Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 145 Deep Malice (Additional update for +200 even subscription!)

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Oh~poor Leonard~"

Howard joked as he watched Leonard lying on the sofa in the shape of a dead dog.

"Stop teasing him, Petunia might be doing experiments with David right now..."

Rajesh said seriously, then changed his tone and said with suppressed laughter: "Didn't David say that he wanted to see what chemical reaction tequila would have on Penny, a 22-year-old beauty! "

"That's enough."

Irving complained: "Compared to the two of you, Leonard is already at the speed of the universe. At least he still has Penny to be sad. What about you?"


Howard and Rajesh looked at each other, then let out a cry in unison.

"Leonard, the situation may not be as bad as you think. Since you can't figure it out, go and ask in person. Maybe there will be a surprise?"

Owen prompted.


Leonard raised his head and said feebly: "But what if I encounter them..."

"That doesn't matter."

Owen's lips curled up: "At least you can attract their interest."

"That's true."

Leonard's spirit was shaken, he stood up and walked out of the room with his head held high. After a while, he came back in high spirits.

"I really can't believe it! David is so stupid!"

"What's wrong?"

Howard was puzzled.

"When he was taking art photos for Penny, he even forgot to delete the art photos of his wife on his phone. Penny found out and they broke up completely."

Leonard's smile turned into a flower, full of green and vitality.

"Art photo?"

Howard stood up suddenly: "What art photo, where is it?"

Leonard twitched the corner of his mouth and stared at Howard in disgust.

Howard shrugged, walked out, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number: "Hi, David, I'm Howard, listen, I'm also a photography enthusiast..."

"Wait for me."

Rajesh ran after his good friend.

"Very happy?"

Irving looked at Leonard, whose lips kept rising, and grinned.


Leonard smiled proudly and said: "Penny said that I am much smarter than David. He is just an idiot and can make such low-level mistakes, haha~"

"you sure?"

Irving was defeated by Leonard's green, healthy smile.

Leonard didn't even care about Penny taking artistic photos. No wonder so many photography enthusiasts like to go to the West after they can't stay in the East. It's really the United States and other Western countries that have done a good job in greening...

In the dense forest, everyone is green, who will notice whom?

"What's the meaning?"

Leonard was stunned by Owen's words.

"Haha, you are too naive."

Owen analyzed: “In my opinion, David is worthy of being the recipient of the MacArthur Genius Award.

You see, he and Petunia have already done the experiment, and the conclusion has been reached. His main business is not this experiment, so naturally he can't spend all his time on Petunia.

But after all, the experiment had just been done, and it would be too unkind to directly throw away Penny, the enthusiastic experimental collaborator, so what is the best way? "

"Let Penny 'accidentally' discover that he has a wife, and then angrily break up with him?"

Leonard muttered.


Sheldon on the side said in surprise: "You can still do this? Smart!"

Leonard smiled reluctantly this time. After listening to Irving's analysis, he felt the deep malice of the real world, and his whole person felt bad.

Jingle Bell!


Leonard picked up the phone and looked at it, his expression became even worse.

"I'm really busy. Can you postpone it so I have time to prepare? You know I'm scared and can't postpone it until next year? Okay, bye."

"Dr. Hofstadter is coming?"

Owen couldn't help but laugh.

"how do you know?"

Leonard shouted with a tangled and painful look on his face: "God! Let the malice in this world be more intense!"

"you sure?"

Sheldon asked seriously.

This was the first time he had seen someone make such a wish!

"I'm just kidding."

Leonard and Sheldon looked at each other. Thinking of Sheldon's weirdness, he trembled. He was afraid that the other party would really do something that would hurt him, so he quickly put away the flag.


Sheldon shrugged and gave up thinking.

The next day.

"Almost there, almost there."

Leonard walked around the room, looking at the time from time to time, and murmuring: "Oolong tea, loose, not tea bags, steep for three minutes, 2% milk, heated separately, a spoonful of sugar, jaggery... …”

"What's up with him?"

Howard was puzzled.

"His mother is coming."

Owen laughed.

"I know."

Howard curled his lips and said, "But why is he mumbling words? If you don't know, you think the second Sheldon is coming."

Usually, Leonard buys meals and makes tea for Sheldon, and it's the same rhythm. It's just a question and an answer. Leonard has to complete every request Sheldon makes, and both Howard look at it with irritation. numb.

"Although it's not my taste, it looks very tasteful at first glance. I like it."

Sheldon tilted his head and thought about it, then gave a rare thumbs up.

"Haha, I guarantee you will like her very much."

Irving smiled meaningfully and said, "Don't you think so, Leonard?"

"I agree 100%!"

Leonard sighed.

"It's almost time, I'm ready to make tea."

Leonard counted the time and began to make tea strictly according to his mother's preferences.

"It's better to wait."

Owen reminded: "If you brew it now, even if you do all the steps correctly, if she comes a few minutes late and the tea gets cold, what do you think she will say?"


Leonard slapped his head and yelled, "Damn, I almost forgot about that."

"Are you concerned?"

Howard complained: "It's your mother who is here, not to greet some beautiful woman. As for being so cautious? Come on! Leonard, you are an adult!"


Leonard pouted and said, "As a person who still lives with my mother, do you really have the nerve to accuse me?"

Bang bang bang!

"I'm coming."

Leonard rushed over and opened the door.

"Your mother is here~"

Penny cried and went back to the room with the laundry basket in her arms.

Leonard was not surprised and knew that Penny had probably chatted with his mother...

"If you want to coitus this girl, just find out what cologne her dad wears."

Beverly Hofstadter raised her glasses and concluded seriously.

"Mom, your tea."

"Oolong tea?"


"Loose, not tea bags?"


With Owen's reminder, everything is perfect, but the title of Beverly's female version of Sheldon is not given for nothing. She can always find the problem: "Why are you so slow?"

Sheldon nodded repeatedly, looking deeply hurt.

Leonard froze there, with a look of despair on his face...

PS: There will be another update at 20:00 in the evening. Every additional 200 for each subscription will add 1 more chapter. Please subscribe!

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