Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 126 Dark Temperament (Group No. 710235464)

TBBT Apartments.

"Oh~ I'm that smelly fish."

Leonard chose to try to set a date for his next date, only to receive Penny's constant pushback.

Even he knew that he was not the 'delicious meal that Petunia would savor endlessly' as he imagined, but the 'stinky fish that Petunia wanted to spit out right away' in Howard's mouth.

The good feeling I had about myself suddenly collapsed, and I lay on the sofa wailing all day.

Next to him, Sheldon's eyes twitched, and he was restless as he was tortured by the secret that Penny forcibly imposed on him. After asking Penny to lift the secret to no avail, he decisively chose to escape from the apartment.

First, he stayed in Rajesh's apartment, then he was kicked away by Rajesh and sent to Howard's house. Finally, Howard gave him a few sleeping pills and sent him back to Leonard.

Because not everyone has the strong endurance developed through Leonard's bizarre upbringing, and has the greatest tolerance for Sheldon's difficulties.

As for why not send it to Irving? Come on, in their eyes, Irving is the kind of strong man who plays and sings every night, which is not convenient at all.

Sheldon, who was drugged, became confused and revealed the secret that Penny came to him with some inferiority complex to ask if she could go on with Leonard.

Leonard thought he had found the best solution, so he happily found Penny with the admission guide to Pasadena City School (the kind with the lowest requirements, anyone can attend), hoping to make Penny's dream come true in the city. College dream, the results can be imagined...

Fortunately, this time Leonard knew where he had made a mistake. His mental state was much better than before, and he calmly accepted the failure of this date.

Two weeks later.

Renaissance Festival.

Because the United States is a country of immigrants and does not have a long history on the other side, it has a lot to offer in terms of exploring its own history and heritage.

The Renaissance Festival is one of them.

They are held regularly or irregularly in various places. They are usually outdoor retro weekend parties, open to everyone. Everyone can wear costumes from the Renaissance to the Elizabethan period to have a carnival. The main focus is to restore that era, and of course there may be some. Fantasy elements (elves, centaurs, vampires, werewolves, etc.).

Needless to say, Sheldon and the others are indispensable for a party where cosplay can be done in public.

"Heretic dares to set foot on sacred ground."

Sheldon was wearing the robe of a medieval Western monk and preacher, with a holy cross hanging around his neck. He saw Owen appearing with Emily dressed as a vampire, and shouted at Emily.


Emily looked at Owen speechlessly.

Owen returned a calm look and said to Sheldon: "This is a heretic I captured. I will bring him to trial."

Sheldon glanced at Owen's witcher costume, looked at Owen, shrugged, and put away his serious expression: "Okay."

"Okay, everyone is ready, let's set off."

Leonard suggested with a smile.

Sheldon shared a car with four people, and Owen and Emily shared a car.

When they got in the car, Emily opened her mouth, exposed her fangs, stared at Sheldon's neck that was very white and tender because he was too homely and often applied baby powder, and licked her tongue.


Sheldon's courage is smaller than that of a chicken (not a metaphor), Emily is carefully dressed up, coupled with her unique dark temperament, and her blood-sucking fangs open, Sheldon is a 'holy monk' 'I suddenly screamed in fright, hid behind Leonard, and began to tremble.


Emily laughed when she saw this, and her previous displeasure disappeared. She smiled at Owen and said, "I have a hunch that this is the most fun cosplay party I have ever attended."

"So are we."

Leonard looked at Sheldon's trembling appearance, with the corners of his mouth raised high.

Although he can tolerate Sheldon's various quirks, it doesn't mean that he likes it... or that he doesn't like it before he gets used to it. Therefore, every time he sees Sheldon being frustrated, it is a rare and painful experience in his life. enjoyment.

"what are you doing?"

At this time, Howard's puzzled voice came.

Everyone looked out and saw Rajesh grabbing Howard's arm, trembling slightly, too timid to look at Emily.

"Are you joking?"

Because there were girls around, Rajesh couldn't open his mouth to explain, so he lay down next to Howard's ear, and after biting his ear, Howard shouted speechlessly: "It doesn't matter that Sheldon is afraid of this, are you also afraid?"

"Hey, I like this journey more and more."

Emily chuckled, half revealing her fangs on both sides, and a mysterious smile on her face. Sheldon was so frightened that Sheldon hunched over and shrank behind the short Leonard again, while Rajesh held onto Howard tightly. arms, head lowered, staring at the ground, not daring to look directly.

"Okay, let's go."

in the car.

"Rajesh, are you sure you are not joking?"

Howard was very embarrassed by Rajesh's performance today.

"of course not."

There were no girls around, so Rajesh responded without any hindrance: "Didn't you notice? Emily has a mysterious dark temperament?"

"Yes! yes!"

Sheldon nodded repeatedly and patted his chest, looking like he was scaring the baby to death.


Leonard frowned and thought for a while while driving: "It seems to be a little bit~"

Howard suddenly said: "At the human plastination exhibition, I thought there was something wrong with her. Why would a normal girl be so interested in a skinless human body? Do you think she is really a vampire?"


The image of Emily opening her fangs and pointing at his neck once again appeared in Sheldon's mind, he crossed his arms and screamed in horror.

"She's a doctor, so it's normal to be interested in the human body, right?"

Leonard couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw that Howard was getting more and more outrageous.

"But isn't a doctor the best cover for a vampire?"

Howard leaned into Sheldon's ear and described in a very weird tone: "Think about those vampire-themed movies. Many vampires are doctors. With this identity, they can easily absorb blood, and they can also The hospital's database is used to filter 'food', and I'm not surprised at all that there are vampires who like the blood of geniuses with high IQs~"


Sheldon was almost scared to tears and shouted: "Leonard!!!"

"That's enough, Howard!"

Leonard silently glared at Howard from the rearview mirror. He also liked to see Sheldon in misfortune, but it was definitely not the kind of complete collapse.

Because once Sheldon completely collapses, it means that he will be tortured to the point of collapse by a madman!


Howard sat back in his seat and laughed.

Although Sheldon always laughs at Howard's education and work, Howard seizes the opportunity and pranks Sheldon quite a lot like he does now. The two are obviously in love with each other...

PS: Thanks to Mr. Bai and book friend 20180622224908067 for the reward! As it approaches release, the update time will be changed to 12:00 and 20:00.

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