Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 141 The Savior and Iron Man (Generally speaking, more updates will be added as the leader)

Live broadcast.

Time flies.

Mathematical formulas were written on the blackboards one after another, and then they were erased and filled again, and the cycle was repeated. The reporters responsible for recording the live broadcast began to find colleagues to replace them.

Most of the students who were watching dispersed. After all, they couldn't understand it if they stayed. Except for a few people who wanted to witness the miraculous moment, only professors and doctors who were obsessed with mathematics were still staring closely at Irving's movements.

"'s over!"

After Irving wrote the final conclusion on the blackboard, he threw away the chalk, took a breath, and turned to look at Martin Lewis, who had an earthy face: "Dr. Lewis, are you convinced?"

"Not convinced!"


Before Martin Lewis could reply, an excited shout came from the side. Owen looked in surprise, but it was a familiar old mathematics professor: "Professor Wilson?"

"I don't accept it!"

Professor Wilson said with burning eyes: "Unless you, Owen, solve another Millennium Mathematical Problem, I won't accept it!"


Others also reacted. This was the moment to witness the miracle of science. Of course, Irving, who created the miracle, could not be let go. He had to say two things, so how could he be lazy?

"I don't accept it either!"

"Professor Li, you can take a break, but if you want to convince us, you must solve a millennium mathematics problem again."

"That's right! I heard that Professor Li needs enough inspiration when he thinks about mathematical truths. We can find a dozen inspirations for you, Professor Li, as long as you continue to deduce mathematical truths."

A group of mathematicians echoed with fantastic ideas.

The reporters who were watching looked at each other and hesitated in their hearts: "Did I hear correctly? These scientists actually said in public that they wanted to help Owen Li find... find inspiration..."

"Okay, no problem! But let's order some food together first. After eating, we will continue."

Irving is here to slap him in the face this time, so naturally he has to be perfect and slap him in the face!

Otherwise, he could completely avoid talking and let Martin Lewis provoke him. After all, Martin Lewis could only attack Owen in public opinion. It was impossible to cause real trouble for Owen in the scientific community.

But that would be too cowardly. Others could give in and wait for the storm to subside, but he couldn't! He is the protagonist with system cheats!

"Waiter, arrange lunch for everyone here. I'll treat you."

Owen ordered generously.

Today, everyone present comes from the background of Irving's pretentiousness. Irving, who has a net worth of hundreds of millions, will naturally not hesitate to treat him to a meal. Even if it is the villain Martin Lewis, Irving will not mind treating him to a good meal, provided that the other party has That feeling...

In a high-end restaurant attached to the Hilton Hotel.

"Oh, my god! Did I hear correctly before? Professor Li is treating me to this meal?"

"It seems so, how about we ask again?"

"Jesus Christ! I have the same idea. If we heard wrong, I won't bear to eat like this."

"Me too! This is too luxurious. This meal alone costs at least a few hundred dollars per person, right?"

"Stop talking, look at this wine. On average, it must be worth over a thousand dollars per person."

"Hey~ Thousands of dollars? There are more than a hundred of us here. Doesn't this meal cost more than 100,000 dollars? When did mathematicians become so rich?"

"Mathematicians may not be so rich, but top mathematicians are very profitable! You may not know that in addition to being a mathematician, Professor Li is also a self-made billionaire. He paid us 100,000 US dollars to treat us to a casual meal , simply not worth mentioning.”

"Billionaire? Are you sure?"

"Of course! This is the breaking news that someone unearthed during yesterday's live broadcast. It has spread throughout the United States. Don't you know?"

"I haven't changed my shift, so I really don't know, but a billionaire? I really can't tell!"

"This is normal! Technology billionaires are not like those business billionaires. Most of them live life. If no one reminds them, no one will know that they are actually billionaires."

"How did he make so much money?"

"I heard that I earned it on Wall Street. You may not know that truly top mathematicians have always been the targets of competition for financial institutions on Wall Street."

"Well, people are really different. It's so easy for these geniuses with amazing talents to make money."

"Stop talking, let's eat quickly. You can't usually get such a luxurious meal."

After this feast, everyone's attitude towards Irving changed. They were vaguely malicious before, but now, they have selectively forgotten Irving's skin color.

In America, there are only two kinds of people, the rich and the poor. The poor are not qualified to harbor ill will towards the rich.

"Okay, let's continue."

Owen glanced at the pale Martin Lewis and smiled.

After spending a full 120 existence points, Owen exited the academic mode, threw the chalk away, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Dr. Lewis, are you convinced now?"

Bang bang bang!


"I'm convinced!"

"We are all convinced!"

Still not waiting for a response from Martin Lewis, the mathematics professors and doctors who were watching all applauded and shouted.

Although the calculation results still need to be verified, the specific analysis process also needs to be constantly questioned by mathematicians around the world. Only when no one raises objections can Owen's answer be declared correct and valid.

But at this moment, they are surprisingly confident in Irving! This must be right!

This scene was broadcast live by various media and caused a great sensation.

Everyone can tell the truth from Martin Lewis's pale and desperate look (not that he is incompetent, but that what Irving did had a huge impact on a talented scientist like him).

The scene of many scientists applauding Irving made ordinary people understand that Irving is really a great scientist!

Coupled with the vague intervention of official forces, the public opinion storm of "national crusade" against Irving immediately dissipated.

When Irving returned to Pasadena, he had already received a call from the president of the University of Chicago. The University of Chicago had fired the infamous Martin Lewis.

What awaits Martin Lewis will be the end of his career. He may only be able to go to a public high school and teach students math classes. If he is unlucky, he may also encounter a midlife crisis. But he is not a chemistry major, so Irving There is no need to worry...

The University of Chicago is proud to have an outstanding alumni like Irving, and once again warmly invited Irving to return to his alma mater to coach, but Irving refused.

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"The angel told us: Neo is the savior!"

As soon as Owen entered the room, he was stopped by Sheldon. Sheldon looked at Owen strangely and waved his hands in front of Owen's eyes: "You must be able to see the matrix, right?

"Thank you!"

Owen laughed dumbly. He completely shocked Sheldon this time and enjoyed the same treatment as Kim, the genius boy from the North Country of the universe.

"But I can't see it."

"Although you are not the savior, you are simply the real-life Iron Man."

Howard exclaimed: "He is very rich, a genius who understands technology, and he is so romantic that he is the envy of countless people. This is exactly the template of Iron Man!"

"God! I actually have a billionaire friend."

Even though she knew Owen was not interested in her, Penny still smiled brightly. After Owen's live broadcast ended, Owen was directly ranked first in the ranking of the top five diamond kings in the world, and his attraction to women automatically increased by +1000%...

PS: Thanks to kk7444, gluttonous readers, and Quail Bird for their tips!

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