Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 133 Storm of Public Opinion

New York.

In a Chinese restaurant.

"You must be the founder of the Eternal Spear, the legendary tuner and supreme conductor they call it."

Mrs. Bin enthusiastically stepped forward and held Owen's hand. She looked up and down and greeted him excitedly.

"Owen Lee."

Owen greeted with a wry smile: "It's not that exaggerated, I'm just a mathematician."

"Let's sit down and talk."

Monica reminded.


Mrs. Bin held Owen's hand and sat down next to him, then said attentively: "Owen, can you tell me about your experience in detail?"


Irving refused: "I don't want to make this kind of private matter public."


Mrs. Bin puzzled: "If they hadn't lied to me, your experience would have been a legendary story that showed the charm and glory of your man! If it were anyone else, they would even be eager to publicize it."

"I'm not someone else, am I?"

Owen laughed.

"The licensing fee is negotiable."

Mrs. Bin skillfully seduced him: "You may not know that the sales volume of each book I write starts with one million copies. Once your legendary story is completed, I believe the sales volume will be even more explosive. With the subsequent For film and television rights, the licensing fees you can get will definitely be astronomical."

"Neither money nor fame means anything to me."

Owen smiled reservedly and calmly: "I am a pure mathematician. When money reaches a certain level, it is really just a string of numbers, so I'm sorry, I still can't promise you. Besides, if you can, I hope you won't mention it again in the future." There is a message about me and the Eternal Spear.”

In the United States, copyright protection is very good. If Irving, the person involved, did not authorize it, Mrs. Bin would not be able to write it. Irving also inquired about the leak of the Twelve Golden Hairpins of the Eternal Gun.

I have to admire Mrs. Bing's skills. When she was getting drunk at a party with Karen and the others, she heard them keep saying the name Owen, and she was very sensitive to the story. So she used words to lure the drunken Kay. Lun and the others spoke out.

After hearing the legendary story of Irving, Mrs. Bin, as a writer, especially a writer of Liu Bei, was so inspired that she came up with the previous play.

"Think about it again."

Mrs. Bin looked disappointed and said unwillingly: "I know that as a top scientist, you are not short of money and fame, but it would be a pity to let such a legendary story be hidden in history."

"Perhaps one day I will authorize someone else to write a biography."

Owen said firmly: "But definitely not now!"

"All right."

Mrs. Bin said disappointedly: "If one day comes and I am still alive, I hope you can authorize me, and I will definitely write your legendary story very wonderfully."


Owen smiled and agreed, but he complained in his heart: "Stop joking! Do you want me to be the leading actor of Liu Bei? Don't even think about such a thing."

"Mrs. Bing, I am your fan."

Rachel said enthusiastically: "When I first saw you writing "Cool at Midnight", all I could think about was that I also wanted to be a writer."

Owen's mouth twitched and he thought to himself: "This is America. Liu Bei's books can be popular, appear in public in a serious manner, and be discussed enthusiastically..."

"Don't say that."

Mrs. Bin said modestly: "Everyone can do what I can do. You just need to start by describing a few European cities and use more than 30 euphemistic words to describe the man's brother, and then, boom! Your book is ready." Got it!"


Owen was amazed.

These words may seem crude, but they are deeply rooted in Liu Bei's book "Truth, Greatness and Simplicity". Writing a book in this way will definitely have an audience.


Mrs. Bin looked at Owen again and asked tentatively: "Although I can't write a book now, can you tell us about your legendary stories? Everyone wants to hear it, right?"


Joey raised his hands and shouted: "Tell us about it, we promise not to spread it!"

"Yeah, let's talk about it."

Rachel pushed Owen and said curiously.

"Mrs. Bing should tell you."

Owen pushed it out with his backhand. He also wanted to know how much the other party knew.


Mrs. Bin's eyes flashed and she responded readily: "If there is anything wrong in what I said, you have to point it out."


"Oh, my god!"


"Are you kidding me?"

"Jesus Christ!"

"I can not believe it!"


After that, all kinds of exclamations and gasps came one after another.

Owen smiled bitterly. He always felt that it would not be good for him to make this kind of thing public, and his feeling was not wrong.

In fact, when Mrs. Bin said those words in the TV interview, even the stupid Joey could think of a way. How could the various media and so many fans of Eternal Gun not think of it.

After cross-searching the Guns of Eternity and Caltech, Irving was immediately targeted. Irving and the others could not be interviewed for the time being, so they all flocked to the Guns of Eternity Chorus, bombarded with all kinds of sharp and large-scale questions. After going to Irving's alma mater, North Shore High School, where Gun of Eternity was founded, for on-the-spot interviews and excavations, news headlines that shocked the American people came out one after another.

Chinese-American scientist conquers the Spear of Eternity!

The spear of eternity belongs to this man!

Zhang Erwan in the scientific world!

The Twelve Golden Hairpins and the story this man has to tell!

The most powerful man on earth!

The secret of the Eternal Gun!

Various clickbait parties worked together to create an instant sensation in the United States. Although Guns of Eternity has become somewhat outdated in recent years, after all, it has been popular for more than ten years and has gathered a lot of fans.

You can imagine that a foreign scientist, or even an African brother, has this kind of connection with the most popular girl group on the other side, or swept the four major and four minor celebrities, as a man on the other side and the most popular girl group and idols. What do your fans think?

I'm afraid there are many people who want to eat this African brother alive!

Although the United States claims to be free and democratic and constantly promotes racial equality in various blockbusters, the more it promotes, the more it lacks. The United States has the most serious racial discrimination.

In the chain of discrimination, Chinese Americans are far inferior to their African brothers and can be said to be at the bottom. When Irving's deeds were unearthed and even artificially distorted and amplified, you can imagine how American men felt.

Although Owen is a "beautiful soul", how many American people are willing to accept this beauty after it is painted with a layer of yellow?

Very few!

A storm of public opinion began to sweep towards Irving...

PS: Thanks to Huanjian Piaoxian and Sebastian for their super rewards! It will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, and the three chapters will be released together. If you like this book, please subscribe and support it. Thank you!

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