Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 146: Guinea Mouse Crisis (Please subscribe!)

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"I also think there's something wrong with him."

Shelton added: "My theory is that he was not focused enough because of his excessive desire to applaud."


Beverly tilted her head: "I really don't know where he inherited it from. After his father and I have a happy marriage, we are focused enough to just give birth to the next generation."

"This arrangement is so efficient."

Sheldon marveled.

"We think so too."

Beverly shrugged: "We also published papers each. Mine was written from the perspective of neuroscience, and his father's was written from the perspective of anthropology. Of course, only my paper is worth reading."

"Of course."

Sheldon nodded and said, "I'm very interested in reading your applause record."

“I put it online and you can order it from Princeton University Press.”

Beverly said seriously: "What a pity. The slides for my speech are stored in another notebook. Otherwise, I could show them to you."


Sheldon looked pityful.

"Now I finally know why Leonard can tolerate Sheldon!"

Howard murmured in shock: "This is simply the female version of Sheldon..."

"Dr. Hofstadter, long time no see."

Owen greeted with a smile.

"It's been a long time."

Beverly raised her glasses: "To be exact, it's been 14 years. I have to say, your achievements are very impressive to me.

Maybe it was right to let you see Leonard back then. At least you learned a lesson from it, and that's how you achieved what you are today. This can be considered Leonard's only contribution. "

"Thanks for the compliment."

The corners of Leonard's mouth were almost cramped, and he forced a smile.

"You are welcome."

Beverly accepted Leonard's compliment very Sheldon-style, and then looked at Irving again: "Can I ask you a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

Owen was stunned.

"Come to the hospital with me and get your brain scanned."

Beverly said calmly: "I am very interested in your genius brain."

"I also need to go."

Sheldon shouted, raising his hands.


Beverly nodded and said, "I have read your thesis and know that you also have a genius brain that is different from ordinary people."


Howard and Rajesh couldn't help rolling their eyes, because it was Beverly who looked at them when she said she was different from ordinary people.

"Forget it, I won't go."

Owen declined.

He has no interest in being a guinea pig. In fact, no one is willing to be a guinea pig except the weird Sheldon!


Beverly said in surprise: "I thought you were an outstanding scientist and you should be willing to contribute to science?"

"I'm already contributing, aren't I?"

Owen smiled.

Beverly raised her glasses and said calmly: "It's such a pity that I can't be your Dr. Thomas Harvey."


Owen's mouth twitched, speechless.

Leonard looked over with apologetic eyes.

"Oh, it's really such a pity."

Sheldon clapped his hands and said: "In the early morning of April 18, 1955, the 76-year-old Einstein died of illness in Princeton Hospital. His last wishes were quickly followed: cremation, a private farewell ceremony, and his ashes were scattered somewhere in Della. Waheli.

That night, Dr. Thomas Harvey, the chief pathologist at Princeton Hospital, performed an autopsy on Einstein.

After everything was done, Harvey placed the internal organs back into Einstein's empty abdominal cavity, and then filled the cranial cavity with cotton.

Instead of putting the brain back, he took pictures of the 1,230-gram genius brain, measured it, and finally carefully cut it into 240 pieces. Each piece was numbered to indicate where it was located in the brain.

The cut pieces were embedded in collodion and soaked in formalin for preservation. "

"Yeah, it's such a pity."

Beverly shook her head and said: "I didn't catch up with that good time. Thomas Harvey was just a pathologist, not a neuroscientist like me, so after decades of hard work, there was not much result.

Now the remaining brains have been tightly sealed, making it almost impossible to obtain samples. "


Owen was a little uncomfortable and cursed in his mind: "Just tell me, why are you looking at me with such indifference..."

"I really think you could do a brain scan ahead of time."

Beverly has the persistence of a scientist: "Your brain may be comparable to Einstein's, but you will definitely not be able to escape the end of being dissected."

"We'll see then."

Owen grinned, his scalp tingling inexplicably.


Beverly shrugged: "If you figure it out, you are welcome to come to me at any time. I am very interested in your brain."

"You can see it~"

Owen said with a wry smile.

"Okay, Sheldon, let's go to the hospital now?"

Beverly looked at Sheldon.


Sheldon shouted happily.

After the 'male and female' left, Howard looked at Leonard sympathetically: "I finally understand why you can become roommates and friends with Sheldon. You have a typical Stockholm syndrome."


Leonard denied: "I don't have Stockholm Syndrome!"

"are you sure?"

Rajesh asked with a strange look.


Leonard wanted to deny it categorically, but after thinking about his life, he had a mother like Beverly when he was a child. He met Sheldon just after he got out of college and started working.

Was the reason why he ignored all the obvious warnings and agreed to become Sheldon's roommate really just a hothead?

Thinking of this, he couldn't say anything, because he suddenly realized that subconsciously, he might actually see the shadow of his mother Beverly in Sheldon, so he wanted to get something from Sheldon. The missing recognition and warmth.

It is precisely because of this that he endures Sheldon's various weird behaviors again and again, just to get Sheldon's approval. This is also related to the fact that the victims develop a liking for, dependence on, and even assist the perpetrators. What's the difference?

Last year, he also took the initiative to help Sheldon 'kill' Kim, a 15-year-old genius from the North Kingdom of the Universe whose IQ threatened Sheldon...

"Oh, my god!"

Leonard slumped on the sofa, covering his mouth, and said painfully: "What on earth am I in her eyes? Just a toy, an experiment?"

"It's not that exaggerated."

Irving sat next to Leonard, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "You just have a slight masochistic tendency, it's not a big deal, who put you in such a position of a mother!

And for most people, if they don’t play with children, then what’s the point of having children? "


The three Leonards were immediately stunned, looking at Irving with such strange eyes.

"I was joking."

Owen smiled and saw that the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. He was amused in his heart: "It's so rare and strange..."

PS: Thanks to Crazy Blade 108 Wave, Guest Officer 01, and Six-Destroying Selfless Sword 23 for their rewards!

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