New York.

Friends Apartment.

Room 6A.

"Monica, what are you doing?"

After the door was pushed open by a pair of handsome white young men, they saw a girl in a nightgown with her ear pressed against the door of the bedroom. The shorter young man had a meaningful smile on his lips: "Are you listening to the corner?"

"Oh, my god! Where did the giant panda come from? Where did you catch Monica?"

Another handsome young man looked exaggerated and funny.


Monica, the girl in the nightgown, stopped eavesdropping and walked towards the two of them. She put her finger to her mouth to tell them to shut up, and said with a strange smile with a pair of panda eyes: "There is someone in Rachel's room~"

"Is there anyone?"

The smile on the corner of the shorter handsome young man's mouth became even weirder: "Of course we know there are people, but actually I prefer that there is no one inside~"

"Oh, Shut up, Joey!"

Monica and the two of them are old friends. Seeing Joey's expression, she didn't understand that the other party had fallen into the unhealthy fantasy of "girls fighting" again.

"Isn't Rachel very sad yesterday?"

Another handsome young man, Chandler, sat on the sofa, looked at Rachel's bedroom door, and asked in surprise.


Monica sat down and yawned heavily: "Rachel returned the wedding ring to Barry yesterday, only to find that Barry and her chief bridesmaid Mindy went on their honeymoon. It was a big blow to her. .”

"This doesn't look like it~"

Joey was rummaging for food in the kitchen and said jokingly.

"I didn't know after that."

Monica rolled her eyes and said: "I only know that in the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by the movement in Rachel's room, and then I couldn't fall asleep again. Oh, my god! I never knew that our room was so soundproofed before. Difference!"

"Are you kidding me?"

Joey was pouring milk. Hearing the rich connotations in Monica's words, Joey tilted his hand and the milk poured into his hand. He quickly put his hand to his mouth, licking it without wasting it and shouting in disbelief. Said: "The whole night? Are you still there now?"

With that said, he ran towards the bedroom door.

"It's just over."

Monica raised her wrist and looked at her watch: "What I know is 6 hours, from 1 am to 7 am, with no more than half an hour of quiet time in between."


Joey's eyes widened, and he said with a smile on his face: "If you can compete with me, Joey Tribbiani, Rachel will be in a very good mood today~"


The door was pushed open again, and a man and woman walked in. The man was honest and dull, and the woman had blond hair hanging over her shoulders, tall and beautiful.

"Why are you staring at Rachel's bedroom?"

"Hey Rose, Phoebe, guess who is the happiest woman in the world?"

Chandler waved his arm and said with an exaggerated smile.

"I know I know."

The blonde girl Phoebe rushed to raise her hand, but did not give an answer immediately. When everyone looked over, she smiled shyly: "Okay, I don't know, let me think about it."


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Ross' eyelids twitched, he pointed to Rachel's room and said hesitantly: "You're not talking about Rachel, are you? Could it be that she and Barry got back together?"

"I also want to know."

Monica glanced at Ross sympathetically and stretched out her hand to shake Ross's hand. How could she not know the thoughts of this brother who had a crush on her good friend Rachel since high school.

"But it shouldn't be Barry!"


Ross breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his lips, and asked, "Why?"

"I know I know!"

Phoebe already knew what happened from Joey at this time, raised her hands again and shouted: "Because Barry can't make Rachel so happy!"


Ross looked confused, but then he saw Joey's demonstration movements of three fingers on the left and right. After understanding the meaning of happiness, his face suddenly turned green...

Monica glared at Joey fiercely and comforted: "Ross, are you okay? In fact, the truth may not be what we imagined..."

"Yes, yes, maybe Rachel suddenly fell in love with music, practiced her voice all night, and even taught herself baritone!"

Before Monica finished her words, Chandler started to use humor again.


Joey laughed, pointed at Chandler, winked, and gave a thumbs up.

"Hi guys."

At this time, the bedroom door opened, and a blond beauty in pajamas lazily greeted everyone.

"Hi Rachel~"

Except for Ross, Phoebe and the others all greeted Rachel with a drawl and a meaningful smile on their faces.

Rachel was startled, seeing Monica pointing at her neck to remind her of something, and suddenly thought of something, a blush flashed across her moist face, she smiled sheepishly, and walked into the bathroom quickly.

"Wow, it looks like Rachel is really happy~"

Phoebe couldn't help but exclaim.

"I'm becoming more and more interested in who's inside."

The corners of Joey's lips curled up: "Come out, I hope it's a beautiful woman~"


Monica took the pillow and gave Joey a hard blow.


At this time, a handsome Asian young man walked out of the bedroom. Faced with everyone staring at him, he said hello without restraint.


Monica, Chandler, and Joey responded normally.

Ross just moved his lips, while Phoebe exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Hey, hunk~"

Monica couldn't help but cover her face: "Rachel, why don't you introduce me to everyone."

When Rachel heard the noise outside, she quickly ran out of the bathroom, grabbed her pajamas tightly to cover the red mark on her neck, walked to the Asian young man, faced everyone, and awkwardly introduced both parties: " Guys, this is Irving, Irving, this is, this is everyone!”

"Hi, Owen~"

Monica and others said hello in unison.

"Hi, everyone~"

Owen glanced at these familiar faces, and pointed out their identities one by one in the surprised eyes of everyone: "You must be Monica, you are Phoebe, you are..."

"How did you know?"

Rachel was a little confused.

"You told me."

Owen's lips curled up: "We talked about you last night, and after listening to your introduction, you completely match the impression in my mind."

"Haha, let's chat tonight~"

Joey winked and laughed inexplicably: "I heard you guys chatted all night, no wonder you recognized us~"

"Shut up! Joey."

Monica gave Joey another hug with the pillow, coughed lightly, and asked, "So, Owen, how did you and Rachel meet?"

"Do you know Barry?"

Owen smiled: "I am his chief best man!"


Everyone was stunned. They looked at Rachel who was embarrassed, and then at Owen who was standing with a smile. The scene suddenly became quiet. Only Joey nodded slightly and showed a meaningful smile...

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