Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 127 Blood-sucking fangs (please recommend!)

Los Angeles.

Griffith Park.

As the largest urban park in the United States, it is world-famous because of the five-story giant Hollywood English sign on the hill. It is the first choice place for citizens around Los Angeles to spend weekends.

This time the Renaissance Festival is held in Griffith Park.

When Irving and others parked the car and followed the flow of people to a corner of the park, the place had broken away from the modern city and turned into a medieval world.

'Ancient people' in various costumes gathered together in small groups, chatting happily. The surrounding facilities were replaced with Renaissance ones by service personnel sent by the local Renaissance Festival organizer and Jinkao Company. Imitation antiques.


"Wow, indeed~"

The first two sounds were the murmurs of Leonard and Rajesh, and the exaggerated exclamation in the back was undoubtedly made by the wretched Howard.


Howard not only sighed, but also greeted the service staff of Jinko Company obscenely. Some of the plump waitresses had to put on the corsets worn by medieval women because of this special holiday.

Each of these service staff rolled their eyes, looked at Howard with disgust, and turned away, because from Howard's sight, it was obvious that he was not greeting them...

“I like it here~”

Howard followed the cruel waitress with his eyes and murmured obscenely: "This year's Renaissance Festival is the best one I have ever seen~"

"You have to be kidding!"

Sheldon's eyes widened and he pointed at the retro facilities and shouted: "This is simply the worst ever. Look at these facilities that are full of historical common sense errors. The big-bellied wine glasses are actually made of polypropylene. You guys Can you imagine? Jesus Christ! You can't just add the word "retro" in front of everything, which means everything is retro..."

"you sure?"

Emily leaned into Owen's ear and said a few words. Owen's eyes lit up, and when he saw Emily return a positive smile, he raised the corner of his mouth and said to Leonard and others: "You guys go shopping first, I want Take Emily to the Inquisition for trial.”


Leonard and the other three were immediately stunned.


But Sheldon's eyes lit up, he raised his hand and said, "I'll go too."


Owen coughed lightly and refused: "The scene of the heresy trial will be very yellow and violent, and it is not suitable for you to watch. Okay, that's it, no need to wait for us."

After saying that, without waiting for Sheldon to protest, Owen pulled Emily away.

"Isn't it the Inquisition?"

Sheldon had Vulcan hearing and heard Owen asking the service staff in the distance, and said in confusion: "Why is Owen looking for a nearby cemetery?"

"Holy crap!"

Rajesh exclaimed: "Emily is not really a vampire, is she?"

"The more I talk about it, the more it gets to people."

This time, even Leonard couldn't bear it anymore: "Sheldon, are you sure Owen is asking about the cemetery?"


Sheldon nodded affirmatively.

"come on!"

Seeing that the three of them were in a state of horror, Howard looked astonished. He didn't bother to tease Sheldon anymore, and directly used his 'super powers' to tell the truth: "Irving is obviously going to enjoy happiness." Now, Emily is a doctor and has some special hobbies, that’s normal, right?”


Leonard was unsure: "Going to the cemetery? Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

Howard rolled his eyes: "If it were me, as long as I could be happy, I would go to the most terrifying place without saying anything. What a fuss you are making!"

Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Located in the Hollywood Hills in the northern suburbs of Los Angeles, adjacent to Griffith Park, it has picturesque scenery and a peaceful environment.

It was already dusk.

"Don't tell me that one of your ex-boyfriends is buried here?"

Owen came here at Emily's suggestion, looked around at the endless tombstones, and joked.

"What would you think if I said yes?"

Emily was noncommittal and smiled mysteriously.


Irving was not Rajesh. He laughed when he heard this: "If it is true, please point out his location. I will go say hello to him and say thank you."


Emily was stunned.

"Of course thank you."

Owen smiled brightly: "Because of him, it's more interesting and exciting. Shouldn't I say thank you to him?"

"It should be."

The corners of Emily's mouth curled up, revealing two fangs. Under the dim sunset light, they exuded a different kind of brilliance: "But it's a pity..."

"No regrets."

Owen hugged Emily, stretched out his hand to stroke the fangs at the corner of her mouth, and said pointedly: "I have always wanted to see how powerful a vampire's blood-sucking fangs are~"


Emily understood and was speechless at Owen's shameless sexual advances: "Aren't you afraid of dying from excessive blood loss?"

"It doesn't matter."

Owen smiled brightly and said, "Even if I lose ten times the amount of blood, I won't die~"

Emily looked around and saw the dead silence all over the place. The dark hobby deep in her heart burst out violently. She pushed Owen hard, pushed Owen to the ground, and opened his fangs.


Time passed quickly, and when the moon was at its zenith, waves of wolf howls echoed in Forest Lawn Cemetery. This was America, and the natural environment was well protected, so it was normal for wolves to howl in the forest.

Griffith Park Car Park.

"It's already eight o'clock. Owen and Emily haven't come back yet, and the phone can't be reached. Should we wait for them?"

Leonard struggled.

"Wait for them? Don't be stupid!"

Howard said with envy: "Maybe they are rolling on which tombstone? How about we go over to find them? I really want to see how exciting the live version of Werewolf vs. Vampire is~"

"Me too~"

Rajesh had a rippling smile on his face.

In the end, Howard and Rajesh's sexual proposal was rejected, and the four of them drove away first. When they returned to the TBBT apartment, they met Penny and her new boyfriend, and the scene was very awkward.

Early next morning.

A bar box somewhere.

Leslie Winkle woke up from a hangover and looked around at a large group of unknown men and women. She was in a daze for a while. She had experienced similar hangovers countless times. She used to enjoy it, but now she has a headache. I once felt that this kind of life was quite boring.

I took the phone and saw a text message from Howard. I clicked on it and saw that it read: "The relationship between Leonard and Penny has blown away like blue ice thrown from the airplane toilet."

Leslie raised the corner of her mouth and quickly replied: "LOL! (laugh out loud)", pushed away the thigh that was pressing on her, pulled off the scattered clothes, put them on casually, stepped on the crowded crowd, and left Went to the bar, walked around the apartment, took a shower, changed clothes, and transformed back into the female scientist whom Sheldon called his mortal enemy...

PS: Thank you for the tip that I am your destined husband!

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