Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 142 Assistant Candidate (Please subscribe!)

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as Owen and Sheldon walked into the restaurant with their plates, they saw the colleagues who came to dine paying attention and applauding.

"thanks, thanks!"

This is a tradition in science!

Just like when John Nash finally entered the restaurant in A Beautiful Mind, all his scientific colleagues stepped forward and placed their pens on John Nash's table. This was a deep recognition!

"Oh~ when can I get this treatment?"

Leonard looked envious.

"You never will."

Sheldon stabs himself every day.

"Thanks for the reminder~"

Leonard gritted his teeth.

"You are welcome."

Sheldon smiled cutely back.

"There will be a chance, Leonard."

Owen said with certainty.


Leonard grinned and said unconfidently.

"How can it be?"

Sheldon was surprised: "Leonard is just an experimental physicist. He just... By the way, Leonard, what do you do every day?"

"We have worked and lived together for six years, and you don't even know the content of my job?"

Leonard was speechless.

"I've heard you talk about it before, but since it's not original work, I never listened carefully."

Sheldon pouted.


Howard covered his chest and laughed funny.

"Owen, do you really think I can do this?"

Leonard stared at Sheldon for a while, and when he saw him staring back with bulging eyes, not feeling anything wrong with him at all, he twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head away, and was too lazy to pay attention to Sheldon.


Owen was sure.

Although he did not remember Leonard having any outstanding scientific achievements, as a 'teacher's killer', Leonard 'sacrificed his personal self to fulfill his greater self' and attracted a large amount of sponsorship for the physics department, purchasing a Taishin centrifuge.

When Leonard, who looked pale and had weak legs and feet, walked into the restaurant, the scene of everyone applauding under the leadership of the dean was still deeply etched in Irving's mind.

This was also the first time Sheldon encouraged and even took the initiative to help Leonard Coitus, and enthusiastically praised this behavior as Leonard's greatest contribution to physics in his life...

"Hey guys, stupid!"

"Hi Leslie! x4!"

"Hey, you idiot!"

Sheldon stared at Leslie Winkle with bulging eyes and gritted his teeth.

Leslie Bully Winkle shrugged. Normally she would have teased Sheldon, but this time her target was Owen: "Hi, Owen, congratulations on overcoming two millennium math problems again. No. Needless to say, you looked very handsome on the live broadcast.

Look, I have a good suggestion. I heard that you like to collect inspiration when you study science, and I happen to do the same, so I thought we could try cooperation to see if we can create new sparks. You are a man, and the specific experimental steps are all arranged by you. how do you say? "


Leonard spat out the drink in his mouth on the spot.

He was very familiar with this kind of experiment. When he wanted to date Leslie, Leslie also regarded the date as an experiment. At that time, he did not have the treatment and treatment to arrange for him. After Leslie arranged everything, he only gave the details. The place was given to him.

"Thank you, but no need."

Owen twitched the corner of his mouth and decisively refused.

He naturally understood the meaning of Leslie's words. For Leonard, Howard, and Rajesh, Leslie may be very hot, but she is definitely not Irving's cup of tea!


Leslie has a very high IQ and naturally understood what Owen meant. He shrugged and said, "But whenever you have an idea, you are welcome to come to me at any time."

"what about me?"

Howard's eyes flickered and he kept holding it in. When Leslie turned to leave, he finally couldn't help but say it out.


Everyone looked over in unison.

"I mean……"

Howard met Leonard's probing gaze and said covertly, "I wanted to ask Leslie, how is my application for a high-speed prototype?"


When Leslie saw Howard winking at her, she remembered that she had just 'used' Howard, and smiled: "I've already done it for you."


A smile appeared on Howard's face.

"You're welcome, it's just mutual help and mutual benefit. Meow~"

Leslie made a scratching motion with his hands, made a very ambiguous cat sound and left.

"What does it mean?"

Good gay friend Rajesh saw the fishiness in it at a glance and said pointedly.

"I guess Howard must have experimented with Leslie."

Owen hits the nail on the head.


Leonard crossed his arms and stared at Howard.

"I know you and Leslie had a past..."

"I do not mind."

"Okay, actually I wanted to say it a long time ago, twice in the Easter Egg Cabin!"

Howard shouted excitedly.

"Buddy, you betrayed the brotherhood law!"

Owen reminded.

"Leonard said he doesn't mind."

Howard forcefully explained. Under Owen's half-smiling gaze, he lowered his head and muttered: "I can't control that much. Leslie is the fifth girl I have had sex with. Of course, I said it was free." …”

"As long as you don't mind."

Owen shrugged.

According to the four irons in life, the relationship between the three of them can be said to be truly iron!

Howard and Rajesh were caught together by Sailor Moon who weighed more than 200 pounds...

Leonard and Howard both experimented with Leslie Winkle...

In the future, Rajesh will have a night of fooling around with Leonard's true love, Penny. Although he is the Flash, he has fooled around before...

"So you are here, Professor Li."

At this time, a middle-aged white man in a suit and tie walked over.

"Dr. Smith."

"Dr. Smith."

"Dr. Hofstadter."

"Dr. Smith."

"Mr. Wonovitz."

Another small talk that made Howard sad and angry.

"Professor Li, why don't you go to the dean's cafeteria?"

Dr. Smith is the head of the Department of Mathematics. When he saw Owen staying in the faculty cafeteria, he was surprised and said: "The food there is fresher."

"No, I like dining with my friends."

Owen declined.

"Uh, okay."

Dr. Smith didn't say much. Scientists have eccentric temperaments, so there's no need to force him. Besides, he knew Irving was a billionaire, so he didn't care about being in the Dean's cafeteria.

"Here's the roster for your new assistant."

Dr. Smith handed a pamphlet to Irving and said with a meaningful smile: "Professor Li can choose whatever he wants, and the school will make arrangements."

"Okay, thank you."

Owen took the pamphlet and thanked him with a smile.

"Roster of Assistant Candidates?!"

The three Leonards were extremely envious, and when Irving opened the roster, they were even more stunned...

PS: Thanks to book friend 170121142507980 for the reward!

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