Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 136 Angry (please subscribe)


In an elegant villa.

"Mom, mom, it's uncle!"

A five or six-year-old little girl with rosy blond hair was lying on the sofa watching TV. She yelled after seeing the picture above.

"Baby, what uncle?"

In the kitchen, an elegant and charming woman came over, hugged the little girl, and asked with a smile.

"Mom, this is my uncle who has been to our house before."

The little blond girl leaned on her mother's arms, pointed at the TV and shouted.

"Hey, baby is so smart, you still remember Uncle Owen."

The girl's mother looked sideways and saw Owen's head on the corner of the TV. She smiled and stroked her daughter's hair. Then she frowned and realized that this TV program was not a front-on interview, but rather a reveal. scandal.

on tv.

The host introduced: "Viewers, everyone must be very familiar with the recent scandals between Chinese scientists and the Eternal Gun Chorus, but today our program is not exposing these scandals, but the Chinese scientist Irving Li's scientific achievements.

Now we have the famous mathematician Dr. Martin Lewis! "

"Hello everyone, hello host."

A middle-aged white man in a suit walked up, smiled and waved: "I'm Martin Lewis."

"Hello, Dr. Lewis."

The host smiled and said hello, and then introduced to the camera: "Dr. Lewis is a senior researcher in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago. He once won the Wiener Award for Applied Mathematics and is an out-and-out genius scientist.

But this is not the reason why we invited him to our program. The reason why we invited Dr. Lewis this time is because he had a wonderful interaction with Owen Lee, who is very popular recently.

Before that, let’s take a look at Owen Lee’s academic journey.

In 1995, 18-year-old Owen Lee enrolled at the University of Chicago.

In 1998, 21-year-old Owen Lee graduated from college.

In 1999, he started studying for a master's and doctoral degree in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago.

In 2001, he published a paper that solved a millennium world mathematics problem.

In 2002, he received a PhD in science and mathematics from the University of Chicago.

In 2003, the solution to P=NP, one of the seven thousand-year-old mathematical problems, was generally recognized by the mathematics community and was awarded $1 million by the Clay Mathematics Institute. Won the Wolf Prize in the same year!

In 2006, he won the Fields Medal, the ‘Nobel Prize in Mathematics’.

In 2007, he accepted the invitation of the California Institute of Technology and became a full professor in the Department of Mathematics of the California Institute of Technology. At only 30 years old, he can be said to be the youngest full professor.

It is not difficult to see from these resumes that the fundamental reason why Owen Lee has reached the pinnacle of his life is the Millennium Mathematical Puzzle. It has been seven years since he solved the Millennium Mathematical Puzzle in 2001. During this period, Owen Lee did not achieve anything.

He didn't go to college until he was 18 years old, and his experience in high school and college was "unremarkable". During his PhD studies, he suddenly shined brightly and solved the millennium mathematical problem that had troubled countless scientists for many years. ordinary.

This makes us wonder, is Owen Lee really a genius? Did he really solve this millennium mathematical problem? "


The elegant and charming woman frowned and said: "There are so many late-blooming scientists in the scientific world. Not every genius will keep jumping up the ranks, and brilliant breakthrough achievements are rare. How can this be a reason to attack Owen!"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

The little girl in her arms looked up at the woman and asked confusedly.


The woman smiled self-consciously. She was just a TV viewer, and it was useless to say this. Thinking of this, she stood up, took the phone, and dialed Owen's number, but found that the phone was busy. She shook her head with a wry smile and murmured: "This guy , still so romantic, at this time, all the women who care about him are calling him."

After saying that, I couldn't feel relieved, so I dialed a few more times, but found that the line was still busy, so I took my phone, returned to the sofa, hugged the little girl, edited a text message, sent it, and continued to watch the TV interview.

On TV, the interview continues.

"Let's look at Dr. Lewis's resume. He has an IQ of 180. He went to college at the age of 13, graduated from college at the age of 15, and obtained a doctorate in science and mathematics at the age of 20. During this period, he won numerous awards. Today, he still has major breakthroughs every two years. The paper is published, which can be regarded as the most conventional resume of a genius mathematician."

The host avoided the important and talked about the so-called numerous awards and heavyweight papers, and then changed his tone: "The reason why I invited Dr. Lewis here today is because he once had an issue with Owen Lee over the ownership of the Millennium Mathematics Problem. With the debate out of the way, let’s listen to Dr. Lewis’s introduction.”

"Okay, host."

Martin Lewis smiled slightly: "In fact, P=NP, the real breaker of this millennium mathematical problem is me, Owen Lee stole my research results!"


In front of the TV, countless viewers who saw this scene were in an uproar!

"Real or fake? Impossible, can an award of this level be faked?"

"I knew how the yellow-skinned monkey could be so powerful! There is indeed something wrong!"

TBBT Apartments.

"Holy shit!"

Penny opened her mouth wide and asked subconsciously: "Is what they said true? Is it possible?"

"Of course it's fake!"

Leonard shook his head and said: "But there is a possibility. The academic circle snatches other people's research results and publishes them first. Examples of this happen every year, but the impact is different."

"Can this still happen?"

Penny, the scumbag, was shocked.

"Calm down."

Howard smiled and said: "The IQs of top scientists are all about the same. What distinguishes achievements is inspiration. When one scientist accidentally reveals his inspiration, another scientist learns about it and compiles the paper in advance and publishes it. What's the point? Strange."


Penny's IQ is not good, but her EQ is not low. She immediately thought of the problem: "According to what you said, even if Owen has no problem, but when they say this, it becomes a problem. After all, this kind of plagiarism of inspiration is not a problem at all. There is a way to verify it.”


Leonard and the others were stunned for a moment, then nodded with worried expressions.

New York.

Inside the One57 penthouse.

Owen sat on the sofa and looked at Martin Lewis who was talking on the TV with an expressionless face. How could he not see things that Penny could clearly see.

This is obviously the TV station cooperating with Martin Lewis to pour dirty water on him. At this moment when the whole country is crusading against Irving, it is still shit if not shit.

The most important thing is that this matter involves reputation. Even if Sheldon and the others believe in themselves, there is no guarantee that they will not be shaken by the weight of public opinion and the destruction of bones.

And once it shakes, their friendship will definitely be fatally affected. This is simply preventing him from attaining enlightenment...

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