Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 137: A slap in the face doesn’t last overnight (please subscribe)

on tv.

The interview continues.

Martin Lewis talks eloquently and describes himself as a tragic figure, and Owen becomes a complete villain.

“I really didn’t expect Owen Lee to be such a person.”

The host listened to the program director's reminder in the headset that the program's ratings were soaring, and a happy sigh appeared on his face.

In the United States, the news media is an independent force, and some programs even dare to expose dirt on the president for the sake of public influence.

In this period of intense public sentiment, it is completely politically correct to criticize Irving. No matter what the truth is, even if Irving goes to court with them, they are backed by a large media group and are still afraid of a Chinese scientist. Can't?

Martin is also happy from the inside out.

He and Irving, one was doing research at the University of Chicago, and the other was a doctoral student in Chicago. They were both mathematicians, so how could there be no intersection.

But Martin Lewis is a white supremacist. He has no achievements as a top scientist, but he has learned 10% of the bad habits of some top scientists. He instinctively looks down on Chinese scientists like Irving.

Science has no limits, but human energy and lifespan are limited. Therefore, the choice of a scientist's topic is very important. If the choice is wrong, a lifetime of hard work may be meaningless.

The topic he was researching at the time happened to be the millennium mathematical problem P=NP. When Owen, a doctoral student, solved this problem at lightning speed that he had been studying for many years but could not overcome, all the years of hard work were ruined. Coupled with an inexplicable sense of shame, he was extremely hostile to Irving.

Therefore, at that time, he abandoned his face and concocted an inspiration plagiarism incident in order to damage Irving's reputation and reduce his chances of winning the award. However, because there was no evidence at all, the scientific community naturally did not agree with his point of view.

Over the years, he could only watch Owen reach the pinnacle of his life because of this millennium math problem. However, he did not expect that things would turn around. Owen was exposed, which aroused the disgust of most men in the United States.

As soon as the public opinion storm began, Martin Lewis was sensitively aware that his opportunity for revenge had arrived. No matter how loud he clamored before, no one in the mainstream scientific community would pay attention to him.

But now, with the power of the storm of public opinion, his words can have a huge impact. Ordinary people don't understand at all, and they don't care about evidence. They only believe and only want to see what they want to see.

Once public opinion surges, it will definitely spread to the scientific community. Even if Irving's status as a Fields Medal winner cannot be revoked, it will still disgust him.

It is not impossible to even try harder and force Caltech to fire Irving.

The most important thing is that just as the scientific community ignored his no-evidence claims, now Irving cannot prove himself no matter how clear he is.

Tit for tat!

Thinking of this, Martin Lewis felt refreshed all over, and the smile on his lips became brighter.


The host was suddenly stunned, pressed the headset and asked, and then the smile on his face could not be concealed at all, and he said to the camera: "Viewers, I have some good news for you. The program team just received the notice and has been unwilling to accept it. Owen Lee, the person involved in the interview, called and asked to join the live broadcast and confront Dr. Lewis.

Dr. Lewis, do you agree? "


Martin Lewis was also startled, but he quickly reacted and smiled confidently: "I accept any confrontation!"

"Very good!"

The host said with great joy: "It will take a while for Owen Lee to arrive, so let us start with a commercial. Audience friends, please don't leave. An exciting battle between genius scientists will begin soon."

Jingle Bell!

"Teacher Maijia?"

Irving answered the phone while rushing towards the New York TV station.

"Uncle Owen!"

The first person to speak was not Mary Magdalene, but a clear child's voice.

"It's Emma."

Owen raised the corner of his mouth and smiled warmly: "How are you doing lately?"

After teasing little Emma for a while, little Emma returned the phone to Mary Maga: "Teacher Maga, don't worry, I'm fine."

"I know."

Mary Magdalene said with a smile: "I just think you shouldn't go there. Even if you want to be interviewed on TV, you should choose a more impartial one. The bias of this program is too obvious, and it is not suitable for you to go there."

"Do you think any TV station will favor me in the current public opinion?"

Owen smiled to himself.

"It's not like you, little rascal, have gone too far."

Mary Maga smiled and scolded: "I served the Eternal Spear in one pot and brought them to fame. Are you in trouble now? Do you have any regrets?"


Owen chuckled: "Any man would never regret having done those things! Just like the scene of you bowing your head to drink water, Teacher Maijia, unless you are not a man, you will be moved."

"You little rascal~"

Mary Magdalene recalled the past, with the corners of her mouth raised.

She was only twenty-six or seventeen years old at that time, the most beautiful age. Now in the blink of an eye, 14 years have passed. She has entered middle age, got married, and has a lovely daughter.

Over the years, Owen and her relationship have been very good. This valuable villa was bought by Owen himself and given to her when she was about to get married.

Of course, what she cared about wasn't this, but the relationship between Owen and her.

You know, when Irving asked her to borrow money, she did it without saying anything. In America, this is definitely a very, very close relationship.

If Owen was not 'infertile', she would still want to give him several children, even if he was very flirtatious and always claimed that he would never get married.

It’s no joke to fall in love over time...

"Are you sure?"


Irving smiled confidently: "Martin Lewis, this bastard, thinks he can throw dirty water on me using this method, but he doesn't know that a true genius is omnipotent!"

"That puts me at ease."

Mary Magdalene felt Owen's confidence and smiled happily: "Go get them tiger!"


Just when Owen wanted to respond, little Emma's stammering but clear and melodious voice sounded, which immediately warmed Owen's heart. He laughed and said: "Little Emma, ​​you must watch TV to see how uncle defeats the big guys on it. Bad guy!"

New York TV.

"I'm coming."

A group of news media reporters had already received the news and gathered downstairs at the TV station. When they saw Irving's car approaching, they swarmed up and wanted to take pictures of the first-hand information.

Live broadcasts from various media outlets spread throughout the United States and even the world in an instant. After all, the collision of two genius mathematicians was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Coupled with the blessing of the Eternal Gun scandal, it was particularly attractive.

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