Friends Apartment.

Room 6A.

Everyone sat in front of the TV and watched the TV interview attentively. Only Chandler walked around impatiently and tried to turn off the TV, but he was suppressed by everyone's joint efforts.

"Chandler, I have to tell you, I really like your mother's books. I read them every time I fly."

Rachel looked sideways at Chandler and said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to be Norabin's son, god! Your mother's book is so exciting!"


Chandler said with a self-deprecating smile: "Especially when you are only 11 years old and your classmates and friends are passing it on to watch, I will never forget that kind of excitement..."

"I've seen it, I've seen it!"

Rachel shouted: "I was very shocked at the time. Your mother's indescribable and wonderful descriptions conquered me. At first, I wanted to follow your mother's path of literary creation because of this."

Owen held Rachel in his arms and listened to their stories, and images of his past life flashed through his mind.

At that time, he was still in high school, and like many of his classmates, he fell into the deep pit of novels. He couldn't extricate himself. He read novels all day and night. Those tomes with small fonts. Each classmate rented three copies and then read them in different places. I can scan one or two books a day.

Among them, the wonderful pages of Liu Bei were torn out and passed around to read over and over again. The most memorable thing was that a classmate was reviewing Liu Bei's pages in class. His whole body was hot and his face was red. The teacher discovered it. Abnormally, I seized Liu Bei's page when I came to care.

Almost everyone in the class had seen it (girls included), so everyone understood what was happening and burst into laughter.

The new young driver, under the teacher's scrutinizing and speechless gaze, was almost put his head into the desk by the laughter of the senior drivers.

"What a wonderful time."

Owen fell into memories and was awakened by Phoebe's cry.

"I'm coming."

Everyone stopped talking and all looked over. On the TV, a graceful woman in a women's suit walked up with a smile and a wave.

"Chandler, your mother must have been a beautiful woman when she was young."

Owen sighed.

In fact, the woman on TV is also a beautiful woman now, but Owen knows that in a world without super powers, there will never be an immortal goddess.

No matter how beautiful and moving the immortal goddess is on TV or other media, if you meet her in reality, she will definitely blind your admirers.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she cannot stop the ravages of time. On TV or in magazines, those youthful figures and pictures are all modified with heavy makeup or simply photoshopped.

It’s no joke that beauty ages easily!

"Shh! ×n!"

Everyone expressed dissatisfaction in unison.


Irving apologized and turned his attention back to the TV.

The male host asked: "Nora, let's talk about your book first. What was the reason why you were arrested during a book signing in London?"

Mrs. Bin: "It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but sometimes after being intimate with a man, I really want to eat Kung Pao Chicken~"

“The message says too much!”

Chandler yelled at the TV.


Owen looked around and saw that no one had much reaction. He thought to himself: "It seems that I have overthought it. Eastern and Western cultures are still a little different. Kung Pao Chicken should just be Kung Pao Chicken. Well, that should be it." of……"

The male host licked his lips and continued to ask: "Now you are promoting your new book, what are your plans next?"

Mrs. Bing: "Well, my next stop will be New York, and then I will fly directly to Pasadena."


The male host was surprised: "Why not Los Angeles?"

Although they are both in California, Pasadena is only a medium-sized satellite city affiliated with Los Angeles County in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, so the autograph session should not be held there.

"That's going to involve my next book."

Mrs. Bin smiled and said: "During this period, I was fortunate to meet the members of the Eternal Gun Chorus and chatted happily with them. I accidentally learned some very interesting information, which inspired me and gave me some inspiration. The urge to collect materials immediately and create the next book.

If my agent hadn't stopped me repeatedly, I wouldn't have even wanted to hold a book signing. You may not know that for us writers, when inspiration comes, the urge to write it out is too strong. "


Owen kept coughing and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Understood, understood."

The male host smiled reservedly: "Actually, I am also a part-time writer. I know very well what you are talking about, Nora. I think even if you interrupt the promotion plan, your book fans will be disappointed, but they will also forgive you. Yes, after all, they must be like me and are very much looking forward to what the inspiration for your next book will be. Can you tell us a little bit about it?"


Mrs. Bin smiled and said, "Everyone has watched Beautiful Mind, right?"

"Of course I have."

The male host calmly answered: "When this movie came out in 2001, I went to watch it. I was deeply shocked by the alternative life of John Nash, the genius mathematician in it, and also felt sorry for his wife Alicia about her husband. I am deeply moved by my persistence for decades.

I remember Caltech is in Pasadena. Nora, is your inspiration also about genius scientists? "


Mrs. Bin changed her previous calm and elegant attitude and said with some excitement: "There are many geniuses in the world, but the world of genius is often far away from us. The prototype of a beautiful soul is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and the father of game theory. , Professor John Nash, professor of mathematics at Princeton.

And the character I want to explore this time is exactly the same, but I can’t reveal any more information for the time being without his permission, but believe me, the story of this genius scientist is definitely more exciting~”

"Owen, I remember you are the mathematics professor at Caltech. Do you know who Mrs. Bing wants to interview?"

Rachel looked up at Owen.


Everyone looked over in unison.

"This shouldn't be difficult."

Joey analyzed: "The Eternal Gun Choir is so famous. If it has any contact with the talented scientists from Caltech, there must be information on the Internet. We can check it online and find out."


Ross patted Joey on the shoulder, took out his phone and was about to rummage through it.


Owen grinned and said with a bit of pain: "No need to check. If I guess correctly, the person Mrs. Bin wants to find is me."


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