Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 140 Please give him another dozen (generally speaking, the leader will come and add more)

Live broadcast.

A long list of blackboards were neatly placed there.

"What is he going to do?"

"Didn't you watch the live broadcast just now? He was going to solve two millennium mathematics problems on the spot. These blackboards are the basic props for mathematicians to show off... no, to perform calculations."

"Really or not? He wants to live broadcast the problem-solving process? Two questions at a time? Is the Millennium Mathematics Problem so simple? Even if a top mathematician has an idea to solve the problem, it will take a long time to calculate, right?"

"Of course! But the mental arithmetic abilities of these top mathematicians are more terrifying than computers. So in theory, as long as the mind is clear and the body can bear it, it is not impossible to calculate thousands of lines of problem-solving steps at once. "

"Yes, for such a wonderful and miraculous moment, do you think any media would be unwilling to record it live?"

Suburbs of New York.

Leonard's alma mater, Princeton University in New Jersey, is a leader in the mathematics world and a holy place for pretentiousness. Well-known professors and Ph.D.s in the mathematics department, and even students in the mathematics department and other students who are sincere about science, are all They drove to New York one after another, wanting to watch this absurd and miraculous live broadcast up close.

"I have a feeling that today will be a day to witness a miracle!"

"I also have this feeling. Professor Li once visited us at Princeton. His grace when giving speeches and his profound wisdom during private exchanges are very consistent with his status as a Fields Medal winner.

Unless he is out of his mind or is sure of victory, it is impossible to make such an obviously absurd promise in public, and Professor Li is obviously not out of his mind. "

"Martin Lewis is probably dumbfounded. The things he said are obviously nonsense. He couldn't even produce any reliable evidence at the beginning. Now that he sees Professor Li being involved in scandals, he wants to attack Professor Li.

Tsk tsk, if Professor Li really solves two, no, just one millennium math problem, Martin Lewis's face will probably be swollen. "

"That's not necessarily the case! If Martin Lewis can do such a thing, he will be shameless for a long time. When the time comes, he will say thank you behind closed doors and not accept any interviews. Who can do anything to him?"

Compared with ordinary people, those who can study mathematics are elites with very high IQs. White supremacists like Martin Lewis are, after all, very few.

In other words, most other people are sensible enough. Even if they have this idea in their hearts, they will not show it to the extreme like Martin Lewis.

After all, in the scientific world, talent is king, and everything depends on their scientific achievements! It is actually even more contemptible to act recklessly even though you have no ability!

"Speaking of scandals, do you believe they are true?"

"It should be half true and half false. All the twelve golden hairpins of the Eternal Spear are related to Professor Li. I don't believe it, but the possibility of one or two of them is very high."

"You are wrong. I believe that the scandal is true. Even the scandal is not enough to describe Professor Li's wonderful private life."

"How to say?"

"A good friend of mine, who is at the level of a goddess, once dated Professor Li and praised Professor Li as the most perfect lover in the world. After Professor Li left, my good friend didn't know the taste of meat for three months~"

"Pfft! You don't know the taste of meat in March? Why?"

"Because I don't feel it, I still remember Professor Li's powerful aura~"

"Hi~ People say that people on the other side know kung fu. How far can kung fu be practiced?"

"Tsk tsk, you're right. Out of curiosity, I went to collect relevant information. As far as I know, there is an iron crotch skill in Bianan Kung Fu, which is very consistent with Professor Li's situation."

"Iron Crotch Kung Fu? I would also like to learn it if I have a chance."

"Actually, it's normal for us scientists to be romantic. Einstein, Hawking, Fermi, Feynman, and even Madame Curie. Which one of them is not romantic? As for targeting Professor Li like this? Everything is racial discrimination!"

"Ahem, we're almost there, so don't say anything."

A Chinese student complained about Owen and was about to angrily denounce racial discrimination when he was interrupted by his classmates, because his classmates understood a truth very rationally: "It is destined to be discriminated against by others in other people's territory. When the other side was strong, all nations came. When you go to court, don’t you also look down on the foreigners?”

Live broadcast.

"Dr. Lewis, let me confirm again. This time, for the remaining five Millennium Mathematical Problems, you have no inspiration and are about to burst out, right?"

Owen conveniently slapped Martin Lewis again.


At this time, there were already people watching at the scene. In addition to reporters, most of them were professors and students who came here specially. They all smiled heartily when they heard Owen's sarcasm.


Facing everyone's gaze, Martin Lewis gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's get started."

Owen looked around at everyone, smiled and announced: "Please be quiet!"

After saying that, he turned around, walked to the blackboard, picked up the chalk, and sank into consciousness, communicating with the American drama system: "System, turn on the academic mode, deep learning, and inspiration bonus!"

"Yes, Master."

As the American drama system responded, the existence point on the system panel began to beat slowly: 134, 133.9, 133.8...


Owen's mind seemed to have experienced a big explosion. Billions of neurons jumped happily. Countless information flows related to the remaining five Millennium Problems flashed, merged and merged. Neurons more complex than a supercomputer were running rapidly. , forming an almost super-sensory state.

A lot of data that was so complex that it would take a long time for a supercomputer to calculate it, but with the super senses at this moment, extremely precise answers were obtained in an instant.

"He moved!"

Everyone was shocked and stared at Irving's movements. Irving's arms were waving, and lines of mathematical formulas appeared quickly and clearly on the blackboard. After a while, the blackboard was filled, and then Irving continued without stopping. Fill up the rest of the blackboard.

"Professor, what did Professor Li write?"

The formula was too complicated. Not to mention the confused faces of the reporters who were watching, even the highly intelligent mathematics students began to feel dizzy after looking at it for a while. They couldn't even figure out which mathematical problem Owen was analyzing.

"He was analyzing the Behe ​​and Sveinton-Dyer conjectures. Oh my god, he abandoned all the previous efforts of mathematicians around the Behe ​​and Sveinton-Dyer conjectures and opened up a new way of thinking that had never been done before. His idea is really genius, but can he succeed?"

The mathematics professors at Princeton University stared at Irving's movements in shock. With their intelligence and knowledge, they were unable to judge whether every step Irving made was correct, because that would require the cooperation of a supercomputer to perform calculations to know the result.

But they very wisely gave up worrying about the calculation results. After assuming that Irving's calculations were all correct, they focused entirely on Irving's ideas. This time they were relieved and even more shocked.

Because they found that if there were no mistakes in the calculation steps, then Owen's idea was completely correct!

"Could romance really inspire a great scientist?"

An old mathematics professor who was familiar with Owen murmured in a daze: "If so, please give Professor Li another dozen. Compared with the rapid progress of science and the huge contribution to human society, the romantic behavior of great scientists is completely reasonable." It’s such an elegant thing…”

PS: Thanks to the devil incarnation for the reward!

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