is the source of motivation for her to endure her current low-paying waitress job.

Yachts are toys for the wealthy class, and superyachts are the best benchmark for distinguishing billionaires from tens of billions. These big toys, which can easily cost hundreds of millions of dollars, are absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary billionaires.

Because the life of the rich is not limited to superyachts. Others include private jets, mansions, and luxury cars worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. Each of them is a gold-swallowing behemoth. Not only are they expensive, but they are also used after buying them. The maintenance costs are also staggering.

The annual cost of raising a superyacht is about one-tenth of the price of the boat, which is almost tens of millions of dollars. Therefore, those who dare to buy superyachts worth hundreds of millions of dollars are basically tens of billions of people.

"Of course."

Sheldon nodded.

"Then why don't you go?"

It took Penny a long time to regain her composure and asked in confusion.

"I don't like going out on a boat."

Sheldon shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that as soon as I go out to sea, I'll hear the sound of 'release the sea monster'. Eh, I'm so scared!"

"Is that why?"

Penny said in disbelief: "You gave up the opportunity to go on a super yacht?"

This is a super yacht!

If she could go up and have fun once, Penny believed that many girls would be willing to give everything, well, the kind that don't treat them as human beings...


Sheldon opened his eyes wide and nodded affirmatively.


Penny looked at Sheldon's innocent eyes and shook her head speechlessly. She felt a little uncomfortable thinking about Leonard going to that kind of place to play.

If luxury cars are often associated with long-legged beauties, then super yachts are closely associated with the sea. On that day, the group of cool beauties in bikinis followed them closely.

After her spare tire licker has experienced such prosperity, will she still be her spare tire licker when she comes back?

Thinking of this, a faint feeling of sadness filled my heart, and my anticipation for tonight's date with Stewart, a talented artist, was reduced to the lowest level, and for a moment it was boring.

Marina del Rey is located on the Pacific Ocean west of Los Angeles. It is the largest yacht port in the western United States. There are countless yachts of various sizes docked here, ranging from 'sampans' about ten meters long to as large as one. The 'Sea Castle', which is more than 100 meters long, has everything you need.

Da da da!

A sound of helicopter rotors came from the sky, which immediately attracted the attention of tourists who were enjoying the beautiful scenery here.

"That's the Eternal Gun's boat-borne helicopter. It seems that the super genius is here for vacation."

"Isn't this Eternal Gun worth 100 million US dollars?"

"Hi! One hundred million US dollars? Poverty limits your imagination. Let me tell you, I have heard that the Eternal Gun cost US$230 million and ranks sixth among the world's most luxurious superyachts!"

"Oh my god, how could he be so rich!"

"I guess he's trying to make a fool of himself. I don't believe that he can earn tens of billions of dollars from nothing at such a young age. You know, some people can give everything they have when they love something. Billionaires are really ruthless. If you work hard, you can afford it.”

"It turns out that he found those beauties before. These rich people really know how to play."

"There is no need for him to bother. For rich people at their level, just a phone call and there will naturally be a special company responsible for organizing it. This is Los Angeles, and Hollywood is just beside it. The first- and second-tier female stars may be a little reserved, but those third-tier female stars , models, and countless dream chasers, they will never mind going to such an occasion."

While the tourists here were envious and jealous, the helicopter had already landed on the Eternal Gun. Leonard and the other three followed Owen off the helicopter. When they looked up, they were stunned.

"god! what happened?"

"Is this heaven?"


The first thing you see is long-legged beauties in various uniforms, including Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Star Trek, Terminator, Babylon 5, DC, Marvel...

In all the movies and TV shows that Leonard and the others like, the relevant characters, whether they are men or women, or aliens with strange shapes, all have cosplayers, and the cosplayers are all beautiful women.

Irving patted Leonard on the shoulder and said with a meaningful smile: "Enjoy it. If you still can't pick up a girl, then go ahead and sleep together. I'll get out of the way first."

"Hi Earthlings!"

While Leonard and the others were standing there dumbfounded, a long-legged man dressed as an alien walked up to the three of them and said, what matters is not what he said, but how he said it.

"Did she just greet us in Klingon?"

"Well, like, yes."



The sound of deep breathing continued, and a word of Klingon almost made the three of them unable to bear it...

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