Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 128 Genuine Guard Howard


Staff cafeteria.

"Sheldon, how do you feel about going to class with Leonard?"

Owen teased.


Sheldon looked disgusted and said in a drawled voice: "It's such a waste of time to teach these Labradors. I really can't figure out why anyone would instill the misconception that hard work will lead to success in mortals like them. With their qualifications, can they one day make great contributions to theoretical physics?

Huh~ The person who said this is simply deceiving them, and is deceiving them to death! I feel so sad for the future of science! "

"I guess the expressions on those graduate students' faces will be very exciting after listening to Sheldon's class~"

Howard quipped.

"You can't even imagine it."

Leonard looked helpless: "One graduate student even vomited!"

He regretted asking Sheldon to give lectures to the newly admitted graduate students. Of course, it was not completely without benefits. At least the graduate students who had listened to Sheldon's lectures would find that Dr. Hofstadter still had a very charming personality... …

"Ha ha."

Rajesh added: "I guess when Sheldon turns around, all the graduate students will raise their middle fingers."

"That's not the case."

Owen glanced at a figure from the corner of his eye, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Maybe there are graduate students who admire Sheldon very much, or even female graduate students?"

Leonard and the three of them were stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Owen, are you kidding me? Are there any graduate students, or female graduate students, who admire Sheldon?"

"Dr. Cooper?"

At this time, a girl came over excitedly: "I'm Ramona Nowitzki. I listened to your class last night. I think you are really a genius."

"Most people feel that way."

Sheldon was extremely narcissistic about his genius, so he replied calmly.

Ramona is a true fan of Sheldon and has read all of Sheldon's papers. After a conversation, Sheldon was quite surprised and promoted her from a stupid Labrador to a wise Labrador. Brad Retriever…

"Holy shit!"

After Ramona left, Howard shouted in shock, "What did I just see? A woman actually pursued Sheldon?"

"Can we date a female graduate student?"

Rajesh wondered.


Owen said very definitely: "As long as you can get an appointment with them, you can go on a date with them."

Leonard and Howard showed clear expressions, and the envy in their eyes could not be concealed.

"Damn! Always setting me up."

Rajesh complained weakly.

"Leonard, are there any similar courses?"

Howard said excitedly: "Next time you also invite me to be a guest. I must show my charm in front of these fresh and delicious freshmen."

"Feel sorry."

Leonard said seriously: "Being a guest must be a doctor, so~"

After saying this, Leonard showed a mean smile: "But your suggestion is very good. I used to be too casual. What just happened made me understand that even Sheldon can attract girls. I can definitely do it too. It's time to show Huo The charm of Dr. Forstadt.”


Howard's mouth twitched and he glared at Leonard hatefully. Leonard's words were rough and rude. He didn't have a doctorate, so he really couldn't learn Sheldon's operations. But who was he, Howard? Just kidding, how could there be no workaround?

"Hey, babies, eat some more delicious pies, store more fat, reduce your charm, and keep those dirty handsome men away from you, daddy, I can wait~"



"You are such a talent!"

Owen sighed: "You can be the king in the obscene world!"

"Agree! ×2!"

Leonard and Rajesh nodded in agreement.


Howard accepted the compliments from Irving and the other three without changing his expression.

Ding dong!

Owen's cell phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it. The corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously and he pressed the button.

"Hey Rachel. Calm down, I know, come over now? No problem! I'll be there tonight!"

After hanging up the phone, Irving stood up and smiled at everyone: "There are things to deal with in New York, guys, see you later."

"The woman's phone call must be from some grudge looking for Owen again. God, if only I had one-tenth of Owen's charm."

After Irving left, Howard said enviously.

"Don't say one-tenth, I'm satisfied with one percent."

Leonard pouted.

"Me too."

Rajesh nodded in agreement.

"Based on the frequency of Owen's coitus, you will never reach one percent of his in this lifetime."

Sheldon stabs himself every day: "Leonard can't even reach one thousandth."

"come on!"

Leonard shouted: "How is this possible! Why can't I even reach one thousandth?"

"This is real."

Sheldon raised his head, looked directly at Leonard, and said seriously: "According to calculations, so far, the total number of women Owen has loved has reached 5,210, plus or minus 66, or one thousandth is 5.2. We Let’s take it as 5 people, Leonard, how many women have you loved?”

"I'm coitus... don't say coitus again!"

Leonard yelled, "I've been with a lot of women, okay?"

"for example?"

Howard was on the sidelines to make up for the damage.

"There's Joyce King, Leslie Winkle..."

At this point, Leonard paused because he really couldn't go on.

"We should inform the editors of Oxford Dictionaries that the word 'many' has been redefined as 'two'."

Sheldon saw blood.

"Ha! I despise you!"

After Howard laughed at Leonard, he raised his head, adjusted his tight collar, and said with a proud smile: "Sheldon, you still have the vision, the data is very accurate, one percent, which is 52 people, is the same as the actual Very good fit.

If you don't tell me, I really haven't noticed that, except for Owen, I am the most manly among us! "

This smile was so annoying that Leonard wanted to throw the dinner plate in his face.

"come on!"

Leonard yelled, "Howard can have 52 people?"

"Of course."

Sheldon said seriously: "Based on Howard's experience, the number of people he can coitus in his lifetime is indeed close to 52, of which 48 are paid."


Howard stood stunned on the spot.

Leonard's mouth corners were raised high, and he said in a drawled voice: "Ha, that's it~ Then what happens after removing the paid quantity?"

"You still want to ask me such a simple mathematical calculation?"

Sheldon's brain circuit was completely different from Leonard's, and he muttered: "52-48, of course it's 4 people."

"Thanks, Sheldon."

Leonard looked at Howard mockingly: "This data is indeed very accurate~ Don't you think so, Howard?"

Rajesh added: "I can testify that this data is very accurate, haha!"


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