Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 144 Full of greenery (please subscribe!)

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"Look, that's Penny!"

"Wow, Leonard, your good friend David is really charming~"

"No, no, it should be that since Leonard met Penny, he has become more and more attractive, and it has become much easier to make new friends~"

"Shut up!"

Listening to Rajesh and Howard joking about him, Leonard couldn't help but shouted, glancing at Penny who was flirting and smiling exaggeratedly, a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes...

"Hey guys!"

Penny and David walked over side by side and greeted everyone.


Irving and the others looked at Leonard.

The corner of Leonard's mouth twitched. He endured it again and again, but couldn't help but said: "Wow, Penny, I didn't expect you to come to our school. How surprising~"

"What's so surprising about this."

Penny waved and smiled: "I have always been very interested in college."


Leonard forced a smile and said: "I remember that I have invited you to visit the school many times in the past year and a half, and every time you said you wanted to do yoga..."


Penny laughed dryly and said, "You must have heard wrong."

"All right."

Leonard didn't want to see the goddess embarrassed. Although he was unhappy, he still managed to smooth things over by himself: "The word yoga is indeed very common, and it is easy to mishear it."

"David, aren't you going to take me around campus?"

Penny also sensed something was wrong in the atmosphere and changed the subject: "Can I ride your motorcycle?"


David patted Leonard on the shoulder and joked: "No matter how bad it is, can it still be worse than Leonard?"


Leonard only felt more pain in the leg that was run over by the motorcycle.

"It's so embarrassing~"

After Penny and David left, looking at Leonard chasing after them, Howard grinned.


Rajesh echoed.

"this is nothing!"

Leonard wanted to save face in front of his friends: "I have nothing to do with Penny..."

"It's you who wants a relationship, and Penny doesn't agree."

Sheldon stabs himself every day.

"Thanks for reminding!"

Leonard paused, stared at Sheldon, and gritted his teeth.

"You are welcome."

Sheldon smiled cutely back.

"Owen, do you think they are serious?"

Leonard was worried and consulted an authority figure.

"Do not worry."

Owen smiled and said: "David has such a high IQ, and according to Western aesthetics, he is also very tall and handsome. There will definitely be no shortage of female companions. If it were you, would you seriously go with Penny?"

"of course not!"

Before Leonard could speak, Howard answered: "If I had such good conditions, I would definitely be a bride and groom every night, ha! Now I can finally imagine your daily life, Irving..."

"No, you still can't imagine it!"

Irving patted Howard, who looked full of admiration, and said meaningful words that broke Howard's heart.


"Oh~poor Rajesh, what happened to you?"

"Professor Owen Lee?"

Just when Rajesh's eyes widened and he was speechless and could only whimper, a moving voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw a woman wearing a lady's suit standing there pretty. She was tall, with delicate features, and a pair of alluring dimples exposed in her smile. She was really beautiful and charming. Fangwu, don’t blame Rajesh for whimpering...

"Elissa Page, your assistant."

"Owen Lee."

Irving stood up and shook hands with the other party. Except that he did not take out the FBI agent ID, this Alyssa Page was indeed the federal agent who would review Howard's information in the future.

But with Owen's IQ, if you think about it for a moment, you will understand the reason.

Pretending to be slapped in the face was fun for a while, but there were still some sequelae. Live broadcast to solve the Millennium Mathematical Puzzle, two at a time. The super intelligence displayed not only defeated Martin Lewis, but also shocked the scientific community and officials.

Although it is far from certain whether Owen's proof is correct or not, the results of the formulas involved in the supercomputer verification steps are exactly the same.

This is enough to shock the world. In addition, the public opinion storm is so big that it attracts official attention. It is not surprising at all.

Alyssa Page was originally responsible for checking and reviewing information in the scientific community. Considering Owen's special situation, it was reasonable for her to be sent to observe Owen up close.

In fact, there are several people with the same status in the list of assistant candidates. Even if Irving does not choose Alyssa Page, the final result will not change in any way.

This is the positive universe, and Owen is not worried about safety issues. The other party is just observing and wooing them, and there is no need to point them out. Even when they sent Alyssa Page, Owen was secretly happy...

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Alyssa Page asked professionally.


Owen really couldn't think of what to ask her to do for a while, at least he couldn't tell her what to do now...

"You should rest first. I will inform you if anything happens."

"Okay, let me know if anything happens."


"God! She is even more beautiful in real life than in the photo. I swear she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!"

After Alyssa left, Rajesh shouted excitedly.

"Owen, why don't you let her do the work~"

Howard smiled lewdly.

"Don't smile so obscenely."

Irving said seriously: "She and I have a purely working relationship."


Howard sneered: "Don't be ridiculous! It's normal for universities to assign assistants to top scientists, but the process of selecting assistants for you is definitely not normal! This is clearly an upgraded version of Oxford University's selection of nurses for Professor Hawking! Life assistants, of course I have to be responsible for taking care of all your life needs~"


Rajesh echoed with envy: "Why not give you a male assistant instead of such a beautiful female assistant? Is it just to make you look good?"

Speaking of this, Rajesh burst into tears. When the university assigned him a male assistant, he was very proud and arrogant. He lamented in front of everyone that he could not imagine what life would be like without an assistant. In fact, the assistant I just started working one afternoon...

Now compared with Irving, it is simply ridiculous!

Caltech Faculty Apartments.

"John, don't get excited, listen to me, this is just a routine undercover mission..."

Elissa Paige looked helpless as she explained to her boyfriend who looked so angry in the video that he seemed to be about to turn into the Hulk.


The boyfriend of the Marine Corps said angrily: "Going undercover next to a world-famous playboy? What is your commander's idea? Don't tell me you don't know!"


Alyssa was speechless. As a federal agent, how could she not know...

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