Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 138: Get out of the way (please subscribe)

New York TV.

"Viewers, after commercials, welcome back."

After seeing the current ratings, the host said enthusiastically: "Without further ado, let us invite tonight's two guests, Dr. Martin Lewis and Professor Owen Lee, please!"

Owen and Martin walked up one after another, smiling and waving.

"Professor Li, thank you for accepting our interview."

The host changed his previous hostility and greeted him very warmly.

"There is nothing I can do. If I don't accept the interview, I will be labeled as one of those ignorant people who cheat and steal the world."

Owen smiled to himself.


The host's face stiffened, he laughed a few times, and then calmed down and said, "Professor Li is really joking. We are just discussing the matter. What the truth is, we still need to see the debate between you two."

"that is!"

Martin Lewis answered: "Owen, we know the truth best. You were still studying for a Ph.D., and I was already a senior researcher.

The topic of my research was the proof of P=NP. At that time, there was already a breakthrough. Unexpectedly, you intercepted my idea and published it first.

I have to say that you and your compatriots from the other side are both geniuses when it comes to pirated creativity! "

As soon as these words came out, the American people watching the live broadcast became excited.

"Hahaha! Well said! This is so accurate!"

"Yes, it is impossible for people on the other side to have original research. They are all plagiarizing and piracy of our results. Not only does FK not pay royalties, but they also compete with us in turn. It is really too much!"

"I believe Professor Lewis, this is simply the epitome of the two countries. Unfortunately, the other side still wants to have two blooms, FK two blooms! When our side is just blooming, their side has already borne fruit!"

"Bullshit Chinese scientists, get out of our country!"

on tv.

Although there was no live audience, Martin Lewis seemed to hear the voices of many American people. The corners of his mouth were raised high, and he looked down at Irving, his eyes full of provocation.

"Am I taking the blame for the motherland? But I just want to say: Compatriots, well done!"

Irving seemed to be able to feel the sourness of the American people. He complained in his heart, but said unhurriedly: "Dr. Lewis, do you have any evidence for saying this?"

"Of course."

Martin Lewis was obviously prepared: "I have the draft that proved the idea at that time, but it was just not completely completed."

"Then why does the scientific community not agree with your original ideas?"

Owen sneered.

"It's very simple."

Martin Lewis said angrily: "Because you people on the other side are really geniuses in plagiarism. Not only did you copy my ideas, but you also changed them in a short period of time. The scientific community has been completely deceived by you."

"Damn yellow-skinned monkey! He knows how to plagiarize!"

"The scientific community is also a bullshit! They actually condoned his plagiarism!"

"There is no way to do this. If there is no ironclad proof of plagiarism, there is no way to confirm it. I can only say that this Chinese scientist is too cunning."

Martin Lewis is very shrewd. He knows that he can't offer any evidence at all, because what is false cannot be true. But today, as long as he sticks to Irving's identity as a person from the other side and the outstanding achievements of the people from the other side in piracy, he will definitely win.

Bang bang bang!

Owen applauded and praised: "Wonderful! Dr. Lewis, you should be a citizen of the Great Universe, right?"


Martin Lewis was stunned and firmly denied: "I am a pure American!"

"How can it be!"

Owen looked 'shocked': "If you were not a citizen of the Great Universe, how could you say such shameless words!"

"mmp!×n trillion!"

As soon as these words came out, a voice sounded almost simultaneously in the hearts of the citizens of the Great Cosmos Country who were watching.


Martin Lewis couldn't understand this joke. He was a mathematician and he had no time to care about the outstanding certification results of the Great Universe Country in every corner of the universe.

"According to your logic, if you want to become famous, you just need to get involved with famous scientists."

Owen laughed and said: "Inspiration is not something you say you have. Congratulations, Dr. Lewis. You can rely on this super power of inspiration to become the greatest scientist in history!"


Martin Lewis was a little embarrassed, but after being reminded by the host's eyes, he regained his composure: "I was originally studying the topic P=NP. You plagiarized my inspiration and even said that I was cheating. Why didn't you see me cheating? Others, only touch you?"

"That's because you're racist."

Irving thought so in his heart, but he would not say it with his mouth, because he had just been racially profiled...

"Professor Li."

The host interjected: "Do you have any conclusive evidence to prove that you did not plagiarize Dr. Lewis's inspiration?"

TBBT Apartments.


Leonard exclaimed.

"What's wrong?

Penny wondered.

"Owen is in trouble."

Leonard frowned and said: "In the scientific world, you can only prove that others have plagiarized your inspiration. How can you prove that you have not plagiarized other people's inspiration? This host is obviously digging a hole for Irving!"

"it does not matter."

Penny shook her head and said, "Owen is so smart. We can all see this kind of trap. How could Owen not see it?"


Leonard glanced at Penny and pouted vigorously. Although he knew that what Penny said was the truth, why did he feel so uncomfortable when he heard it...

"too horrible!"

While drinking, Rajesh complained: "Irving is really awesome. If it were me, I would have collapsed."

"It can't be you!"

Sheldon stabs himself every day.

"Why can't it be me? I'm a foreigner too!"

exclaimed Rajesh.

"I know."

Sheldon said seriously: "But the premise is that you must have achievements like Owen, otherwise you are just... you! An unknown foreigner!"


Rajesh burst into tears immediately.

"Ignore him."

Howard comforted his good friend: "You are still very successful in the field of astrophysics."


Sheldon unknowingly completed three kills easily: "For you, Rajesh is indeed very successful!"

Howard glared at Sheldon fiercely, but Sheldon responded with a silly smile. Howard was immediately discouraged. What could he do to a person who didn't know sarcasm and irony at all?

You can't really make a crossbow and kill Sheldon, right?

Or, you can give it a try...

Just as Howard was imagining the scene of torturing Sheldon in his mind, on the TV, facing Martin Lewis's provocative gaze, Owen raised the corner of his mouth and said confidently: "I have it!"

Everyone was in an uproar immediately!

PS: Thanks to BBO Bao, Longying 007, and Book Friends 20190315095018061 for the rewards! The results are average. When the author woke up in the morning and saw it, he was mostly heartbroken. The book is niche and the collection is not high. The first order is like this. It is definitely not a problem of updates, but the quality of the book is not enough for everyone to support it. The author is now I am writing a book part-time, and my hand is disabled, so I will keep a minimum of 2 updates a day from now on, and strive to improve the quality of the book. The time points are 12:00 and 20:00. I once again beg everyone to subscribe to the genuine version. Each order will add 1 chapter for every 200. !

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