Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 130 Irving is poisonous

New York.

Central Park Cafe.

"Barry's chief best man?"

Monica sat on the chat-only sofa and yelled at Rachel, who was dressed up as a waiter but showed no professionalism as a waiter: "Rachel, are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, this is too, too..."

Ross jumped out to echo, but under the scrutinizing gazes of everyone, especially Rachel's bright big eyes, he panicked and forgot his words.

"I also know that this is not good~"

Rachel struggled: "But you also know that Barry went too far. Not only did he go on my honeymoon with my chief bridesmaid, give her a hair transplant and wear contact lenses, but he also said that he was not happy with me at all before. Being with Mindy is the real happiness, oh, god! I'm so angry."

"We all understand."

Chandler said seriously: "I heard that you scolded Barry all night long~"

"Barry really went too far."

Joey lowered his head slightly, winked and said, "Barry and your chief bridesmaid, you and Barry's chief best man, clapping in retaliation. Although it's exciting, you have to pay attention to your health~"

Ross glared at Joey unhappily, looked at Rachel, and said hesitantly: "So, Rachel, who is this Owen? I mean, apart from his status as the chief best man, where did he come from? !”


Rachel racked her brains for a long time, then patted her head and said, "Ha, I remembered that I vaguely heard Barry say that Owen is a doctor!"

"Another doctor~"

Chandler smiled casually and said: "Rachel, isn't your father also a doctor?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

Rachel was stunned and said subconsciously.


Chandler was speechless and said perfunctorily: "I guessed."

After saying that, he turned around and grinned secretly at everyone.

Everyone smiled knowingly, knowing that Rachel had a bit of an Electra complex, and had little resistance to various doctors. The reason why she ran away from being married to Barry, a doctor, was probably because Barry was not handsome enough, and she wanted someone like Owen to applaud her in revenge. Handsome doctor, they are not weird at all.


Rose's expression became even worse and he asked, "Is it the same doctor as Barry, or the same doctor as me?"

No matter what kind of doctor (the word doctor and doctor are both used), it means that Owen's social status is no worse than him, and it also means that the possibility of the other party and Rachel coming true is greatly increased, which is what Ross doesn't want to hear.


Rachel thought about it distressedly, but her mind was filled with indescribable thoughts, and she didn't have many other memories of Owen...

"Ha! I know."

Just as Ross' face became worse and worse, Rachel clapped her hands and shouted: "Irving should be a doctor like you, because he is not a doctor like my dad and Barry at all..."


The corner of Ross's mouth twitched, and his sitting position changed again and again. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Rachel again.

"That's not right either!"

Rachel shouted: "He seems to be the same doctor as Barry again~"

"What's not like yet similar?"

Monica said speechlessly: "Owen is Barry's chief best man, and I spent so long with you last night. You don't even know what he does?"

"I really do not know."

Rachel said embarrassedly: "I didn't pay attention before. I was very angry last night, and then my mind went blank. I'm still a little confused now."

"Doctors all have certain characteristics?"

Monica reminded: "Your father is a doctor, and Barry is a doctor. You should know what a doctor is like, right?"

"I know."

Rachel struggled: "So I said Owen is not like a doctor, but he is very familiar with the human body, oh, my god! I mean very, very familiar, do you understand?"


Joey smiled ambiguously: "Now I want to have a good exchange of experiences with this Owen~"

"Irving looks like he's from the other side."

Phoebe answered: "I heard that people from the other side know that everyone knows the Kungfu from the other side and the witch doctor from the other side. Is that true?"


Chandler smiled and said: "Owen's witch doctor from the other side is so powerful, it can make people's minds go blank. I want to learn it~"

"Me too~"

Joey smiled ambiguously.


Monica glanced at her eldest brother's increasingly ugly face, patted them both, and said to Rachel: "So, Rachel, what do you think?"

"Yeah, this Owen is so good, it would be such a waste if you just use him as a revenge tool."

Phoebe's brain circuit is very strange: "Of course, if you really just think so, please tell me in advance. The witch doctors on the other side are all good at massage. You also know that I am a massage practitioner, and I am very, very familiar with the human body. Communicating with men will definitely improve my work ability.”

When Monica heard this, she was also quite moved, but she suppressed it rationally in an instant.

"I, I don't know either."

Rachel murmured: "But being with Owen is so happy, a happiness I have never thought of, like, like..."

"Like D grade!"

Ross answered unhappily.


Rachel didn't notice Ross's attitude, or she selectively ignored it.

Just like Ross told her that he had always had a crush on her, she said that she had always known it, and later said that she had no idea that Ross loved her deeply. It seemed very contradictory, but in fact, the mentality reflected was that of a goddess.

For a proud girl like her, it is very common to be secretly loved by others. She knows it but does not reveal it. She stays away and enjoys the admiration of more people. This is a qualified goddess...

"It's like D-grade. Although I haven't tasted it, I know that the feeling is even stronger than D-grade!"

"Because you've tasted this, haha~"

Joey nodded and smiled, with an ambiguous look on his face.

"I believe."

Chandler said solemnly: "Because even D products can't keep you going for 6 hours straight, just like no matter how much we love smoking, we can't smoke for 6 hours straight!"


Ross stood up and shouted. When he saw everyone, especially Rachel, they looked over in surprise. The corners of his mouth twitched and he forced a smile and said, "Just now it suddenly occurred to me that I was going to accompany Carol for a pregnancy test, and her lace girl was also there with her. My girlfriend is a little upset."


Rachel nodded in understanding.


Monica glanced at Ross sympathetically and said seriously: "Rachel, has he asked you to meet next time?"

"An appointment."

Rachel tilted her head and thought for a moment: "The time is set on the weekend."

"It's only Tuesday."

Phoebe counted on her fingers: "There are still three days, oh, something is not good."


Rachel wondered.

"How can someone who is so passionately in love resist not seeing each other for such a long time?"

Phoebe laughed.

"No la."

Rachel denied: "We are not in love at all, how can we be in love!"

"It seems you don't even know where he works?"

Monica didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That's not true."

Rachel shook her head and said, "He seems to be in California. He flew here overnight."


Everyone was stunned.

"Any questions?"

Rachel said confusedly.

"No problem at all."

Chandler waved his hand and said: "One is in the easternmost part of the United States, and the other is in the westernmost part of the United States. The distance is only 4,000 kilometers. There is no problem at all."

"It seems there is nothing possible between you."

As Monica spoke, she secretly patted Ross. Ross sat down again, his face looking much better.

In the United States, every ten-year-old child knows that long-distance relationships are impossible to succeed...

PS: Thanks for the little reward every day!

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