Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 115 Talented Car God (please vote for recommendation!)

Driving range.


Before the bend, Owen yanked the handbrake with one hand, turned the steering wheel quickly with the other, and drifted around the bend. Naoya Fukada, who was sitting in the passenger seat, brightened up in surprise and exclaimed: "Beautiful!"

"Still a bit crafty."

Owen was not satisfied with this drift operation.

It was another corner, but Owen showed no intention of slowing down. Naoya Fukada was so frightened that he repeatedly exclaimed: "Slow down, slow down!"

"I know."

Irving said this, but he didn't do it at all. It was still the classic routine of handbraking, steering, and slamming the accelerator. This time because he didn't slow down in advance, the angle of the tail flick was very large. It looked like he was about to overturn, but it was stable. Drifted smoothly through the curve.

"You are so crazy..."

Naoya Fukada looked at Owen strangely and murmured: "But he is a talented driver! Oh my god, your drifting level just now was far better than mine. Are you sure this is your first time drifting?"

"I am sure."

Irving continued to drive and explained with a smile: "Maybe I have some talent."

"A little talented?"

Naoya Fukada looked at Owen's increasingly proficient driving skills and took a deep breath: "This is definitely the top racing talent! But for drifting like just now, you still have to slow down as much as possible in advance, otherwise it will be easy to overturn!"

"Do not worry."

Owen smiled confidently: "I have prepared all the relevant data in advance such as the coefficient of friction between the tires and the road, the speed of the car, braking force, accelerator, front wheel angle, weight distribution, wheelbase and wheelbase, suspension softness and hardness, etc. I’ve done the calculations, and the math tells me that it’s absolutely fine to drift around the corner at the speed just now!”


Fukada Naoya was stunned, and after a while he stammered and asked: "Are you kidding me? You said you can use mathematical calculations to calculate at what speed you can drift around corners without overturning?"


Owen smiled slightly: "It's very simple! You just need to build a mathematical model, then plug in all the relevant parameters, and then you can draw a conclusion. The mathematical results will not lie!"

"Can you teach me?"

Naoya Fukada looked at Owen expectantly. He didn't understand any mathematical model, but how to drift perfectly at the most appropriate speed is definitely a unique skill of the top racing drivers.


Owen's lips curled up: "But how is your mental arithmetic ability?"


Naoya Fukada had a question mark on his forehead.

Owen explained: “You see, among the various related influencing factors, vehicle weight distribution, wheelbase and wheelbase, and suspension softness and hardness are all determined in advance.

However, different road surfaces, changes in friction coefficient caused by tire wear, and changes in cornering angles caused by the presence or absence of other racing cars, all change randomly. You must calculate the answer in your head based on these changes in an instant to adjust the optimal Braking strength, throttle size and front wheel angle.

So if you want to use my method to drift around corners, you must have mental arithmetic abilities that surpass those of a computer. So how is your mental arithmetic ability? "


Naoya Fukada finally understood, and then said with a bitter and confused look: "This, this, if I had such a strong mental arithmetic ability, I probably wouldn't have entered the racing profession. I would have been a mathematician long ago, and now I am racing Do you also need such powerful mathematical calculation skills?"

"of course not."

Irving comforted him: "This is just my stupid way. Those truly top racing drivers don't have to go to such trouble at all. They can get the answer instantly by just feeling."


Naoya Fukada has begun to doubt life.

"it is true."

Owen nodded affirmatively, but there was something he didn't say in his heart: "It's purely based on feeling. Although it's mostly accurate, once something goes wrong, it's a big problem. How can mathematical calculations be reliable!"

Driving training continued. With continuous practice, Owen's driving skills became more and more powerful, so powerful that Naoya Fukada began to doubt whether he had the talent to continue.

Racing talent is related to reaction speed, spatial perception, dynamic vision, psychological quality, etc.!

In terms of reaction speed, Owen has a speed attribute of lv2+. In the universe of racing gods without superpowers, this is the ultimate reaction speed of a racing driver!

The sense of space is related to whether the spirit is strong or not. The stronger the spirit, the better the sense of space. To explain it in terms of Eastern fairy cultivation or Western super power fantasy, when the spirit is strong enough to a certain extent, it can be released to explore everything around it. .

Of course, there are examples in conventional physics. Let’s take Sheldon as an example. His lv5+ super intelligence supports his strong spatial imagination. He plays 3D chess, constructed a multi-dimensional space theory by himself, and verified string theory. It’s clear evidence!

Owen's lv5+ intelligence is definitely a unique super space talent in the racing world!

Dynamic vision, which is related to reaction speed and spatial perception. For Takumi Fujiwara in Initial D, for a while, it became very strange for him to see things while driving. It felt like everything outside seemed to be slowing down, but in fact it was him. It has become faster. This intertwined feeling of fast and slow is actually dynamic vision!

Therefore, Irving, who is absolutely number one in reaction speed and spatial sense, is also number one in dynamic vision!

These things are more like hardware in talent!

The mental quality when racing is the software of talent.

After all, racing is a fast movement. A slight accident can result in a car crash and death. Therefore, every top racing driver must have a strong psychological quality. He is so timid as Sheldon that he is chased around by chickens. A weakling, no matter how talented he is, he still can't drive a car.

Owen's stamina is an enhanced level 3-. Although it is not renewable at level 4, it also provides Owen with strong protection. The chance of surviving a rollover is far better than others, and he is already an old driver. How could the mental quality be poor?

Coupled with Irving's strong mathematical calculation ability, as long as Irving becomes proficient and equipped with a suitable car, if Irving is not a car god, who is a car god?

St. Juliana Hospital.

"Kyoko, the head nurse asked me to inform you that you have been transferred to work as an assistant to Dr. Kato."


Nanase Kyoko felt like she was struck by lightning.

The nurse who notified her looked at her strangely, repeated her words, and then left.

"Kyoko, how have you considered my suggestion?"

Kato Ryuji appeared out of nowhere with an evil smile on his face: "As long as you agree, I will teach Naoya my racing skills. By then, his career will be able to take it to the next level..."


Nanase Kyoko shouted: "No need! Naoya has Professor Owen, his driving skills must be better than yours!"

"Owen Lee?"

Kato Ryuuji was startled, then laughed loudly and said: "He is better than me? Hahaha! Interesting, interesting, it seems I need to show you who is the real driver..."

PS: Thanks to Guest Officer 01 for the tip!

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