Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 139 Report, someone is cheating here (please subscribe)

New York TV.


The provocation on Martin Lewis's face froze, and he shouted in disbelief: "You have?"

With an IQ of 180 running at high speed, he still couldn't figure out how Owen could have evidence to prove it. The only explanation was that Owen was bluffing him.

"Very good. Since you have it, take it out and let us take a look."

Martin Lewis sneered.

He was not fooled!

The host said excitedly: "Please ask Professor Li to provide evidence!"

"I have a question and I would like to ask Dr. Lewis first."

Owen laughed.

"Please say."

Martin Lewis calmed down completely, with a calm smile on his face.

"Why has no one ever questioned Einstein and Newton for plagiarizing other people's ideas?"

Owen asked.


Martin Lewis vaguely guessed Owen's routine, but he didn't think Owen had the slightest chance of success, and sneered: "It's very simple, that's because they are all the greatest scientists.

Everyone has many great scientific achievements. One scientific achievement may be due to luck or plagiarizing other people's inspiration, but two, three or more outstanding achievements can only prove that this person is a great scientist!

If you want to prove that you didn't plagiarize my inspiration, it's very simple, just show your 'genius' again and make outstanding achievements recognized by the scientific community!

The key is do you have it? "

"In other words, as long as I have it, it can prove that I am a great scientist, and you are a clown who slandered me?"

Owen asked.

Martin Lewis was stagnant, and his heart began to kick. He looked at the confident Owen and thought to himself: "Did he really have another breakthrough achievement..."

He naturally knew that Owen was a genuine genius scientist, and it was not impossible for a genius scientist to make another breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Martin Lewis said with a guilty conscience: "If you have another one, no, two achievements that can be comparable to P=NP, I will admit that you are a great scientist!"

TBBT Apartments.

"Oh, no!"

Leonard shouted: "How is this possible!"

"What's wrong?"

Petunia, a scumbag, asked for advice: "Is this achievement difficult?"

"Of course it's difficult!"

Howard continued: "This is a millennium mathematical problem that all mathematicians in the world have not successfully solved for decades.

According to the rules set by the Clay Mathematics Institute, as long as the solution to any conjecture is published in a mathematical journal and after a two-year verification period, the solver will be awarded a $1 million bonus.

There are seven puzzles in total. Since it was announced in 2000, until now, only Irving and the Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman have solved one puzzle each in 2001 and 2003.

Because of the two-year verification period, Irving missed the 2002 Fields Medal. In 2006, Irving and Gregory were nominated for the 2006 Fields Medal at the same time.

Irving chose to accept the award, but Gregory gave up the award and the $1 million Millennium Prize because of his eccentric temperament.

Now, there are five math puzzles left! Martin Lewis asked Owen to prove two of them again. This is a complete lie! No matter how talented Irving is, he still can't do it! "

"Wow! So awesome!"

Penny, a scumbag, could only shout 666: "I remember Owen got a $1 million bonus, so that's it. By the way, I remember Sheldon was also very good at math. Sheldon, why didn't you answer the question? Jubilee Math Puzzle?”


Faced with Penny's deliberate teasing, the corners of Sheldon's mouth and eyes twitched at the same time, and he said sadly: "I am a theoretical physicist, not a mathematician!"

"ok, ok!"

Penny was afraid that Sheldon would really cry, so she didn't dare to tease him anymore: "Watch TV, watch TV!"

on tv.

"Is this a live broadcast?"

Irving turned to look at the host and slapped him in the face: "If I want to respond to Dr. Lewis in public like a scientist, the TV station won't delete it or even block it, right?"


The host smiled bitterly and said: "Professor Li, you are really funny, how is this possible!"


Irving said worriedly: "But I'm not worried. What if I solve the problem and you insist on helping Dr. Lewis and delete the process of my solving the problem, so that Dr. Lewis will be 'plagiarized by me again', or even directly If you take it as your own, I will cry without tears."

"This is impossible!"

The host's face looked a little ugly. After all, Owen was slapping him in the face.

"Eh, there's nothing you can do about it. Just be careful and you won't make a big mistake."

Irving stood up and sighed: "It's better to find a new venue and let many media live broadcast together, so that I can rest assured."

He was very unhappy with the New York TV station being so biased in favor of Martin Lewis, and naturally he didn't mind punching him in the face at this moment.

When Irving walked out of the New York TV station, the many media who had not dispersed were already excited. Compared to the New York TV station, many media were surprised and happy. They cooperated very well with Irving and restarted the live broadcast at the Hilton Hotel.

This time, because every media can broadcast it live without having to wait for the New York TV station to broadcast it, the radiation level is wider and it also attracts widespread attention from the scientific community.

Although no one believed that Irving could solve two millennium mathematical problems in public, it did not prevent them from watching. And if a miracle really happened, it would be a grand event in the scientific world.

You must know that these problems are all about the basic theories of mathematics. Once solved, they will greatly promote the development and deepening of the application of mathematical theories.

Mathematics is the foundation of all sciences. When there are new breakthroughs in mathematical theory, it will lead to all progress in physics, biology, chemistry and other sciences.

"Impossible, impossible! He is bluffing me, he must be bluffing me..."

Martin Lewis was already in a difficult position. Sitting in the live broadcast room, looking at the confident and calm Irving, he shouted in his heart.

"But what if he really succeeds... He is a genius mathematician. He can't make such a big noise for no reason without being sure. Oh my god, this hateful bastard! What on earth was he thinking? of!!!"

At this point, it is impossible to say that he has no regrets at all! Originally, he just wanted to quarrel with Irving and throw dirty water on him to vent his frustration. Who would have thought that it would turn out like this!


Owen glanced at Martin Lewis, who was in a daze, and sneered in his heart: "You want to step on me to vent your anger, ha, so naive! I don't even want to see if you have this ability, I'm just cheating!"

Not to mention two Millennium Mathematical Puzzles, just give me time and let me accumulate enough existence points, and I will solve a hundred Millennium Mathematical Puzzles for you! "

PS: The additional update for the helmsman should be available today. Please support the full order!

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