
Friends Apartment.

Room 6A.

"Hi, everyone."

"Hi, Owen."

"Rachel is still in the bedroom, please wait a moment."


Owen came here to pick Rachel up for a date. Like Leslie Winkle, although a long chaotic life was exciting and exciting, it felt good to have an ordinary date once in a while.

Just like a person who is used to eating a lot of fish and meat, he occasionally eats green vegetables and tofu, scraping oil. But this can only be done occasionally, because it is the nature of carnivores to eat meat...

Now that she has just escaped from marriage, the very young Rachel Green is definitely at the peak of her looks. Even if it is tofu, it belongs to Xishi tofu, which is very consistent with Owen's oil-shaping standards.


Ross held a can of beer in his hand and murmured sadly: "This is Carol's favorite beer."


Chandler was speechless.

"She never uses cans. I should have known she was lesbian."

Ross said seriously.


Chandler couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Carol was Ross's ex-wife. She was pregnant with Ross's child, but she came out and lived with a lesbian. This was a big blow to Ross. Everything he saw reminded him of his relationship with Carol. past.

"Rose, is Carol the only woman you've ever been in contact with?"

Owen watched with great interest and couldn't help laughing.

"How did you know?"

Ross was startled.

"Holy shit!"

Chandler exclaimed: "Is this true? Ross, you only did it with Carol?"


Although Rose didn't want to show weakness in front of Irving, under Irving's penetrating gaze, he couldn't say the words of denial and responded weakly.

"Owen, you're not a psychiatrist, are you?"

Monica asked curiously.

"That's not true. My Ph.D. is in mathematics."

Irving smiled and said, "Now I'm a professor of mathematics at Caltech."

"Professor of mathematics?"

Monica and others looked at each other in confusion. They guessed again and again, but they couldn't put Owen and the math professor together.

"So young?"

Ross was very surprised: "Assistant professor?"

"No, full professor."

Owen smiled reservedly.

"Oh, my god!"

Ross exclaimed: "How is this possible!"

"Any questions?"

Monica and others were not engaged in academic research and could not understand the difference at all. Seeing Ross so shocked, she asked curiously.


After Ross told them about the gap, everyone took a breath, and their eyes on Irving suddenly changed.

Ross used to be a genius in their eyes. He got a doctorate in archeology, worked as an archaeologist in a museum, and was also a lecturer at a university. He earned a lot of money and had the highest social status among everyone.

But according to Rose, Irving, who is similar to him in age, actually beat him 18 times. How sharp is this!

In the chain of scientific contempt, archaeologists, geographers, writers, etc., belong to the lowest level and have always been the objects of contempt. If Sheldon were here, he would definitely roll his eyes in disgust: "Archaeologists, oh ~"

"I have a good friend Matthew who looks a lot like you."

Owen smiled calmly and said: "I have only been with one girlfriend in so many years. The last time we broke up, I would think of the past between him and his girlfriend when he encountered anything."

"and after?"

Ross asked empathetically.

"Time will dilute everything."

Owen's lips curled up: "But there are ways to speed up this process. According to my good friend Barney's peak and mountain theory, the average man's brain can only store a certain number of peak and mountain shapes. Unless you store new images, they will not disappear. .”


Monica couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Is there really such a theory?"

Ross was surprised.

"of course not."

Owen smiled and said: "This is nonsense made by Barney, but this sentence is very reasonable. From the perspective of memory, you don't even have other sample memories in your mind that can be compared. Naturally, you have a very deep memory of the only data. So much so that my mind is often filled with this only memory.”

"Your friend Barney is such a master."

Chandler exclaimed.


Owen chuckled: "You can think of Barney as the ultimate version of Joey."

"Oh, my god!"

Monica was stunned and said: "Is there anyone more romantic than Joey?"


Owen smiled reservedly and did not say the words 'I am the enhanced version of Barney'. He changed the topic and said: "Ross, if necessary, I can introduce Barney to you. For your situation, he I love helping and enlightening the most.”

"How to enlighten me?"

Chandler wondered.

"Strip dance club starts."

Owen said truthfully: "Since the sample memory is insufficient, then increase it quickly. Where else can we increase the sample memory faster than a striptease club?"

"yellow website?"

Chandler said subconsciously.

"This is different."

Owen shook his head and smiled: "The number of pictures on the Internet is indeed huge, but it is useless for increasing memory samples. It must be experienced personally in reality to be effective. Rose should understand this, right?"

"How does it feel?"

Joey suddenly opened the door and came in.

"We are listening to Professor Owen's lecture, and now we are talking about Ross's problem with yellow pictures."

Chandler turned around and looked at Joey's outfit, and smiled: "What are you doing, putting on makeup on purpose?"

“Yellow picture~”

Joey pointed at Ross with both hands and said with an ambiguous smile: "I must share it if I have the chance."

"I don't……"

Ross retorted without confidence.

“Guess who got the role in Al Pacino’s new movie?”

Joey said with suppressed excitement.

"Oh, god!"

Monica exclaimed: "Joy, it's you, you succeeded, what role did you play?"

"Can you imagine?"

Joey did not answer, and continued to talk to himself: "He is the reason why I started my acting career. I like him so much, and now I actually have the opportunity to cooperate with him!"

"Seriously, what are you acting?"

After everyone cheered, Ross asked.

"I play%¥ # ¥%"


"I said I played Al Pacino's ass!"

Seeing that he couldn't deal with it, Joey simply told the truth: "That is, he walked into the bathroom, and then I exposed my butt for him."

"Hahaha! ×n!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"What happened?"

Rachel dressed up and walked out stunningly.

Rose's eyes were full of complexity, and even the comedy of Joey acting as a butt substitute couldn't suppress the sour feeling in his heart.

"Goodbye, everyone."

"Bye, Owen."

Owen took Rachel and left, leaving Ross with a disappointed look. Carol was just his ex-wife, but Rachel was his true love...

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